1-2-1 中美双学位计划三方协议

更新时间:2023-07-06 14:32:11 阅读: 评论:0

3-Party Agreement of the 1-2-1 Dual Degree Program
Party A甲方:  Wuhan University武汉大学数据图表制作
Party B乙方:  Regents of New Mexico State University 美国新墨西哥州立大学Party C丙方: World American Cultural Exchanges 美国国际经济文化交流协会In order to meet the needs of Chine students who ek a diploma and a bachelor
degree from both universities in the United State and China, the three parties as above mentioned cooperate with each other to engage in the "1-2-1 Dual Degree Program" (1-2-1 Program), and make the following agreement:为满足学生要求获得中美两国
I.Definition of the "1-2-1 Dual Degree Program":一、“1-2-1计划”定义:
The above-mentioned parties have agreed, under the esntial prerequisites of credit acceptance and
mutual transfer, to the student exchange plan (1-2-1 Program) according to the following definition: students shall complete their freshman year study (1) at their China-Partner University (Party A, above). Then, students will go to the United States for two years’ (2) study at their U.S.-Partner University (Party B, above). For their last year (1) students must return to China to complete their nior year study in their China-Partner University, and when meeting the requirements of both universities, shall earn diplomas and bachelors degrees from Party A as well as Party B. During all their study in China and the US, students in the 1-2-1 Program must obrve the laws, decrees and relevant regulations enacted by Chine and American governments and all school regulations of Party A and Party B. Any student who breaches the contract, shall take the responsibility by herlf/himlf.上述三方
II. Party A’s Responsibilities甲方的职责:
1.Party A shall provide students freshman and nior study in China and at the
request of Party B, recruit students甲方按乙方的要求提供学生在中国第一和第四年的课程并负责招生。
2.Party A shall provide Party B with transcripts of students' academic work at the
completion of the first and fourth year in China. 甲方向乙方提供一、四学年学生在甲方的成绩。
3.Party A shall not make substantial changes in any or all of the cours without
prior approval of Party B. 未经乙方同意甲方不得任意修改课程。
4.Party A shall not revi and/or exempt any or all of the cours without prior
approval of Party B. 未经乙方同意甲方不得减免学时和课程。
5. Party A shall collect the fee of program registration, testing, and tuition in China and related costs from students. 甲方负责收取在中国的有关费用。
6. Party A shall grant each student a bachelors degree when cour work is satisfactorily completed i
n both the US and China. 甲方在学生按要求完成中美课程后,负责授予学生甲方的毕业证书和学士学位证书。
7. Under parate agreement, Party A may nd teaching staff to the US to obrve class and exchange ideas with the professors of Party B. 通过另行协议甲方的教学人员可到乙方考察,与乙方教学人员交流。
8. Party A shall host the reprentatives of Party B and Party C for the business visits
to Party A. 甲方负责安排乙方和丙方在甲方的公务访问。
III. Party B’s Responsibilities 乙方的职责
9. Party B shall articulate the curriculum with Party A for the students’ first and the fourth year’s study in China, and design a four-year educational program that will provide students an education at New Mexico State University. 乙方向甲方提供学生第一和第四年在中国学习的课程要求,安排四年教学计划,为学生提供在美国新墨西哥州立大学的教育。
10.Party B shall provide Party A with transcripts of students' academic work at the completion of the cond and third year in the US, and shall provide a complete plan of curriculum, textbooks and teac
hing plans for the propod degrees sought
by students. 乙方向甲方提供二、三学年学生在乙方的成绩,向学生提供完整的教学计划、教材。
11. Party B shall provide necessary cours for students to complete their cond and
third year in a timely and convenient manner to insure that students may complete the agreed-upon program. 乙方向学生提供恰当的课程以确保学生在二、三年按时完成学习计划。
12.Party B shall not make substantial changes in any or all of the cours without
prior approval of Party A. 未经甲方同意乙方不得任意修改课程。
13.Party B shall not revi and/or exempt any or all of the cours without prior
approval of Party A. 未经甲方同意乙方不得减免学时和课程。
14. Party B shall collect tuition, fees, and related costs from students in the US. 乙方
15. Party B's reprentative shall go to China with Party C's reprentative for the
interview of students who are applying for the 1-2-1 Program. 乙方代表应与丙方代表赴华面试甲方学生。
16. Party B shall issue letters of admission and DS-2019 forms (J-1 Visa) to qualified
