质量体系 QUALITY SYSTEM - FP 1315-16
SUBJECT 接送飞机程序
Arrival and Departure Procedures
修订REV 2 日期DATE 2009-08-25 页码PAGE
1 12
职能部门 Functional Dept. 安全监督部
Safety Supervision Department 部门审核人 Reviewed By
相关部门 Dept.’s Affected 航线部,地面保障部,厂房设施部
Line Maintenance, GSE, Facilities Department
Except as otherwi stipulated, this FP comes into effective upon the date of approval.
批准人 Approved By
有效页清单 List of Effective Pages
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目录 Table of Contents
1.0 简介 Introduction
2.0 接机程序 Arrival procedures
3.0 送机程序 Departure procedures
4.0 机组通告 Flight crew notification 附录1, 2, 3 & 4 Attachment 1, 2, 3 & 4
质量体系 QUALITY SYSTEM - FP 1315-16
主题SUBJECT 接送飞机程序
Arrival and Departure Procedures
修订REV 2 日期DATE 2009-08-25 页码PAGE 2 12
1.0 简介Introduction
1.1 目的
To establish a standard procedure for GAMECO mechanics to properly perform aircraft arrival and departure rvices.
政府公务员1.2 总则/适用范围General/Applicability
1.2.1 本指示作为标准的工作程序,用以指导
机械员接送国内和国际航班。This instruction, as a standard work procedure, provides guidance for mechanics in performing domestic/international arrivals and departures.
1.2.2 接送飞机的人员必须经过标准规范的接
送飞机指挥动作培训,并持有上岗证。Personnel who are to provide aircraft arrival/departure rvices shall obtain standard training in advance and be holding post certificate.
1.2.3 提供保障作业的车辆不得影响相邻机位
及航空器机位滑行通道的使用。Ground rvice vehicles shall not affect operation of adjacent parking gate or taxiway.
1.3 相关文件
MH3145.19-1996 “Civil Aircraft Arrival/Departure”;
CAAC No.191 Order;
Guangzhou Baiyun Airport stipulation titled “Commands and Gestures for Connecting Aerobridge and Pasnger Car to Aircraft”
1.4 定义及缩略语Definitions & Abbreviations
Parking Gate-飞机短停时停放位NBIA – New Baiyun International Airport
ATA – Actual time of arrival
ETD – Estimated time of departure
NWS – No wheel steering
FOD – Foreign object damage
Parking Gate – Area where aircraft parks for transit period
1.5 附录及表格
附录4—《接飞机应急情况处置指引》Attachments & Forms
Attachment 1 – “Arrival procedure”
Attachment 2 – “Departure procedure”
Attachment 3 – “Cross bleed Departure”
Attachment 4 –“Guide on Emergency Disposition of Aircraft Arrival”
2.0接机程序Arrival Procedure
2.1 准备工作与责任Preparation and Responsibilities
质量体系 QUALITY SYSTEM - FP 1315-16
主题SUBJECT 接送飞机程序
Arrival and Departure Procedures
修订REV 2 日期DATE 2009-08-25 页码PAGE 3 12
接飞机在理想状态下需要2名“接机机械员”,其责任是在飞机到达前5分钟确保飞机停放位一切就绪;当飞机滑向停机位时,指挥飞机向前滑行,使飞机停在相应的停机位置。具体包括:Each arrival rvice requires two (2) mechanics(in ideal state), who are responsible to ensure the parking gate is properly prepared for the arriving aircraft at least 5 minutes prior to ATA; when the aircraft is taxiing t
o the parking gate, he shall command the taxiing to ensure the aircraft get to the designated position. Specifically, the mechanics shall:
和工具(如需要);Prepare wheel chocks, landing gear safety pins, tail support and tools when required;
b.停机廊桥完全收回; Ensure the aerobridge in fully retracted position;
c. 引导灯工作,并在正确方式(如果适用)Ensure guide lights on and in correct configuration (if
d. 准备好可用的耳机; Prepare rviceable headt ready to establish
ground/cockpit communications;
e. 地面电源准备好(如果需要); Prepare ground power (if required);
f. 停机位没有潜在的外来物障碍; Ensure parking gate is clear of potential FOD debris;
g. 在飞机滑向停机位时,任何车辆、人员禁
止从飞机和接机人员之间穿行; Ensure no vehicle or personnel pass through aircraft or mechanics in rvice when the aircraft is taxiing to the parking gate;
咖喱牛肉的做法h. 除负责航空器入位协调人员外,其它人员
和车辆均应当位于划定的机位安全线区域外或机位作业等待区内。Ensure all personnel (except tho responsible for getting aircraft in position) and vehicles off marked safety lines or within task waiting areas.
