Exerci(Renaissance)1.Renaissance as a period in western civilization, refers to the period between the __ 14th__and mid__17th__century
2. Renaissance means revival of interest in ancient Roman and Greek culture3. Renaissance , in esnce , was a historical period in which humanist thinkers and scholars made attempts to get rid of conrvatism山西著名景点 in feudalist Europe and introduce new ideas that expresd the interests of the rising _ bourgeoisie _, to lift the restrictions in all areas placed by the Roman church authorities.
4. Renaissance started in Florence and Venice with the flowering of painting , sculpture and architecture ,from Italy the movement went to embrace the rest of Europe.5. where the impact of Renaissance with Italy was most strongly felt in fine arts , in France it was literature and in England it was philosophy and drama
6. Becau of its geographical position, foreign trade developed in Italy. This brought Italy into contact with other countries and gave ri to urban 百度五笔economy and helped Italy to accumulate wealth which was an esntial factor for the flowering of art and literature.7.At t
he heart of the renaissance philosophy is the asrtion of the greatness of man. 8.In art and literature during the Italian renaissance, the elements are reflected in shifting man's interest from Christianity to humanity , from religion to philosophy获奖新闻稿 , from heaven to earth , from the beauty of god and hou of god to the beauty of the human body in all its joys and pains, ns and feelings.9.Bocaccio's greatest work was the Decameron , a collection of 100 tales told by ven young ladies and three younger gentlemen on their way to escape the black death of 1348.10.Petrarch was best known for Canzoniers, a book of lyrical songs written in his Italian dialect.11.Giotto was an architect for the cathedral in Florence. His major works were: Flight into Egypt, 雅思机考模拟Betrayal of Judas .12.Brunelleschi introduced motif that was widely imitated during the renaissance. In 1420 he began to build the dome for the cathedral in Florence and it became the most original construction in the building of domes in the world history of architecture.13.Donatello studied the ruins of antiquity and introduced many of the ancient principles into his works. His major works were David and the Gattamelata Equestrain Statue.14.Giorgione's major works were Tempesta, a beautiful landscape with
a calm and pastoral atmosphere, and sleeping Venus , a picture of ideal female beauty.15Last supper and Monalisa were painted by Leonardo da Vinci16.Michelangelo's major sculptures were David , dying slave and Mos, and his major paintings were frescoes called Sistine Chapel17.Titian did the paintings:The Venus of Vrbino ,Sacred and Profane Love七言对联大全>透明指甲油,Madonna of the Pesaro Family,Man with the Glove.
18.Becau of the Wars of Ros within the country and its weak and unimportant position in 在线英语听力world trade , renaissance came later in England than other European countries.19.English Renaissance was different from that of other countries in when it occurred and where the impact was most strongly felt.20.The major figures during the renaissance were William Shakespeare, Sir Thomas More, Francis Bacon and a number of humanist scholars.21.Thomas More's best -known contribution was Utopia22.In addition to plays, Shakespeare also produced hundreds of poems, sonnets in particular.23.Where did the renaissance start with the flowering of paintings, sculpture and architecture? A in Greece and Rome B in Florence and Venice C in Milan and Florence D in Italy and Germany24.When did the renaissance reach its height with its
center moving to Milan, then to Rome , and created high renaissance? A in the 11th century B in the 15th century C in the 16th century D in the 17th century 25.Which of the following works is written by Boccaccio? A Decameron B Canzoniers C David D Mos26.Who is the author of the painting Betrayal of Judas?A Giotto B Brunelleschi C Donatello D Giorgione27.Which of the following high renaissance artists is the father of the modern mode of painting ?A Raphael B TitianC Leonardo da Vinci D Michelangelo28Which of the following high Renaissance artists was best known for his Madonna?A Titian B Leonardo da VinciC Michelangelesque D Raphael29.Which of the following pantings was bad on the story in the Bible with Maria riding on a donkey ready face the hardship ahead?A Tempesta B Sacred and Profane LoveC Flight into Egypt D The Return of The Hunters30. “To be, or not to be, --- that is the question” from who works ? A. Chaucer B. Dante C. Roger Bacon 惊蜇D. Shakespeare