【摘 要】目的 观察电针胸部夹脊穴对脊髓损伤后小鼠BMS评分、脊髓中巢蛋白表达和胶质纤维酸性蛋白(glial fibrillary acidic protein,GFAP)表达的影响,探讨电针的神经保护和运动功能恢复机制.方法 将96只雌性C57BL/6小鼠随机分为假手术组、脊髓损伤组、电针组、针刺组,每组24只.除假手术组外,其余3组给予T9水平脊髓损伤,电针组取T7和T11两对夹脊穴进行电针治疗,针刺组取相同的穴位进行单纯手针治疗.干预每次15 min,每日1次,每5 d休息1 d,共干预28 d.分别于干预后3 d、7 d、14 d、28 d评定各组小鼠的BMS评分变化,酶联免疫法检测脊髓中巢蛋白表达,免疫荧光法、蛋白印迹法检测脊髓中GFAP表达.结果 脊髓损伤后的14 d和28 d,电针组BMS主评分和副评分均明显高于脊髓损伤组(P<0.05).在损伤后28 d,针刺组BMS主评分和副评分均高于脊髓损伤组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);电针组BMS副评分高于针刺组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).脊髓损伤后3 d、7 d和14 d电针组的巢蛋白含量明显增多,与脊髓损伤组相比,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).脊髓损伤后7 d和14 d,针刺组的巢蛋白含量高于脊髓损伤组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).脊髓损伤后3 d和7 d,电针组的GFAP表达明显
高于脊髓损伤组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);损伤后28 d,电针组和针刺组对GFAP免疫反应性的抑制强于脊髓损伤组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 电针夹脊穴可以促进脊髓损伤后肢体功能恢复,与电针7 d内促进巢蛋白和GFAP的表达有关,而且二者表达呈正相关.电针治疗的早期能促进星形胶质细胞的活化以发挥其神经干细胞的作用,并在后期抑制GFAP的免疫反应性,从而有利于神经功能重塑.%Objective To obrve the effect of electroacupuncture at thoracic Jiaji points (EX-B 2) on the Behavior Measurement Scale (BMS) score, and expressions of nestin and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in spinal cord in mice after spinal cord injury, and to explore the action mechanism of electroacupuncture in protecting nerves and recovering motor function.Method Ninety-six female C57BL/6 mice were randomized into a sham operation group, a spinal cord injury group, an electroacupuncture group, and an acupuncture group, 24 mice in each group. Except for the sham operation group, spinal cord injury at T9 level was induced in the other three groups. The electroacupuncture group was intervened by electroacupuncture at Jiaji points (EX-B 2) of T7 and T11, and the acupuncture group received manual acupuncture at the same acupoints. The intervention was conducted 15 min each time, o
nce a day, with 1 d interval every 5 d, for a total of 28 d. The BMS score was evaluated respectively after 3 d, 7 d, 14 d, and 28 d intervention. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was adopted to detect the expression ofnestin in spinal cord, and immunofluorescence and Western blotting were ud to detect the expression of GFAP in spinal cord.Result Respectively 14 d and 28 d after spinal cord injury, the main and auxiliary scores of BMS in the acupuncture group were significantly higher than tho in the spinal cord injury group (P<0.05); 28 d after spinal cord injury, the main and auxiliary scores of BMS in the acupuncture group were significantly higher than tho in the spinal cord injury group (P<0.05) and the auxiliary BMS score in the electroacupuncture group was significantly higher than that in the acupuncture group (P<0.05). Respectively 3 d, 7 d, and 14 d after spinal cord injury, the contents of nestin in the electroacupuncture group were obviously incread and significantly different from tho in the spinal cord injury group (P<0.05). The nestin content of the acupuncture group was significantly higher than that of the spinal cord injury group 7 d and 14 d after spinal cord injury (P<0.05). The expression of GFAP in the electro-acupuncture group was significantly higher than that in
the spinal cord injury group 3 d and 7 d after spinal cord injury (P<0.05); the inhibitions on the immunoreactivity of GFAP in the electroacupuncture group and acupuncture group were more significant than the inhibition in the spinal cord injury group 28 d after the injury (P<0.05).Conclusion Electroacupuncture at Jiaji points (EX-B 2) can promote the recovery of motor function after spinal cord injury, which is related to the enhancement of the expressions of nestin and GFAP within 7 d after the injury, and the two expressions are in a positive correlation. In the early stage of treatment, electroacupuncture can boost the activity of astrocytes to act as neural stem cells and inhibit the immunoreactivity of GFAP in the later stage to benefit the reconstruction of neurologic function.
