global ing, the gradual increa of the temperature of the earth’s loosphere as a result of the increa in greenhou gas since the Industrial Revolution.
桜井心菜The temperature of the atmosphere near the earth’s surface is ed through a natural process called the greenhou effect. Visible, shortes from the sun to the earth, passing unimpeded through a blanket of thermal, or greenhou, gas compod largely of ethane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. Infrared radiation reflects off the planet’s surface toal blanket. Some of it is trapped and reflected doperature suitable to life, about 60°F (16°C).
全球变暖英语演讲稿Groenting the thermal blanket. It is generally accepted that this increa in the quantity of greenhou gas is trapping more heat and increasing global temperatures, making a process that has been beneficial to life potentially disruptive and harmful. During the past century, the atmospheric temperature has rin 1.1°F (0.6°C), a
nd a level has rin veral inches. Some projected, longer-term results of global ing include melting of polar ice, elts; profound changes in agriculture due to climate change; extinction of species as ecological niches disappear; more frequent tropical storms; and an incread incidence of tropical dias.
Among factors that may be contributing to global ing are the burning of coal and petroleum products (sources of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone); deforestation, ount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; methane gas relead in animal ethane production, and u of fossil fuels.
Much of the debate surrounding global ing has centered on the accuracy of scientific predictions concerning future ing. To predict global climatic trends, climatologists accumulate large historical databas and u them to create computerized models that simulate the earth’s climate. The validity of the models has been a subject of controversy. Skeptics say that the climate is too complicated to be accurately modeled, and that there are too many unknoe also question ate changes might simply reprent no
上火吃什么菜>鞋带的系法图解rmal fluctuations in global temperature. Nonetheless, for some time there has been general agreement that at least part of the obrved ing is the result of human activity, and that the problem needs to be addresd. In 1992, at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, over 150 nations signed a binding declaration on the need to reduce global ing.
In 1994, hoental Panel on Climate Change, concluded that reductions beyond tho envisioned by the treaty ing. The folloperature of from 1.44 to 6.3°F (0.8–3.5°文章老婆C) by 2100 if no action is taken to cut do 1 to 3.6°F (0.5–2°C) even if action is taken (becau of already relead gas that osphere).
辫A UN Conference on Climate Change, held in Kyoto, Japan, in 1997 resulted in an international agreement to fight global ing, issions of greenhou gas by industrialized nations. Not all industrial countries, homediately signed or ratified the accord. In 2001 the G. inistration announced it ing. Despite the American move, most other nations agreed later in the year (in Bonn, Germany, and in Marrakech, Morocco) on the details necessary
to convert the agreement into a binding international treaty, e into force in 2005 after ratification by more than 125 nations. 燕子
Improved automobile mileage, reforestation projects, energy efficiency in construction, and national support for mass transit are among relatively simpler adjustments that could significantly loents include a gradual the u of fossil fuels, the elimination of chlorofluorocarbons, and the sloies of developing nations. In 2002 the Bush administration propod veral voluntary measures for sloissions of greenhous gas