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each different, but that the Danube theatre was predomi-nant and distinct, in terms of the number of late naval commands of the late Roman army located there and the way that the naval forces were co-located with other types of military units.
The dux  task forces demonstrate that, according to the Notitia  data, both halves of the empire co-operated in a common defence strategy on the Danube. It is further-more clear, that the common defence strategy adopted on the Danube was more reliant upon naval forces than pre-viously comprehended, being deployed either as the na-val element of one of ten dux  task forces or individually, linking the locations where the task forces were situated. The dux task forces permitted the late Roman empire to ef fi ciently and effectively defend the Danube frontier, as well as to project power, gather information and exert in-fl uence well beyond its borders.
祝福图片带字Classis , milites  and barcarii  commands could be trained, organid, con fi gured and equipped to operate in any en-vironment, irrespective of their title. This does not mean that every single naval command could operate in every environment, but it does mean that examples of each type of naval co
mmand could be found operating in every type of hydrological environment.芦笋怎么做好吃
For example, it is assumed that the barcarii  command on the Tyne estuary was trained, organid, con fi gured and equipped entirely differently from the two other bar-carii  commands, which were deployed to lacustrine and riverine locations respectively. This is becau the type of vesls, skills in navigation and amanship, required to operate in the hydrological conditions of a North Sea estuary like of the Tyne, must have been different from tho required to navigate the Rhône or Lake Constance.In addition, classis , milites  and barcarii  commands in the same theatre could be trained, organid, con fi gured and equipped for different environments. For example, the classis  units at three naval bas in the Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas were presumably trained, organid, con fi gured and equipped for maritime operations, as, pre-sumably, were the two milites  commands in Tripolitania and tho at Massalia and Ravenna, but the single milites  command at Syene on the Nile must have been trained, organid, con fi gured and equipped solely for riverine operations.
locations the classis  or milites  command was co-located with two other military commands, all in
the force-package of the provincial dux . The dux  task forces are found in ven of the eight Notiti简笔画房子
a  provinces on the Danube, with only the most westerly province of Raetia not posss-ing one. Such dux  task forces are unique to the Danube and are not evidenced elwhere on the frontier. The forty-six commands on the Danube reprented 54% of all late Roman naval com-mands recorded in the Notitia .
4. The Rhône and its tributaries: This theatre was
located in the basin of the river Rhône between Vesontio and Arelate. Deployed to this river ba-sin were two classis , one  barcarii  and two milites  commands. All but one of the commands oc-cur in the force-package of the Magister militum praentalis a parte peditum , the exception be-ing the Milites Latauiens in the force-package of the Dux prouinciae Sequanici . The four naval commands deployed on the Rhône reprented 5% of all late Roman naval commands.小学四年级语文下册
5. The Mediterranean and North Africa: This thea-tre consisted of two parts. The fi rst embraced the major Mediterranean fl eet bas at Massilia Aquileia, Ravenna and Minum. At the lo-cations three classis  and two milites  commands are recorded in the force-package of the western Magister militum praentalis a parte peditum . The cond part of this theatre consisted of the three milites  commands recorded in North Af-rica. The were located at Syene in Egypt on the river Nile, at Lepti
tana castra , identi fi ed as near Lepcis Magna, and at the unidenti fi ed loca-tion of Madensia castra , both of which were in Tripolitania. In all three of the cas the milites  commands were recorded in the force-package of the local provincial dux . The eight naval com-mands recorded in the Mediterranean and North Africa reprented 9% of all late Roman naval commands.
6. Only the classis  command on Lake Como falls
outside this distribution pattern across the fi ve theatres. This, it is argued, had a cadet training or ceremonial rather than an operational role.
