文献标题:The Turnover Rate Of Young Employees–A Challenge For Hrm(年轻员工的离职率——人力资源管理面临的挑战) 国外 A Deaconu,L Rasca,CG Celarel 文献出处:《Proceedings of the International Management Conference》, xx,10(1):316-323 字数统计:英文 2872 单词,14668 字符;中文 4644 汉字 外文文献:
The Turnover Rate Of Young Employees –A Challenge For Hrm Abstract The objective of this rearch is to analyze employees’ decisions and motivations when they decide to join/stay or leave an organization. The results of this paper were obtained through a quantitative rearch bad on a questionnaire applied to Romanian young employees. They e to help managers to reconsider and understand the new human resources strategies in order to be able to fight against the negative effects of the turnover rate of young employees and to guide the specialists who are working in the career management field. keywords: career, human resources management, work life-balance, turnover rate 1.I
高桥启介 The theory and the practices of the management in the human resources field had traditionally sustained the construction of a durable relationship between employee and employer. Companies’ reason for this support is not difficult to understand: the effort to find and attract talents is huge, the investment in trainings and development of the employees is the same and the inrtion of an employee requests time and effort from the employers. Not so long ago, managerial expectations harmonized with employees’ motivations: they were not limited to a contractual obligation but they were powerfully involved in the activity of the organization and did career plans aiming suessive positions in the same pany. Nowadays, if we look carefully to what is happening on the Romanian labor market we will e that a lot of employees react differently when they choo the organizations in which they want to perform. The availability to stay in the same pany for a longer period has disappeared and the integration and adaptation to a new work environment ems to be easier. In this paper we try to analyze what stays at the bottom of the employee’s decisions, which are the motivations when they choo to stay and, es
梦断楼兰pecially when they leave an organization. We consider that the results of this rearch will help managers to reconsider the human resources strategies in order to be able to decrea the negative effects of the employee fluctuation and to guide the ones who are working in the formation and the education of the career management. There are many examples which sustain that the decisions of leaving/staying at a job, in an organization or in a country, need to be grounded on the conclusions of a holistic analysis of their advantages and disadvantages. This rearch has a first part that describes the career nowadays and a cond part in which we organized an online survey targeting employees from different panies who have their activity in Romania. The results where statistically procesd and allowed us to formulate conclusions and remendations which could decrea the turnover rate of employees and its effects.
中秋节古诗大全2.CAREER: BETWEEN ASPIRATIONS AND REALITIES People’s concern regarding their career is not something recent. The only difference is that today it is found more often and it is bad on more plex reasoning. Most of the specialists suggest we are in a period where the career has no limits (Hess, Narelle, xx). Moreover, today we are interest
ed to explain and understand employee’s motivations and choices on one side and the pany’s actions on the other side, which implies that we need to take into aount many psychological aspects concerning skills, aspirations or motivations of the individual but also system characteristics in which they work. One of our objectives was to investigate the career choices of the employees and we saw that, for each individual, the management of his own career is a critical process, influencing his entire development and the career exploration is considered to be an esntial ponent of the development process of the vocational identity (Cuddapah, Jennifer, xx). When we are talking about career it is necessary to take into aount the individual interest for its own development, the organization in which he operates, the contexts of interference between the two areas, the quality of specific legislation and the manner of its application. Actually, the career is defined as a quence of activities and professional positions that can be aesd by someone, together with attitudes, knowledge and associated ponents developed with time (Jaensch, Vanessa, xx). Ideally, career, professional life in general require satisfaction, lack of conflicts and optimal functioning of a person at work. This is w
班级活动总结>晚上吃什么好hy this concept is a point of interest for many rearches and studies (Osnkop, Carolin, xx). The career begins early, it takes many years and each stage has its specificity. In this context, we need to note that the career concern starts in adolescence: it is perhaps one of the most
important periods of the career becau it is then that begins the vocational education, esntial for the entire professional path (Lee, Bora, xx). It is also in the adolescence that key skills that derve to be developed are explored and discovered (Pons, Dirk, xx). During our rearch, some recent scientific articles have drawn our attention. They claim that career can be done “in width” and “in depth”, each one producing different effects on the professional development. (Lee, Bora, xx). Regarding the exploration “in width”, it involves rearching a wide range of experiences without specific objectives, while the cond way of exploration, “in depth”, is goal-oriented. “In width” exploration offers a great flexibility in career choices but also fosters a lack of planning. On the other hand, “in depth” exploration is associated with a good knowledge of career-bad objectives but it faces barriers when changes our in the career. In other words, we can e that the two ty
pes of exploration have both advantages and disadvantages. We also underline the discussion about work-life balance. Many rearchers support the efforts of the employees to split the time and the energy between the career and other esntial aspects of their own lives. The “Work-life balance (WLB)” concept is supported by the employees who militate for a balanced life. The link between work and leisure time was made in 1800s and the term “work-life balance” was ud for the first time in 1970 in UK, in order to describe the balance between personal life and work. Worldwide, the working time is carefully studied by various missions (such as the European Commission) which also contributed to the implementation of a maximum of 48 hours of work per week. There are countries, such as France, where the working time includes 35 hours of work per week (Osnkrop, Carolin, xx). The relationship between personal life and professional one is reprented below: