力学专业TOP5(top10)期刊目录(注:各二级学科前5为top5) | |
1、工程力学 | |
序号 | 期刊名 |
1 | JournaloftheMechanicsandPhysicsofSolids |
2 | StructuralandMultidisciplinaryOptimization |
3 | InternationalJournalofSolidsandStructures |
4 | EngineeringFractureMechanics |
5 | ASME系列杂志 |
9 | InternationalJournalofHeatandMassTransfer |
平头发型图片男 6 | StructuralSafety |
7 | CompositesScienceandTechnology |
8 | EngineeringStructures |
10 | SmartMaterialsandStructures |
2、航空航天力学与工程 | |
序号 | 期刊名 |
1 | 上大学的好处AIAAJournal |
2 | JournalofGuidance,ControlandDynamics |
3 | InternationalJournalofHeatandMassTransfer |
4 | JournalofSoundandVibration |
5 | ComputersandStructures |
6 | StructuralandMultidisciplinaryOptimization |
7 | JournalofAppliedMechanics |
8 | CompositeStructures |
9 | Thin-walledStructures |
10 | NonlinearDynamics |
3、制造工艺力学 | |
序号 | 期刊名 |
1 | AdvancedMaterials |
2 | TheInternationalJournalofAdvancedManufacturingTechnology |
3 | InternationalJournalofMachineToolsandManufacture |
4 | Mater ialsandDesign |
5 | InternationalJournalofAdhesionandAdhesive |
6 | AdvancedFunctionalMaterials |
7 | 热量怎么算CompositesPartA:AppliedScienceandManufacturing |
8 | CompositesScienceandTechnology |
9 | Polymer |
10 | PolymerforAdvancedTechnology |
4、固体力学 | |
序号 | 期刊名 |
1 | JournaloftheMechanicsandPhysicsofSolids |
2 | InternationalJournalofPlasticity |
3 | Proceedings of Royal Society系列杂志 |
4 | Journal of Applied Mechanics |
5 | InternationalJournalofFatigue |
6 | InternationalJournalofSolidsandStructures |
7 | CompositesScienceandTechnology |
8 | InternationalJournalofEngineeringScience |
9 | InternationalJournalofFracture |
10 | ActaMaterilla |
5、计算力学 | |
序号 | 期刊名 |
1 | ComputerMethodsinAppliedMechanicsandEngineering |
2 | InternationalJournalforNumericalMethodsinEngineering |
3 | ComputationalMechanics |
4 | JournalofComputationalPhysics |
5 | InternationalJournalforNumericalMethodsinFluids |
6 | ComputerMethodsinBiomechanicsandBiomedicalEngineering |
7 | ComputersandFluids |
8 | FiniteElementsinAnalysisandDesign |
9 | EngineeringAnalysiswithBoundaryElements |
10 | ComputersandStructures |
6、一般力学与力学基础 | |
序号 | 期刊名 |
1 | Nature(系列杂志),Science(系列) |
2 | PhysicalReview系列杂志 |
李培杰3 | Advanced Functional Materials |
4 | Journal of Power Sources |
5 | ScriptaMaterialia |
6 | Langmuir |
7 | PhysicsofFluids |
老虎尾 8 | ReviewsofModernPhysics |
9 | Journal of Hydrogen Energy |
10 | Science in China |
7、动力学与控制 | |
序号 | 期刊名 |
1 | Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics |
2 | AIAA Journal |
3 | Journal of Sound and Vibration |
4 | JournalofVibrationandAcoustics |
5 | NonlinearDynamics |
6 | MechanicalSystemsandSignalProcessing |
7 | JournalofComputationalandNonlinearDynamics |
8 | JournaloftheAcousticalSocietyofAmerica |
9 | MultibodySystemDynamics |
10 | SmartMaterialsandStructures |
8、应用与实验力学 | |
序号 | 期刊名 |
1 | AdvancesinAppliedMechanics |
2 | ExperimentalMechanics |
3 | JournalofAppliedMechanics |
4 | ExperimentsinFluids |
5 | Composites Science and Technology |
6 | EngineeringStructures |
7 | InternationalJournalofFracture |
8 | InternationalJournalofPlasticity |
9 | InternationalJournalofSolidsandStructures |
10 | MaterialsScience&Engineering(AandR) |
9、流体力学 | |
序号 | 期刊名 |
1 | AnnualReviewofFluidMechanics |
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