This demonstrates that the four frontier theatres of the Atlantic and Channel, the Rhine and the Danube were
Acta Archaeologica
wire’ defence. Milites  commands garrisoned the major crossing points on the Rhine and forced any attackers into an immediate tactical quandary. They must either expend time and energy reducing the garrisons, which might still be able to escape by water in the event of being overrun. Alternatively,
an attacker could cross by one of the nu-merous undefended minor crossing points on the Rhine, but then had to face operating with hostile Roman troops to the rear as they advanced westward from the Rhine and deeper into Roman territory. Moreover, when the raiders returned laden with booty and prisoners to re-cross the Rhine, the riverine forces could intercept the retreating enemy. Ideally by preventing the raiders re-crossing the river, they would pin the attackers down on the western bank and allow the forces of the magistri , arriving from central Gaul, to destroy them. The advantage in such a model is that a minimum amount of forces is required to man the frontier, and it is an effective counter to the most frequent form of threat, which was raiding. The weak-ness of such a method of defence were that the lack of forces limited cross-frontier operations and, should a major incursion be launched across the Rhine and the magister fail to resolutely counter-attack with suf fi cient forces, the thinly held frontier with its weak and isolated garrisons of milites  commands would inevitably collap.
The information relevant to the Danubian defences has been mapped for analytical purpos for the eastern and western empire (Map 4 p.77; Map 5: p.78). In contrast to the river Rhine, which lay wholly within the western part of the empire, the Danube and its tributaries extended through both its
eastern and western parts. The command titles on this frontier are recorded by the Noti-tia  in eight different provinces (Scythia, Moesia Secunda, Moesia Prima, Dacia Ripensis, Pannonia Secunda, Vale-ria, Pannonia Prima and Raetia).
The prence of dux  task forces reveals a very dif-ferent defensive strategy on the Danube. It demonstrates, in modern military terms, an ‘active’ defence. However, the twelve dux  task forces, recorded in ven provinces along the Danube, demonstrated that both the eastern and western empires were co-operating in conducting a com-mon method of defence. The ten task forces containing a riverine command possd the mobility to conduct an active defence of their ctions of the frontier. Should the
It is also assumed that the maritime commands in the North Sea and Atlantic theatres differed from the Mediter-ranean theatre’s maritime commands in terms of training, organisation, con fi guration and equipment, becau the Mediterranean is a clod a with a limited tidal range, whereas the North Sea and Atlantic are ‘blue-water’ as with a wide tidal range.
However, any discussion of the different theatres in-evitably refocus the debate upon the Danube, becau the largest numbers of naval commands are recorded on that river and becau fi ve milite
s  commands along with fi ve classis  commands were organid into dux  task forc-es there. This contrasts markedly with the Rhine frontier, where one barcarii  and eleven milites  commands were recorded, but no classis ; nor were any other military com-mands co-located with any of the twelve naval commands recorded on the river Rhine.
The Danube theatre evidences ten locations where a classis or milites command was co-located with at least two other military or naval command titles. The con-centrations only occur along the river Danube and were identi fi ed above as dux  task forces, of which three were located in Scythia, two in Moesia Secunda and one each in Moesia Prima, Dacia, Pannonia Secunda, Valeria and Pannonia Prima. The combinations of different military commands in each task force con fi gured each for differ-ent types of operations, as indicated by the fi ve all-arms and three infantry task forces and one riverine and one cavalry task force and their distribution.
All of this suggests, at the operational scale of reso-lution, that two different methods of defence, both con-structed around naval forces, were ud on the Rhine and Danube frontiers.忍一时风平浪静
The information relevant to the Rhine defences has been mapped for analytical purpos (Map 3 p.7
6). The west bank of the middle Rhine was garrisoned, according to the Notitia , solely by ten milites  commands under a sin-gle dux . All the commands were located at key cross-ing points on the river. The force-packages of the western Magister peditum  and Magister equitum per Gallias  are mainly located in southern and central Gaul. The Rhine frontier can therefore be characterid as a thinly held river-line supported by sizable rerves held back from the frontier. In modern military parlance, this was a ‘trip-
The Milites Hypothesis. The Analysis

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