拟人和比喻的区别Internet u and rural residents' income growth 期刊名称: China Agricultural Economic Review
广播频率作者: Xiaoli Zhou,Yiwen Cui,Shaopeng Zhang
四月间事尾鱼>对联福年份: 2020年讲话一>a7m3
关键词: Rural revitalization;Rural residents;Non-agricultural
我自己睡employment;Entrepreneurship;Income growth;Internet u圆月图片
摘要:Purpo - The purpo of this paper is to examine the direct effects of Internet u on rural residents' income growth and the indirect effects of increasing their income by promoting rural residents' entrepreneurial and non-agricultural employment. Design/methodology/approach - Regarding the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, bad on the 2016CFPS data, multiple linear regression analysis and mediation effect analysis are ud. To decrea the potential endogeneity of the model, we ud the instrumental variable in the model. Findings - The results show that: (1) Internet u has a direct effect on rural residents' income growth; (2) rural residents' entrepren
eurial or non-agricultural employment affects the mechanism of Internet u and their income growth, so that can perform an indirect promotion effect; (3)