Part Ⅰ. Directions: Translate the following items into their target language respectively. If the original is in English, its target language is Chine. If the original is in Chine, its target language is English. Two points are given for each correct item. (60 points)
1. It’s been a nail-biting couple of weeks waiting for my results.
2. Dear me, tho girls were even as nervous as brick.
3. The constant changes in the weather beat me.
4. He gave up the sword for the plough.
5. I could have laughed to read her thoughts.春节喜庆图片
6. It is esntial that the mechanic or technician understand well the characteristics
of battery circuits and cells.
7. They were understandably reluctant to join the battle.
8. The curtain has parted; the mystery is being dispelled.
9. They love to read and be read to.
10. You will be updated on the final tour dates and details of the itinerary in October.
11. A book may be compared to your neighbor; if it is good, it cannot last too long;关于党的问题
if bad, you cannot get rid of it too early.
12. Greenland was not a continent, as people thought.
13. Power banks are restricted in your carry-on luggage.
14. We hold the truths to be lf-evident, that all men are created equal.
15. 港人治港,澳人治澳
【答案】Hong Kong People governing Hong Kong, Macao People governing Macao
16. 行李寄存处
【答案】left-luggage office
17. 法治国家
【答案】a country under the rule of law
18. 《第二语言习得概论》
【答案】Understanding Second Language Acquisition
19. 请匀速行驶。
【答案】Plea drive at a constant speed.
20. 这几天心里颇不宁静。
【答案】The last few days have found me very restless.
21. 提到童年,总使人有些向往。
【答案】People are generally inclined to cherish the memory of their childhood.
22. 穷困的生活使我懂事早。
带龙的词语【答案】Poor life makes me a forward child.国庆法定几天
23. 喜讯传来,人们顿时欢呼起来。
【答案】People broke into cheers at once when they heard the good news.
24. 只有充分发展商品经济,才能把经济真正搞活,使各企业增加效率。
【答案】The development of a commodity economy is the only way to invigorate our economy and prompt enterpri to rai their efficiency.
25. 天河师范高等专科学校
【答案】Tianhe Normal College
26. 幸福是什么模样,或许并不难回答。
【答案】It might not be difficult to answer what happiness is like.
27. 近几年来,父亲和我都是东奔西走,家中光景是一日不如一日。
【答案】In recent years, I have been living an unttled life, so did my father, and the circumstances of our family going from bad to wor.
28. 事实胜于雄辩,水落自然石出。
【答案】Facts speak louder than eloquence and the truth will prevail in the end.
29. 双方一直认为建立长期友好关系符合两国人民的愿望。
【答案】Both sides agree that a lasting relationship meets the desires of the people of the two countries.
30. 今天我以母校为荣,明天母校以我为荣。
【答案】My school will be proud of me in the future as I am proud of her today.
Part Ⅱ. Directions: Translate the underlined parts into Chine. (40 points) For it is not the large hous that live in the memory of the visitor. He goes through them as a matter of duty, and forgets about them as a matter of cour. The pictures that linger in his mind, called up in a moment by such nsations as the smell of ros or of new-mown hay, are of a simpler nature. A little cottage
nestling amidst the wayside trees, the blue smoke curling up against the green, and a bower of ro
s round the door; or perhaps a village street of which the name has been long forgotten, with its rambling old inn, and, a little distance away, the hoary, grey church-tower in its township of tombstones-the are the pictures of old England that are carried away to other climes. And it is the cottage, more homely than the inn, more sacred than the church, that we remember best.
Such places have no history at all, their life has not been t in the public eye, and they have always been so wrapped up in their own affairs, that they have never noticed how time is passing, and so they have brought down into the life of today the traditions of two or three hundred years ago.
But though they do not po, tho quiet places, yet it is through them that the deep, main current of English life has flowed. For it is a shallow theory that views history as the annals of a court, or the record of the lives of a few famous men. Doubtless such have their significance, but it is easy to overrate their importance, and they afford but little clue to the life of the people, which is the real history of the country. And until recent days it was not through the cities that this main stream flowed, but through innumerable little country towns and villages.
Washington Irving grasped this fact nearly a hundred years ago when he wrote: “The stranger who would form a correct opinion of English character must go forth into the country. He must sojourn in v
illages and hamlets; he must visit castles, villas, farmhous, cottages; he must wander through parks and gardens, along hedges and green lanes; he must loiter about country churches, attend wakes and一次离别