Adult Degenerative Scoliosis
A Patient’s Guide to Adult Degenerative Scoliosis
normal healthy spine will be straight when en from the front or the back. When en from the side, the normal spine forms a gentle “S” curve, which is known as adult degenerative scoliosis.
Scoliosis is an abnormal or exaggerated curve of the spine from the side or from the front or back. Adult degenerative scoliosis is different from the type of scoliosis that occurs in teenagers. Adult degenerative scoliosis occurs after the spine has stopped growing and results from wear and tear of the spine. The condition most often affects the lumbar spine.
This guide will help you understand
· what parts make up the spine
高考报名号怎么查· what caus adult degenerative scoliosis
· how your doctor will diagno this condition
· what treatment options are available
l 脊柱由哪几部分组成
梦见好多水果l 引起成人退变性脊柱侧弯的原因
l 您的医生对这种状况如何进行诊断
l 有哪些治疗方法可供选择
What parts make up the spine?
出差管理办法The spine is made up of 24 moveable bone gments called vertebrae. The spine is divided into three distinct portions. There are ven cervical or neck vertebrae, 12 thoracic or mid-back vertebrae and five lumbar or low back vertebrae.
The spine is made up of three general parts. The top portion is the cervical spineand connects with the skull or cranium. The middle portion is the thoracic spineand is identified by the ribs that attach to each of the vertebrae. The lower portion is the lumbar spine. It connects with the pelvis at the sacrum.
The vertebra stack on top of one another and are parated by discs. The spine has normal curves. When looking at the spine from the side, the spinal column is not straight
up and down, but forms an “S” curve. The cervical spine has an inward curve called a lordosis. The thoracic spine curves outward. This curve is called a kyphosis超级类地行星. The lumbar spine usually has an inward curve or a lordosis. The “S” curve en in the side view allows for shock-absorption and acts as a spring when the spine is loaded with weight. This “S” curve maintains balance of the spine in a forward and backward plane.