一,who we are now
1.But the president was openly ambivalent, too.
2.Becau who we are now-a country in which traditional barriers of race, age and gender are crumbling-flows in many ways from what LBJ did then.
3.Why exhume the long-dead Johnson on the occasion of one of the most engaging inaugural since George Washington took the oath at Federal Hall…
4.His conflicting language underscores the nation’s occasionally wary view of the changes wrought by immigration.
5.There is something quintesntially American about a lumbering班规初中 white man from Texas…
6.In the understandable thrill of the inaugural ason, all eyes are turned to this single man, all ears attuned to his voice.
7.Whatever your politics, the election of the 44th president reprents a kind of redemption
from the long and tragic history of blacks…
8.If you count a generation as roughly 21 years, he was off the mark, since the rapidly inspired backlash shaped politics for more than 40 years荆州旅游景点大全
9.In 1909,…propod a literary test to restrict the influx of the “Italians, Russians,Poles,Hungarians”…
10.Then,in1952,Congress pasd the…Act,which esntially made naturalization colorblind.(平等的对待不同肤色的人)
11.The tension between assimilation and paration is eternal, but there is no doubt that this flood of immigration and the breaking down of barriers between previously estranged (疏远的,隔离的)groups within the country has created a much more fluid culture than…
12.The key cohort is the 75 million-strong generation known as the millennials(1980-2000)
13.perennial:lasting for a long time or forever
14.The disparity between older and younger voters was greater in 2008 than at any other time…
15.The younger cohort is more diver than the general population, more female, more cular, less socially conrvative and more willing to describe themlves as liberals.
16.In the wake of a possible terrorist attack, fear could easily lead to tension, rent and discord.
17.witch hunts: an attempt to find and punish people with different opinions
18.allude to: mention sth. in an indirect way
19.momentous:very important
20.mythic:very famous
二,The lost generation
1.The most enduring harm is being done to young people who cannot grab onto the first rung of the career ladder.
2.Affected are a range of young people,from high school dropouts,to college grades,豆腐干怎么做好吃to newly minted lawyers and…
3.Studies suggest that an extended period of young joblessness can significantly depress lifetime income as people get sunk (unable to move)in jobs that are beneath their capabilities, or come to be en by employers as damaged goods.研究表明,青年人长期失业会大大压低其一生的薪金水平,因为这些人难以摆脱无法发挥自己能力的工作,被雇主视为有缺陷的员工。
5.The ca for action is strong.理由
6.on the sidelines:排斥在外
7.wet-behind-ears college grads.没见过世面的大学生
8.take it on the chin:endure and accept the misfortune忍受这种不幸
9.According to a Business Week analysis,college grads aged 22-24 have fared (got on)wor than their older educated peers during the downtime.境况要差于…
10.at first blush:at the first thought
11.a foot in the door电脑装机配置表:a favourable position
12.At least three quarters of students who graduated in May had their employment deferred,in some cas up to a year.
13.economic slump:recession经济衰退
14.One could easily imagine that companies in a recession would prefer to hire young people,who are cheap,and 太官slough off (丢弃,抛弃,get rid of)older workers,who are expensive.
15.The n of stasis (inactivity失业)in many Western countries is reminiscent(怀旧的) o
庄子外篇f Japan.
16.churn out:produce quickly
三,Dating and melting for over-35s
1.designers handbags at the ready(available to be ud immediately):挎的是有名牌商标的手提包。
2.They are a varied cross-ction (typical or reprentative sample of the whole)of New York’s well-to-do Upper East Siders. 典型代表
3.The book roared (move fast with noi)into the bestller list last week.上周,这书销售量飙升,进入最畅销书行列。
4.round down把数字缩减成整数
5.the lf-guides that have flooded (filled)the shelves.充斥书市的自助手册。
6.guerrill(flexible) marketing,灵活多变的营销
7.Greenwald is in full flow: busy talking about sth. and likely to continue for a long time口若悬河,滔滔不绝地讲
8.cut an elegant figure: to have an elegant appearance
9.an intake of breath:吃惊地倒抽一口气
10.pipe up: begin to say sth.开始说话
11.She is a slick (技艺精湛的)graduate of the elite Harvard Business School who believes the ruthless (残酷的)rules of commerce can be applied to the hunt for a mate.