students. 乙方应向合格学生签发录取通知书和DS-2019表(J-1签证用)17. Party B's reprentative shall work with Party C's reprentative on site at the visa
interview to coordinate with the US Embassy in China and assist students in obtaining their visas.  乙方代表应与丙方代表赴华协调美使领馆帮助学生签证。
18. Party B shall inform the other two parties of the adjustment, progress and success
姨妈延迟的原因有哪些of students during their study in the US. 乙方应向甲方和丙方通报学生在美学习和有关情况。
19. Party B shall grant each student the diploma and bachelors degree when cour
work is satisfactorily completed in both the US and China. 乙方在学生按要求完成中美课程后,负责授予学生乙方的美国大学毕业证书和学位证书。
20.Under parate agreement, Party B may nd teaching staff to China to obrve class and exchange ideas with professors of Party A. 通过另行协议,乙方的教学人员可到甲方考察,与甲方教学人员交流。
21.Party B shall host the reprentatives of Party A and Party C for business visits to Party B. 乙方负责安排甲方和丙方在乙方的公务访问。
IV. Party C’s Responsibilities 丙方的职责
22. Party C created the 1-2-1 Program. Party C shall have full responsibility to什么真好作文400字
supervi the program and to make the program work correctly as it is designed.丙方创立了1-2-1计划,应负责项目全程监管,确保项目按要求进行。
23. Party C shall work and coordinate with Party A and Party B to design the annual
1-2-1 Program Recruitment Plan. 丙方应与甲、乙方合作协调制定1-2-1年度招生计划。
24. Party C shall work together with Party B to interview and screen students in China.
25. Party C shall deliver the letter of admission and DS-2019 form to students who are
qualified for the program. 丙方应将录取通知和签证表交合格学生。
26. Party C shall work and coordinate with Party B to cure students’ visa interview
appointments. 丙方应与甲方合作协调安排学生签证面试。
27. Party C shall maintain communication with the US Embassy/Consulates in China
to assist students in curing their visas. 丙方负责与驻华美使馆密切联系,协助学生签证。
28. Party C shall book airline tickets for students from China to the US, shall arrange
airport nd off, transfer students to the nearest airport of Party B and accompany students to Party B’s campus, and inform Party B to pick up students at the airport.
29. Party C shall assist Party B to manage students during their study in the US. 丙方
30. Party C shall assist Party B in complying with all reporting requirements of the
US consulates and INS agency. 丙方协助乙方完成有关美使馆、移民局的报告。
31. Party C shall assist Party B in arranging student activities for holidays/vacation
during the students' stay in the US.  Party C shall assist Party B in student exchanges in China; however, Party B alone will make decisions about student
admission and retention. 丙方协助乙方安排学生在美的节假日活动,丙方协助中方学生交流,但录取等工作应由乙方决定。
32. Party C shall work with Party B and Party A to arrange business visits from Party
A and Party C in the US, and from Party
B and Party
C in China. 丙方与甲方、
33. Party C shall charge students for program management and related administrative
costs. 丙方负责收取学生的有关管理和办理费用。
V. Closing结束
In the cour of performing the 1-2-1 program, if circumstances ari that are not stated here, all parties shall solve them through friendly discussion. This agreement is written in both Chine and English with the same legal force which is done in three copies. All text is equivalent in English and Chine languages. Each party shall retain one copy both in Chine and English. This agreement will come into force when signed by the reprentatives of all parties and be valid until December 31, 2009 and may be modified or extended by connt of all parties.  Modifications or extensions shall obligate the signatories beginning with the date of their signatures. This agreement can be terminated at any time by either party within 30 days written notification to the other parties. No new students will be added after the written notice to terminate has been received by all parties, but all students who were approved prior to receiving the termination notice will be allowed to complete their educational programs.  通告过友好协商,解决有关在执行1-2-1计划中可能出现的各种问题,本协议中英文一式三份,甲乙丙三方各执一份,中英文具有同等法律效力,本协议三方代表签字生效,
_______________________________________ Date日期:____________________ Reprentative of Party A甲方代表签字:
_______________________________________ Date日期:____________________ Reprentative of Party B乙方代表签字:
________________________________________ Date日期:____________________ Reprentative of Party C丙方代表签字:

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