Harmony with the Living Earth
We are the victims of our own building. We are trapped, body and soul, in the mechanistic surroundings we have constructed about ourlves。 Somewhere in the complex process of evolving our living spaces, cities, and roadways, we have become so absorbed in the power of machines, so absorbed in the pursuit of new techniques of building, so absorbed with new materials the we have neglected our human needs。 Our own deepest instincts are violated。 Our basic human desires remain unsatisfied。 Divorced from our natural habitat, we have almost forgotten the glow and exuberance of being healthy animals and feeling fully alive.
Many contemporary ailments-—our hypertensions and neuros ——are no more than the physical evidence of rebellion against our physical surroundings and frustration at the widening gap between the environment we yearn for and the stifling, artificial one we planners have so far contrived.
Life itlf is dictated by our moment-by—moment adjustment to our environment. Just as the bacterial culture in the petri dish must have its scientifically compounded medium for optimum development and the potted geranium cutting its proper and controlled conditions of growth to produce a thriving plant, so we——as complicated, hypernsiti
ve human organisms——must have for our optimum development a highly specialized milieu。 It is baffling that the nature of this ecological framework has been so little explored。 Volumes have been written on the conditions under which rare types of orchids may best be grown; numerous manuals can be found on the proper raising and care of guinea pigs, white rats, goldfish, and parakeets, but little has been written about the nature of the physical environment best suited to human culture。 Here is a challenging field of rearch.
The naturalist tells us that if a fox or a rabbit is snared in a field and then kept in a cage, the animal’s clear eyes will soon become dull, its coat will lo its luster, and its spirit will flag。 So it is with humans too long or too far removed from nature。 For we are, first of all, animals. We are creatures of the meadow, the forest ,the a, and the plain. We are born with a love of fresh air in our lungs, dry paths under our feet, and the penetrating heat of the sun on our skin。 We are born with a love for the feel and smell of rich, warm earth, the taste and sparkle of clear water, the refreshing coolness of foliage overhead, and the spacious blue dome of the sky。 Deep down inside we have for the things——a longing, a desire sometimes compelling, sometimes quiescent but always it is there。
公司招工It has been propod by many sages that, other things being equal, the happiest person is one who lives in clost, fullest harmony with nature。 It might then be reasoned: why not restore humans to the woods? Let them have their water and earth and sky, and plenty of it。 But is the primeval forest-prerved, untouched, or simulatedsnaglt—-our ideal environment? Hardly. For the story of the human race is the story of an unending struggle to ameliorate the forces of nature. Gradually, laboriously, we have improved our shelters, cured a more sustained and varied supply of food, and extended control over the elements to improve our way of living。
What alternatives, then, are left? Is it possible that we can devi a wholly artificial environment in which to better fulfill our potential and more happily work out our destiny? This prospect ems extremely doubtful. A perceptive analysis of our most successful ventures in planning would reveal that we have effected the greatest improvements not by striving to subjugate nature wholly, not by ignoring the natural conditioning or by the thoughtless replacement of the natural features, contours, and covers with our constructions, but rather by consciously eking a harmonious integration。 This can be achieved by modulating ground and structural forms with tho of nature, by bringing hills, ravines, sunlight, water, plants, and air into our areas of planning concentration, and by thoughtfully and sympathetically spacing our structures among the hills, along the rivers and valleys, and out into the landscape。