专利名称:Motor vehicle door hinge for pivotal fitting
of a vehicle door to a vehicle body裙子设计图
发明人:Lutz Maiwald,Gunter Adam,Hans-Gerd跨行存钱atm机需要手续费吗
Menne,Christian Mobius
摘要:The invention relates to a motor vehicle door hinge for the pivotal fitting of a vehicle door to a vehicle body, including a door member adapted to be fitted to the
vehicle door and a pillar member adapted to be fitted to the vehicle body, the being pivotally interconnected. The invention further relates to a t of components for motor vehicle door hinges including a door member and a pillar member for the pivotal fitting of a vehicle door to a vehicle body. In order to provide a motor vehicle door hinge which can be manufactured particularly cost-effectively and furthermore to provide a t of components for the manufacture of a motor vehicle door hinge, the components of which permit the manufacture of at least two hinges which can be employed on a vehicle, provision is made in the ca of the motor vehicle door hinge, that the pillar member and/or the door member are formed from at least two components, i.e. a ba plate fittable on the vehicle side and a support arm fittable to the ba plate. Regarding the t of components the arrangement provides that the t includes a ba plate, fittable to the vehicle door and/or the vehicle body, and a support arm fittable to the ba plate, the ba plate and the support arm being adapted for the production of a door member and/or pillar member employable in at least two positions of a vehicle and the ba plate and the support arm being pre-manufactured.手掌画教案>360安全网址
税收学专业申请人:Lutz Maiwald,Gunter Adam,Hans-Gerd Menne,Christian Mobius
地址:Bergneustadt DE,Zschaitz-Ottewig DE,Bergneustadt DE,Frankenberg DE