1、As a condition of his employment with an investment bank, Abasi Hasina, CFA, was required to sign an employment contract, including a non-compete clau restricting him from working for a competitor for three years after leaving the employer. After one year, Hasina quits his job for a comparable position with an investment bank in a country where non-compete claus are illegal. Lawyers with whom he consulted prior to taking the new position determined the non-compete clau was a violation of human rights and thus illegal. Did Hasina most likely violate the CFA Institute Code of Ethics?【单选题】
B.No, becau the non-compete clau violates his human rights
C.No, becau the non-compete clau is illegal in the new country of employment未来职业规划
答案解析:“Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct,” CFA Institute2012 Modular Level I, Vol. 1, p. 15A is correct becau by failing to adhere to the non-compete clau he agreed to abide by
when signing his employment contract, Hasina shows a lack of professional integrity toward his employer. This behavior reflects poorly on the good reputation of members and is a violation of the Code of Ethics, which states that members and candidates must act with integrity, and Standard I (D) Misconduct, which states that members and candidates must not engage in any professional conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, or deceit or commit any act that reflects adverly on their professional reputation, integrity, or competence. The Code of Ethics at times requires a member or candidate to uphold a higher standard than that required by law, rule, or regulation, or in this ca the strict application of the employment agreement.
2、The following information relates to a futures contract (in U.S. dollars):If no funds are withdrawn and margin calls are met at the beginning of the next day, the ending margin account balance on Day 3 for an investor with a short position of 10 contracts is clost to:【单选题】
答案解析:At the end of Day 1, the balance in the account would be $20.Section 3课程设计任务书
出嫁的女儿回娘家3、When the underlying stock price is $95, an investor pays $2 for a call option with an exerci price of $95. If the stock price moves to $96, the intrinsic value of the call option would be clost to:【单选题】
答案解析:The intrinsic value of a call option is the stock price minus the exerci price if that difference is positive and zero otherwi. The stock is trading at $96 and can be purchad for $95, so the intrinsic value is $1.Section 5.1
4、A firm is uncertain about both the number of units the market will demand and the price it will receive for
them. This type of risk is best described as:【单选题】
A.sales risk. risk.
C.operating risk.
答案解析:“Measures of Leverage,” Pamela Peter son Drake, CFA, Raj Aggarwal, CFA, Cynthia Harrington, CFA, and Adam Kobor, CFAA is correct. Sales risk is associated with uncertainty with respect to total revenue, which in turn, depends on price and units sold.
5、An investor might consider investments in commodities becau, historically, commodity returns have had a higher positive correlation with:【单选题】
A.inflation. returns.
C.stock returns.
答案解析:“Alternative Investments,” Bruno Solnik and Dennis McLeaveyA is correct becau commodity returns have had a positive correlation with inflation, as oppod to their low to negative correlation with bond and stock returns.
6、An analyst does rearch about tradingssions.Which of the following statementsis most accurate to describe the characteristics of a call market?【单选题】
A.Dealers who provide curities liquidity engage in proprietary trading.
B.Gathering all trades to the same place at the same time makes it easier forbuyers to find llers and vice versa.
C.A willing buyer and ller can trade at anytime the market is open.
答案解析:集合竞价市场(call market)主要是撮合买卖订单来决定单一价格,该价格往往在一些小的市场或者一些大的市场决定开盘价格时使用。连续交易市场(continuous trading market)在开盘中的任何时间,交易都能够被执行。
7、An analyst does rearch about fixed income products.A increa in expectedyield volatility most likely results in a price decrea of a(n)?【单选题】掌声作文600字
A.Callable bond.
B.Putable bond.
C.Option-free bond.
答案解析:预期收益率的波动性上升,会同时增加债券赎回权(call)和回售权(put)的价值。所以,会导致callable bond价格下降,putable bond价格上升,而option-free bond价格不受影响。
8、All el being equal, an increa in expected yield volatility would most likelycau the price of:【单选题】肘击
A.a callable bond to increa and the price of a putable bond to decrea.
B.a callable bond to decrea and the price of a putable bond to increa.
C.a callable bond to increa and the price of a option-free bond to decrea.
9、An analyst does rearch about spot and forward rate.The 4-year spot rate is 9.45%, and the 3-year spot rate is 9.85%.What is the 1-year forward rate 3years from today?【单选题】
10、An analyst does rearch about standard deviation and gathers the following informationabout two scenarios:The expected standard deviation is clost to:【单选题】
答案解析:平均回报= 0.40 × (-5%)+ 0.60 × 10% = 4%