中华全科医学 2020 年丨0 月第 I8 卷第 10 期 C h i n e s e J ournal of G e n e r a l P r a c t i c e ,O c t o b e r 2020, V o l.丨8,N o. 10• 1667 •
海南医学院第二附属医院骨科一区,海南海口 570311
摘要:目的探讨经皮椎体后凸成形术(PKP )治疗无脊髓压迫症状的迟发性创伤后脊柱塌陷(非3期Kummell 病)的疗效优势,为无脊髓压迫症状的Kimunell 病的治疗选择提供理论支持。方法回顾性分析2016年1月一 2018年1月海南医学院第二附属医院收治的128例无脊髓压迫症状的迟发性创伤后脊柱塌陷患者的资料,根据 手术方式分为对照组[行经皮穿刺椎体成形术(PVP ),61例]和实验组[行经皮椎体后凸成形术(PKP ),67例],比较2组基本资料、椎体高度改善情况、手术前后0D 丨评分、C oW 角、并发症发生情况的统计学差异。结果实 验组手术时间和骨水泥量均明显多于对照组(均P <〇.〇5),实验组术后椎体前壁高度[(17. 14 ±3. 36)mm ]和椎 体中线高度[(I 6. 25 ±4.3乃mm ]高于对照组的(11.74 ±4_
34) m m 和(12. 53 ±4. 21) mm (均尸<0.05),且2组治 疗后0D I 评分及Cobb 角较治疗前均降低,差异有统计学意义(均P < 0. 05)。2组患者在住院时间、椎体后壁高 度改善、术后感染并发症对比差异无统计学意义(均P >〇.〇5)。结论PK P 在治疗无脊髓压迫症状的迟发性创 伤后脊柱塌陷时,通过体位的复位和球囊扩张相结合的方式可以更有效的复位椎体的高度和改善后凸畸形,也更 有利于骨水泥充分的填充在椎体裂隙当中,在增加骨水泥铆定作用的同时又降低了骨水泥渗漏的风险,进而显示 出其在降低邻近椎体骨折和脊髓压迫并发症发生率方面的优势。
足球的手抄报关键词:经皮椎体后凸成形术;经皮椎体成形术;骨质疏松;Kummell 病;无脊髓压迫症状性对联
中图分类号:R 683.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:16744152(2020) 10-166745
木酒海DOI :10. 16766/j ki .issn . 1674 -4152.001588
The advantage of percutaneous kyphoplasty in patients with Kummell^ dia
without symptoms of spinal cord compression
ZHANG Shun-li, GU Yun-tao, CHEN Rong, ZHAO Hai
Department of Orthopedics Area 1 , the Second Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical
University ,Haikou,Hainan 57Q311,China
学好样儿歌Abstract : Objective To investigate the advantages of curative effect of percutaneous kyphoplasty in the treatment of patients with Kummells dia without symptoms of spinal cord compression, and provide theoretical support for the treatment. Methods Retrospective analysis of 128 cas patients with Kummell s dia without symptoms of spinal cord compression who underwent surgery treatment from January 2016 to January 2018 in our hospital. According to the operation, they were divided into control group (percutaneous vertebroplasty, PVP operation, 61 cas) and experimental group (percutaneous kyphoplasty, PKP operation, 67 cas). The statistical differences of clinical data, vertebral height improvement, Cobb Angle and complications between the two groups were compared. Results Compare of the operative time and the amount of bone cement injected, the experimental group were significantly incread than the control group (all P <0.05). After operation, the height of the anterior vertebral walls ( 17. 14 ± 3. 36) mm and median vertebral walls ( 16.25 ±4. 37) mm of the experimental group were significantly raid compared with tho of the control group
[(11.74 ±4. 34) mm and (12. 53 ±4. 21) mm, P < 0. 05 ]• The difference in 0D1 and Cobh Angle after surgery be- tween the two groups was statistically significant (P <0.05). There was no statistical significance in hospital stay, the height of the posterior vertebral walls, postoperative infective compli
4月是什么星座cations between the two groups (all P >0. 05 ). Conclusion PKP can effectively reduce the height of vertebral body and correct the kyphosis through the combination of body position reduction and balloon dilation when treating patients with Kummells dia without symptoms of spinal cord compression, and it is also more conducive to the full filling of bone cement in the cleft of vertebral body. PKP can increa the riveting effect of bone cement and reduce the risk of leakage of bone cement, which shows its advantages in reducing the incidence of complications of adjacent vertebral fractures and spinal cord compression.
Key w ords : Percutaneous kyphoplasty ; Percutaneous vertebroplasty ; Osteoporosis ; Kummells dia ; Without symptoms of spinal cord compression
技术的不断进步,骨质疏松导致的椎体压缩骨折的诊断率逐年提升。Kummell病作为一种特殊类型的骨质 疏松椎体压缩性骨折,已再次被更多的骨科临床医师
所重视。Kummell病的定义是德国外科医生Kummell 基金项目:海南省卫生厅科研基金(18A200111)
通信作者:赵海,E-mail :yangyi201901 @ 126. com