【作 者】卫哲
【作者单位】丽水学院医学与健康学院,丽水 323000;汕头大学医学院神经科学中心,汕头 515041
【正文语种】中 文
1.1 实验动物与分组
选取96只清洁级雌性C57BL/6小鼠,体重20~25 g,周龄10~12周,进行适应性喂养1个星期,饲养温度与湿度分别为(23±2)℃和(60±10)%。动物来源于黑龙江中医药大学动物实验中心。将小鼠随机分为假手术组、脊髓损伤组、脊髓损伤+电针组(电针组)、脊髓损伤+针刺组(针刺组)。
1.2 主要试剂和仪器
KWD808Ⅰ电脉冲治疗仪(广州英迪电子医疗设备公司),一次性使用无菌针灸针(0.25 mm×13 mm,中研太和医药公司), ELISA试剂盒(武汉博士德试剂公司),冰冻切片机(德国莱卡仪器公司),Axio显微成像系统(德国蔡司公司),氯胺酮(福建宁德古田制药公司),甲苯噻嗪(德国西格玛公司),PBS缓冲液,4%多聚甲醛。
1.3 分组处理
电针组给予小鼠T9水平的不完全脊髓损伤,第2日进行电针治疗,取穴方法参照《实验动物学》及《针灸实验动物图谱》,选择T7和T11两对夹脊穴,针刺后连接KWD808Ⅰ电脉冲治疗仪,疏密波(2/100 Hz),强度为0.2 mA,治疗15 min,每日1次,每5 d休息1 d,共治疗28 d。
针刺组给予小鼠T9水平的不完全脊髓损伤,第2日进行单纯手法针刺治疗,取穴同电针组,每5 min捻针10 s,每日1次,每5 d休息1 d,共治疗28 d。
永野修身1.4 灌注与取材
在治疗的不同时间点(3 d,7 d,14 d,28 d),将小鼠用异戊烷吸入麻醉后,开胸,输液针刺入心尖部,灌注0.1 M PBS缓冲液(pH 7.4),剪开左心耳,流出血液冲洗干净后灌入4%多聚甲醛,直到脏器固定及四肢有僵硬感,或单独灌注PBS缓冲液,取出脊髓,置于﹣80℃保存,根据实验安排,分别进行酶联免疫法、免疫荧光法、蛋白印迹法等测定。酶联免疫的脊髓组织选择以损伤处为中心上下端各0.5 cm的脊髓组织。免疫荧光的脊髓组织选择损伤段以下0.5 cm脊髓组织。蛋白印迹的脊髓组织选择以损伤为中心包括上下端0.5 cm的脊髓组织。起码
1.5 观察指标
1.5.1 BMS行为学评定
BMS主评分和副评分用来评价脊髓损伤后小鼠的运动功能[9-10]。测试由两个有经验的研究人员进行操作。BMS主评分由0分(无任何踝部动作)至9分(完全正常的运动能力)组成,BMS副评分总分为11分。分别在脊髓损伤后1 d、3 d、7 d、14 d、28 d进行BMS行为学评定。
1.5.2 酶联免疫法
将脊髓组织称取重量后加入一定量的PBS,匀浆后离心20 min左右(3000 r/min),收集上清,分装后待检测,具体操作步骤按照小鼠巢蛋白酶联免疫分析试剂盒进行。
1.5.3 免疫荧光法
在脊髓损伤后3 d、28 d以4%多聚甲醛灌注取材后,分离脊髓组织以4%多聚甲醛浸泡过夜,次日置于含有30%蔗糖的PB溶液中于室温搁置1 d进行高渗脱水。次日取出脊髓组织以OCT包埋,冰冻切片机上连续纵向切片(厚度为15 mm),0.01 M枸缘酸钠溶液(pH 6.0)99℃水浴40 min,PBS洗1次,10%驴血清含0.2%的Triton X-100室温封闭1 h,10%驴血清加入兔抗多克隆胶质酸性纤维蛋白抗体(1:2000)作为一抗,均匀覆盖于脊髓组织切片上,置于湿盒中于4℃冰箱过夜孵育。次日,弃去未结合的一抗,PBS清洗3次,每次5 min,加入抗一抗种属来源的红色荧光二抗(激发光波长为594 nm),置于湿盒室温孵育1 h。弃去未结合的二抗溶液,PBS清洗3次,每次5 min,加入含有DAPI的PBS溶液,细胞核染色5 min,使用水溶性封片液,盖玻片封片。
1.5.4 蛋白印迹勉强反义词
RIPA蛋白抽提试剂,加入蛋白酶抑制剂及0.1 M PMSF(比例1:9)。称取组织以称重,加入裂解液,电动组织匀浆器15000 r/min转速进行匀浆,4℃离心,13000 r/min,20 min。离心完成后取上清,分装保存,待测。以BCA法测蛋白浓度,以RIPA调整蛋白浓度,蛋白煮沸变性10 min。配备12%的分离胶,浓缩胶浓度为5%,待测蛋白样品上样量为10 mg/孔,电泳条件选择80~120 V。选择湿转法转膜,转膜条件为300 mA,时间为3 h,转膜后丽春红染色试剂对膜进行染色,观察转膜效果。将膜置于3%BSA-TBST中室温轻摇1 h封闭。将膜以3%BSA-TBST稀释胶质纤维酸性蛋白(glial fibrillary acidic protein,GFAP)及GAPDH (1:1000)一抗孵育,于4℃冰箱中轻摇过夜。次日, TBST洗膜3次,每次5 min,3%BSA-TBST稀释抗一抗种属来源的二抗(1:1000),室温轻摇1 h,TBST洗膜3次,每次5 min。ECL显色液显色,曝光,使用仪器为alpha凝胶成像系统。