P owerful T echnology
O ur C adaret,G rant A dvantage is your leading edge.
T echnology. I t can make you more efficient. M ore productive. A nd, ultimately, more profitable. B ut how do you choo the software and systems that best fit your practice? H ow do you keep up with the continual advances and upgrades?
C adaret, G rant A dvantage makes it simple.
Cadaret, Grant Advantage is a dynamic, customizable suite of solutions that keeps you on the cutting edge of technology. It combines proprietary tools with carefully chon third-party applications to provide you with powerful, timesaving capabilities. Want to submit a New Account Form electronically? You can. Need to update an existing client account? Do it online. Want to submit a trade instantly? It’s done. Want to streamline your compliance procedures? Cadaret, Grant Advantage helps you do that, too. From client infor-mation to meeting notes, it’s an easy, cure way to gather, store and retrieve vital documentation.Best of all, Cadaret, Grant Advantage
is flexible. We’ll work with you to under-
stand your needs, then recommend
the best combination of tools from a
wide-ranging portfolio that includes:
> Our informa-
tion-packed advisor Web site.
> AdvantageOne A powerful way to
consolidate your clients’ investments.
> Pareto Platform A daily task organizer,
contact management program, and
much more.
> DST Vision™ The portal to mutual
funds and variable annuities from
more than 260 companies, customized
for Cadaret, Grant.
> AdvisorCentral® Your link to mutual
fund and client account data for many
of the industry’s largest investment
> NetExchange 360® Pershing’s online
brokerage platform.
> Morningstar® Advisor Workstation:
Cadaret, Grant Edition A Web-bad
portfolio construction tool tailored
for Cadaret, Grant Reprentatives.
> TIMS BREU Cadaret, Grant’s ast
management and reporting platform
for fee-bad business.
> TIMSLink Our proprietary trading
software for fee-bad advisors.
Of cour, a big part of Cadaret, Grant
Advantage isn’t the technology at all. It’s
the support you receive all along the way.
We take the time to get to know you and
your business. What’s your product mix?
Do you have one assistant or 10? Do
you prefer to order online or talk to our
Trading Desk? Bad on your answers,
we’ll show you which applications will
deliver the most value. Walk you through
创业的概念the implementation. Provide training for
you and your administrative assistants.
Then, once you’re up and running, we’ll
描写人多的成语provide technical support via the experts
at our Help Desk. From 8: until
5:, ET, Monday through Friday,
we’ll be there to answer your questions
and guide you through any issues that
might ari.
With Cadaret, Grant Advantage, you’ll
spend less time choosing and implement-
ing software and systems and more time
managing and growing your practice. And
that’s just the kind of edge you need in
today’s competitive marketplace.
T he hub of C adaret , G rant A dvantage is our W eb site , www .cadaretgrant .com . J ust log in with your ur identification and password , and you ’ll go directly to M y E -O ffice — your dashboard to all the tools and information you need to do business .
m y e -o ffice delivers vital information at a glance . f rom your daily commissions total to news and
important reminders , you ’ll instantly know the day ’s most pressing issues .
While most Web sites are short on con-tent and long on ads, My E-Office delivers vital information at a glance. From your daily commissions total to news and important reminders, you’ll instantly know the day’s most pressing issues.
Then u the links in My Briefca to add or update client information. To save time, u QUIK! Forms. Just lect a client, one or more companies from an extensive list, and the forms you need. Click “generate
forms,” and your client’s information fills
in automatically.
必须增强Next, check your personal Drop Box —
a confidential pipeline for reports and nsitive information. Place an online
order. Go to step-by-step guides for all types of tasks, from processing certificates to splitting commissions.
As extensive as My E-Office is, it’s just the beginning of this comprehensive site. Click the links at the top of the page, and you’ll find a world of resources at your fingertips:
> Products An online catalog of infor-mation and lling agreements for
mutual funds, limited partnerships, REITs, unit investment trusts, and variable annuities, as well as a 529 plan resource ction.> Systems The repository for infor- mation on our technology partners’ products, where you can download software, install plug-ins, and brow ur manuals.> Trading Central The place to do business — place online orders, check rates for CDs and bonds, review our monthly clod-end fund offerings, and e the latest news from Pershing, Cadaret, Grant’s clearing firm.
> News Updates on the Top Advisors Conference qualifier rankings and economic commentary from leading experts.
> Calendars & Events Highlights of the weeks ahead, from upcoming conference calls to commission pay dates.
> Library A vast storehou of infor-mation, including a customizable FINRA-approved fact finder, more than 15 client hand-holding and prospecting letters, and details on continuing education, compliance procedures, and investment advisor registration requirements.
> Sales Support Your link to business-building opportunities like our Annual Advisor Symposium, regional meetings featuring guest speakers, and timely educational prentations.Back at My E-Office, click on the links in the Quick Log-In ction to access the wide range of applications provided by Cadaret, Grant’s technology partners.
Y our E -O ffice is just a click away .
H ere are just a few of the things you can do at M y E-O ffice
1Check your daily commissions total at a glance, or view up to three years of history.
Enter client information once, then u QUIK! Forms to print professional, pre-populated forms.
机械学习3Access your cure e-mail Drop Box for reports and important messages.4Submit trades online.
Go to My Agenda to organize your schedule and document your client meeting notes.
6Stay up to date with the latest news.7Get step-by-step guidance on many common tasks.
Access a host of other timesaving, business-building tools.