CHINESE NURSING RESEARCH June,2020Vol.34No.12冠状动脉介入术后病人口服水化方法
(南通大学附属医院,江苏226001)Best evidences summary on oral hydration therapy for the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy in patients after percutaneous coronary intervention
QIAN Hongji,ZHOU Xuemei,WANG Lingli,WU Juan,MIAO Aifeng,QU Qian,ZHANG Yuejuan,WANG Lihua (Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University,Jiangsu 226001China )
摘要:[目的]检索并总结冠状动脉介入术后病人采用口服水化方法预防造影剂肾病的最佳证据,为临床提供参考依据。[方法]检索PubMed 、Web of Science 、OVID 、Cochrane Library 、循证卫生保健中心数据库(Joanna Briggs Institute ,JBI )、国际指南协作网、英国国家临床优化研究所、美国国立指南库、加拿大安大略注册护士协会、苏格兰学院间指南网络、改善全球肾脏病预后组织和中国生物医学文献数据库关于冠状动脉介入术后病人采用口服水化方法预防造影剂肾病的所有证据,包括指南、专家共识、证据总结、系统评价及与证据密切相关的原始研究。由4名研究者对纳入的文献质量进行评价,
Abstract Objective :To retrieve and summarize the best evidences of oral hydration therapy for the prevention of contrast ⁃induced nephropathy in patients after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI ),so as to provide reference for clinical practice.Methods :To arch the PubMed ,Web of Science 、Ovid 、Cochrane Library 、JBI Evidence -Bad Health Care Center Library ,Guidelines International Network (GIN ),National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE ),National Guideline Clearinghou (NGC ),Registered Nurs'Association of Ontario (RNAO ),the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN ),Kidney Dia :Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO ),and China Biology Medicine disc (CBMdisc ).All evidence on oral hydration therapy for the prevention of contrast⁃induced nephropathy in patients after percutaneous coronary intervention ,including guidelines ,expert connsus ,evidence sum
maries ,systematic evaluations ,and original rearches cloly related to evidence ,were collected.The qualities of included literatures were evaluated by 4rearchers.Then ,evidences were extracted from the literatures that met the quality standards.Results :A total of 15literatures were included in this study ,including 3guidelines ,4systematic evaluations ,4randomized controlled trials ,3quasi -experiment studies and 1expert connsus.Finally ,12pieces of best evidences were defined.Conclusions :The formed best evidences on oral hydration therapy for the prevention of contrast⁃induced nephropathy in patients after percutaneous coronary intervention in this study ,which could provide evidence -bad reference for clinical practice.It was suggested that we should evaluate clinical environments of the medical institutions ,factors that promote and hinder the medical personnel to apply evidences ,and the patient's willingness and state of illness when using evidence in clinics.Further ,to make a targeted evidence lection.
Keywords percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI );contrast -induced nephropathy ;oral hydration therapy ;evidence -bad nursing care ;best evidence
中图分类号:R47文献标识码:A doi:10.12102/j.issn.1009-6493.2020.12.002
造影剂肾病(contrast⁃induced nephropathy ,CIN ),
又称对比剂肾病,是冠状动脉介入治疗术后常见并发症之一,已成为临床肾衰竭的三大病因之一[1⁃2]。据报道,冠状动脉介入术后CIN 发生率为3.3%~20.0%,
为重要。近年来,诸多研究已证实口服水化方法可作为预防CIN 的有效措施[5⁃7],但目前尚未有指南对口服水化疗法进行系统阐述,各研究所采用的口服水化方案在干预时机、液体量控制等方面存在差异,而临床上口服水化的具体实施方案大多数源于临床经验,没有·科研论著·
2062⁃2067 (2062)