摘 要:小麦起源于西亚,后传入中国,并逐步地取代了粟和黍两种小米,成为了中国北方旱作农业的主体农作物,形成了现今中国“南稻北麦华为怎样隐藏应用”物理不粘锅的农业生产格局。目前已见报道的有关早期小麦遗存的考古发现多达数十例,这些新发现的考古证据显示,至迟在距今4000年以前小麦已经传入到中国境内,而且很有可能早至距今4500年。考古证据还揭示,小麦传入中国至少有两个途径,即草原通道和绿洲通道。草原通道的传播路线是:西亚—中亚—欧亚草原诸青铜文化—中国北方文化区—黄河中下游地区;绿洲通道的传播路线是:西亚—中亚—帕米尔高原—塔里木盆地南北两侧的绿洲—写稿河西走廊—玉米排骨汤怎么做黄土高原地区。
关键词:小麦; 睡眠不好该怎么办传播;吉士粉 植物考古; 欧亚草原
Abstract:Wheat was originated in West Asia. After its introduction into China,it eventually became the dominant crop in North China,replacing the native crops of foxtail millet and broomcorn millet. This results a significant change in farming system as well as f
ood traditions in China. In recent years,flotation techniques have been introduced and implemented in Chine archaeology. As a result,a tremendous quantity of plant remains has been recovered from archaeological sites in North China,providing new data about early wheat in the region. Until today,the early wheat remains dated to before 3000 BP have been reported from more than 30 archaeological sites in China. One conclusion that can be drawn from the new data that wheat was brought to China around 4000 BP. The archaeological evidence also suggests that there are two possible routes by which wheat may have been brought into China. One is the Eurasian Steppe route,which is likely following the route of West Asia - Central Asia - Early Bronze cultures on the eastern part of Eurasian Steppe - Northern Zone of ancient Chine cultures - the middle and lower Yellow River area. Another is the Oas routes,我和别人不一样which is like following the route of West Asia - Central Asia - Pamir Plateau - the ries of oas on the both edges of Taqla-Makan Dert - Gansu Corridor - The Loess Plateau.