本项目实施及服务合同(“合同”)由以下双方于_________ (“生效日”)签订:
,其主营业地为[ ], (“卖方”)
蓝牙是什么意思及[ ], 其主营业地为[ ]- ("买方")。
This Master Implementation and Services Contract (“Contract”) is entered into as of [ ] (the “Effective Date”) by
, with its principal office at[ ], ("Seller") and
[ ], with its principal office at [ ] ("Buyer").对关羽的评价
The parties agree as follows:
1. 服务卖方将做出商业上合理的努力、遵照本合同中的条款提供附件(工作描述及附件)中规定的专业服务(“服务”)。由履行本合同引起的或在履行本合同过程中出现的任何成果应被视为“工作产品”。每份工作描述及附件须经双方签署并作为本合同合法有效的组成部分。
1. Services. Seller will u reasonable commercial efforts to provide certain professional rvices as t forth in Exhibit (Statement of Work and Appendices) attached hereto (the "Services"), and in accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions in this Contract. Anything resulting from or arising in the cour of performance of this Contract shall be deemed "Work Product." Each Statement of Work and Appendices must be signed by the parties and constitute the reference to this Contract.
2. 服务费和计费程序买方同意根据本合同所附工作描述及附件中规定的合同报价向卖方支付服务费。
2. Fees and Billing Procedures. Buyer agrees to pay Seller for the Services in accordance with the fixed fees t forth in a Statement of Work and Appendices attached hereto.
All payments under the Contract shall be made in RMB through banks specified by Buyer and Seller. After receiving the payment from the End Ur, Buyer shall, within 30 days upon receipt and confirmation of Selle r’s invoices, pay to Seller via telegraphic transfer.
The Total Contract Price shall be paid by Buyer to Seller according to the following methods and ratio: Advance Payment: 10% of Total Contract Price
Pha One Payment: 10% of Total Contract Price
Pha Two Payment: 10% of Total Contract Price
大学学风建设Final Payment: 70% of Total Contract Price
[Candidate: plea translate the above clau highlighted in grey into English.]
3. 合同期限除非根据下文规定提前终止本合同,本合同期限应为二(2)年。若任何一方实质性违反本合同,另一方应就此违约行为向对方发出书面通知并给予对方三十(30)日的期限。若在上述为期三十日的通知期限内,违约方仍未纠正其违约行为,非违约方可终止本合同并应有权获得任何可及的补救方式。
直角三角形的定义3. Term. The term of this Contract shall be two years unless earlier terminated as provided herein. If either party materially breaches this Contract, the other party shall give thirty (30) days writing notice of such breach. If the breach is not cured with the thirty (30) notice period, the nonbreaching Contract may terminate the Contract and shall be entitled to recover any remedies available to it.
4. 保密及自有信息一方(“信息披露方”)可向另一方(“信息接受方”)披露其认为属于保密信息的信息且此信息在披露之时被认为是保密信息和/或自有信息(“保密信息”)。以任何形式存在的卖方的软件产品及Seller Live Methodology应为保密信息。除非法律要求,各方同意不为履行本合同所必须之目的以外
4. Confidential and Proprietary Information. A party (the “Disclor”) may disclo to the other party (the “Recipient”) information that the Disclor considers to be confidential and at the time of disclosure is identified as confidential and/or proprie tary (“Confidential Information”). Seller’s software products in any embodiment and the Seller Live Methodology shall be Confidential Information. The parties agree, unless required by law, not to u or make each other's Confidential Information available to any third party for any purpo other than as necessary to perform under this Contract. Recipient shall protect the Confidential Information of Disclor by using the same deg
ree of care, but no less than a reasonable degree of care, that it us to protect its own confidential information of a like nature to prevent its unauthorized u, dismination or publication by its employees or agents. Both parties acknowledge that any breach of its obligations with respect to Confidential Information may cau the other irreparable injury for which there are inadequate remedies at law and that Disclor shall be entitled to ek equitable relief in addition to all other remedies available to it. A party's Confidential Information shall not include information that: (i) is or becomes publicly available through no act or omission of Recipient; (ii) was in the Recipient’s lawful posssion prior to the disclosure and was not obtained by Recipient either directly or indirectly from the Disclosing party; (iii) is lawfully disclod to the Recipient by a third party without
restriction on Recipient’s disclosure, and where Recipient was not aware that the information was the confidential information of Disclor; or (iv) is independently developed by the Receiving party without violation of this Contract. Each Party’s obligations of confidentiality shall survive for 3 years from the expiry date of this Contract.
5. 双方同意,自本合同生效之日起,对在本工程范围内,根据最终用户的业务需求由卖方研究或
5. Contract parties agree that upon the effective date of the Contract, for all results or documents developed by Seller or developed by mutual efforts bad on End Ur’s rvice needs for the Project, all of the intellectual property rights (including but not limited to copyright) concerning such results or documents shall belong to Buyer. Buyer shall have the rights related to results and documents described hereinabove, such as ownership right, right of u, right to earnings and power of interpretation. The results described above include the technical tools and technical methods of Seller or ud by Seller with authorization from others.
6. 责任限制
6. Limitation of Liability.
6.1 卖方延期和逾期违约责任
6.1 Seller’s liabilities for project delay and overdue
6.1.1 Should the inspection cannot be carried out according to project schedule due to Seller’s fault, Seller
shall pay a penalty for delay to Buyer in following manners:
0.5% of Total Contract Price for each week overdue from the first week delay to the fourth week
1% of Total Contract Price for each week starting from the fifth week delay;
Any incomplete week shall be treated as a full week;
The penalty for delay described above shall not exceed 10% of Total Contract Price;
If above-mentioned situations occur due to Seller’s fault and project schedule is therefore delayed, the project schedule shall be postponed accordingly. The payment of such penalty will not affect Seller's obligation to deliver the System to Buyer in agreed time.
6.1.2 如果由于卖方原因,本项目逾期达3个月或以上,买方可以在提前7天书面通知卖方后解除
6.1.2 If the whole project be delayed up to 3 months or above due to Seller’s cau, Buyer shall be entitled
to terminate this Contract by giving Seller 7 days prior written notice.
6.2 如果验收由于买方的原因推迟,合同工程进度相应顺延,顺延后6.1条款依然适用。逾期违约
6. 2 If inspection is delayed due to Buyer’s fault, the Contract project schedule will be postponed
accordingly and ction 6.1 is also applicable. Penalty for delay will be calculated bad on the project schedule confirmed by Buyer and Seller.
6.3 如卖方未经买方许可擅自更换顾问,卖方应以如下方式向买方支付违约金:
6.3 If Seller replaces its consultants without connt from Buyer, Seller shall pay a penalty to Buyer in
following manners:
Replacement of one consultant without connt from Buyer: 1% of Total Contract Price
Replacement of two consultants: 5% of Total Contract Price
Replacement of three consultant: 10% of Total Contract Price