Lithium Battery Guidance
Revid 9 March 2016
Transport of Lithium Metal and Lithium Ion Batteries
Revid for the 2016 Regulations
This document is bad on the provisions t out in the 2015-2016 Edition of the ICAO Technical Instruction for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air and the 57th Edition of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR).
The provisions of the DGR with respect to lithium batteries may also be found in the IATA lithium Battery Shipping Guidelines (LBSG). In addition to the content from the DGR, the LBSG also has additional classification flowcharts and detailed packing and documentation examples for lithium batteries.
Information on the DGR and LBSG can be found here:
The purpo of this document is to provide guidance for complying with provisions applicable to the transport by air of lithium batteries as t out in the DGR. Specifically the document provides information on:
•Classification (including classification flowcharts);
•Frequently Asked Questions
Lithium Battery – The term “lithium battery” refers to a family of batteries with different chemistries, comprising many types of cathodes and electrolytes. For the purpos of the DGR they are parated into:
Lithium metal batteries. Are generally primary (non-rechargeable) batteries that have lithium metal or lithium compounds as an anode. Lithium metal batteries are generally ud to power devices such as watches, calculators, cameras, temperature data loggers.
Lithium metal batteries packed by themlves (not contained in or packed with equipment) (Packing Instruction 968) are forbidden for transport as cargo on pasnger aircraft) unless shipped under exemption issued by all States concerned, e special provision A201.
Figure 1 - Example of Lithium Metal Batteries
Lithium-ion batteries (sometimes abbreviated Li-ion batteries) are a type of condary (rechargeable) battery commonly ud in consumer electronics. Also included within the category of lithium-ion batteries are lithium polymer batteries. Lithium-ion batteries are generally found in mobile telephones, laptop computers, etc.
廉洁自律心得体会Figure 2 - Example of a Lithium Ion Battery
With effect 1 April 2016 lithium ion batteries packed by themlves (Packing Instruction 965) (not contained in or packed with equipment):
(a) must be shipped at a state of charge (SoC) not exceeding 30% of their rated
design capacity. Cells and/or batteries at a SoC of greater than 30% may only be shipped with the approval of the State of Origin and the State of the Operator under the written conditions established by tho authorities; and
(b) are forbidden for transport as cargo on pasnger aircraft unless shipped
under exemption issued by all States concerned, e special provision A201.
The technical definition of a battery and cell, as indicated in the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, is as follows:
“Battery” means two or more cells which are electrically connected together and fitted with devices necessary for u, for example, ca, terminals, marking and protective devices. A single cell lithium battery is considered a "cell" and must be tested according to the testing requirements for "cells" for the purpos of the Regulations and the provisions of subction 38.3 of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria (e also the definition for "cell").
Units that are commonly referred to as “battery packs”, “modules” or “battery asmblies” having the
primary function of providing a source of power to another piece of equipment are for the purpos of the Regulations and the provisions of Subction 38.3 of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria treated as batteries.
“Cell” means a single encad electrochemical unit (one positive and one negative electrode) which exhibits a voltage differential across its two terminals. Under the Regulations and the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, to the extent the encad electrochemical unit meets the definition of “cell” herein, it is a “cell”, not a “battery”, regardless of whether the unit is termed a “battery” or a “single cell battery” outside of the Regulations and the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria
Button cell or battery means a round small cell or battery when the overall height is less than the diameter.
Consignment,one or more packages of dangerous goods accepted by an operator (airline) from one shipper at one time and at one address, receipted for in one lot and moving to one consignee at one destination address.
Rated capacity means the capacity, in ampere-hours or milliampere-hours, of a cell or battery as measured by subjecting it to a load, temperature and voltage· cut-off point specified by the manufact
The following IEC standards provide guidance and methodology for determining the rated capacity:
(1) I EC 61960 (First Edition 2003-12): Secondary cells and batteries containing
alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes -Secondary lithium cells and batteries for portable applications;
(2) I EC 62133 (First Edition 2002-10): Secondary cells and batteries containing
alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Safety requirements for portable aled condary cells, and for batteries made from them, for u in portable applications;
(3) IEC 62660-1 (First Edition 2011-01): Secondary lithium-ion cells for the propulsion
of electric road vehicles- Part 1: Performance testing.
State of Origin, the country (State) in the territory of which the consignment is to first be loaded on a
ai的拼音n aircraft.
Classification (DGR
Lithium batteries are classified in Class 9 – Miscellaneous dangerous goods as: •UN 3090, Lithium metal batteries; and
•UN 3480, Lithium ion batteries
or, if inside a piece of equipment or packed parately with a piece of equipment as: •UN 3091, Lithium metal batteries contained in equipment; or
•UN 3091, Lithium metal batteries packed with equipment; and
•UN 3481, Lithium ion batteries contained in equipment; or
•UN 3481, Lithium ion batteries packed with equipment.
Classification Flowcharts
The following (2) classification flowcharts are intended to provide guidance on the classification for lit
hium metal and lithium ion batteries.
Classification Flowchart – Lithium Ion Batteries
APCS/Cargo Page 5
All cells and batteries must be tested in accordance with the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria Part III Subction
38.3 (DGR
Lithium Ion Batteries (limited to a maximum
of 30% SoC)
Lithium Ion Batteries Contained in Equipment
Cells greater than 20 Wh; and
Batteries greater than 100 Wh UN3480 PI 965 Section IA IMP: RLI
Limit per package: Pax A/C = Forbidden CAO = 35 kg
Cells ≤ 20 Wh; and Batteries ≤100 Wh收获时节
UN3480 PI 965 Section IB IMP: RLI
NOTE: U “IB” if package exceeds Section II Limits and more than 1 package Limit per package: Pax A/C = Forbidden CAO = 10 kg
Cells ≤20 Wh; and Batteries ≤100 Wh
UN3480 PI: 965 Section II IMP: ELI
Limit per package: (not more than 1 package)
≤ 2.7 Wh = 2.5kg; or cells > 2.7 Wh ≤ 20 Wh = 8 cells; or
batteries > 2.7 Wh ≤ 100 Wh = 2 batteries Forbidden on Pax
Cells equal to or less than 20 Wh; and
Batteries equal to or less than 100 Wh
UN3481 PI 967 * Section II IMP: ELI
Limit per package: Pax A/C = 5 kg CAO = 5 kg
Cells greater than 20 Wh; and
Batteries greater than 100 Wh UN3481 PI 966 Section I IMP: RLI
Limit per package: Pax A/C = 5 kg CAO = 35 kg
Cells equal to or less than 20 Wh; and Batteries equal to or less than 100 Wh
UN3481 PI 966 Section II IMP: ELI
Limit per package: Pax A/C = 5 kg CAO = 5 kg
Cells greater than 20 Wh; and
Batteries greater than 100 Wh
UN3481 PI 967 Section I IMP: RLI
Limit per package: Pax A/C = 5 kg CAO = 35 kg
Lithium Ion Batteries Packed With Equipment
Pasd UN ?
* exceptions exist to the labelling requirements – e PI 967 Section II