摘要:针对洪湖流域农业面源污染负荷进行了核算研究,并确定了不同污染源对水环境的贡献率。结果表明,洪湖流域入湖污染物总量为codcr 38 372.26 t/年、nh3-n 787.667 t/年、tn 4 349.054 t/年、tp 396.106 t/年,农业面源污染负荷估算值为畜禽养殖小葱花>水产养殖>居民生活>农田种植,它们对水环境的贡献率分别为39.33%、32.92%、23.33%、4.41%;畜禽养殖codcr、tn、tp面源污染负荷量最高,分别为18 642.69、2 749.99、296.72 t/年,水产养殖nh3-n面源污染所占比例最大。
中图分类号:x508 文献标识码:a 文章编号:0439-8114(2013)04-0803-04
investigation of agricultural non-point source pollution and estimation of pollution loads in honghu valley
ma yu-bao1,chen li-wen1,liu jing-jing1孔子登东山而小鲁,deng chu-zhou2,wu zhong2,zhang ye-zhong1,dai jie1
(1.college of chemistry and environmental engineering, yangtze university, jingzhou 434023, hubei新年感想, china;
2. environmental protection bureau of jingzhou, jingzhou 434000, hubei, china)
abstract: the load of agricultural non-point source pollution and the contribution of different pollution sources to water environment of honghu valley were studied. the results showed that the total amount of codcr, nh3-n,物华天宝人杰地灵 tn, and tp into honghu valley were 38 372.26 t/a, 787.667 t/a, 4 349.054 t/a, and 396.106 t/a respectively. the order of pollution load of different agricultural sources was livestock and poultry > aquaculture > residents life > planting farmland. the contributions of the four agricultural sources were 39.33%, 32.92%, 23.33% and 4.41% respectively. the load of codcr, tn好看的qq背景图, and tp of livestock and poultry were highest, were 18 642.69 t/a, 2 749.99 t/a and 296.72 t/a respectively, the nh3-n load of aquaculture was the largest.