2.2 任务
Refer to Attachment 1—“Arrival procedure”for completing work procedures and ground/cockpit communications.
2.3 接飞机应急情况处置
执行Emergency Disposition of Aircraft Arrival
Refer to Attachment 4—“Guide on Emergency Disposition of Aircraft Arrival”
2.4 在航空器处于安全停泊状态后,廊桥或客
色机位安全线。After aircraft is parked safely, all vehicles/equipment except power supply truck and required equipment shall NOT exceed the red parking gate lines before aerobridge or pasnger car is properly connected to aircraft.
2.5 当确认航空器处于安全停泊状态后,接机
指令和手势》的规定并在距航空器发动After confirming the aircraft in safe parking status, the mechanics shall issue commands (Ref. airport stipulation titled “Commands and Gestures for Connecting Aerobridge and Pasnger Car to Aircraft”) to aerobridge operator or pasnger car driver for
质量体系 QUALITY SYSTEM - FP 1315-16
主题SUBJECT 接送飞机程序
Arrival and Departure Procedures
修订REV 2 日期DATE 2009-08-25 页码PAGE 4 12
指令和手势》的规定。并在距航空器发动机前端、机尾和翼尖水平投影处地面放置醒目的反光锥形标志物。connecting aircraft, and place reflector cones at aircraft engine forward end, tail and wing tips.
3.0. 送机程序Departure Procedure
3.1 准备工作与责任Preparation and Responsibilities
a. 送飞机在理想状况下需要两名机械员,与
机组通话联系者定义为“送机机械员”,负责发出指令。他必须在飞机计划离港前10分钟到位,确保前轮转弯旁通销插好,确认除拖车外,其它车辆、设备及人员等均已撤离到安全区域,廊桥已撤至廊桥回位点。通知机组打压检查舵面,以及正确连接好拖把与拖车。The departure procedure ideally requires 2 mechanics; the mechanic in communication with the aircrew is defined as ‘departure mechanic’ and will issue all commands. He shall be in place 10 minutes prior to the aircraft’s ETD and ensure that the NWS bypass pin is properly installed and confirm all vehicles (except towbar), equipment and personnel have withdrawn to safe areas while the aerobridge has been removed back to its parking location. Then he shall inform aircrew to conduct hydraulic pressurization for flight control swing check and ensure correct installation of towbar and tractor.
b. 另一名机械员在推飞机时协助“送机机械
员”,按“送机机械员”的指令,撤离拖把,拖车与前轮转弯旁通销。The other mechanic shall assist the “departure mechanic” during pushback and conduct removal of towbar and NWS bypass pin at departure mechanic’s command.
c. 交输引气送机要求开始时有三名机械员
协同完成。由于在停机位起动的发动机总是右侧发动机,因此空气起动设备应从飞机的左侧连接飞机,当右侧发动机气动起动完成后,可由两名机械员完成余下的程序。The crossbleed departure procedure requires 3 mechanics initially for assistance with the air start equipment. The air start equipment should be connected to the aircraft from the left hand side, as the engine that is started at the gate will always be the right engine. Once the air start of the right engine is complete the remaining procedure can be accomplished by2 mechanics.
3.2 任务Task
a. 按附录2 —《送机程序》完成工序并与
机组通话联系。Refer to Attachment 2 – “Departure procedure”for complete outline of task and ground/cockpit communications.
b. 按附录3 —《交输引气送机程序》完成
工序并与机组通话联系。Refer to Attachment 3 – “Crossbleed Departure procedure”for complete outline of task and ground/cockpit communications.
4.0机组通告Flight Crew Notification
公司已确保机组熟悉相关程序。All operators rviced by GAMECO and using NBIA must be given notification of this procedure in order to allow fight crews to familiarize themlves with the procedure.
质量体系 QUALITY SYSTEM - FP 1315-16
主题SUBJECT 接送飞机程序
Arrival and Departure Procedures
修订REV 2 日期DATE 2009-08-25 页码PAGE 5 12
Attachment 1— “Arrival procedure”
(1) 准备好轮挡、前轮转弯销、起落架安全销;
(2) 停机桥完全收回;
(3) 引导灯工作,并在正确方式(如果适用);
(4) 准备好可用的耳机;
扎实工作作风(5) 地面电源准备好(如果需要);
(6) 停机位没有潜在的外来物障碍;
(7)在飞机滑向停机位时,任何车辆、人员禁止从飞机和接机人员之间穿行。This procedure requires 2 mechanics, defined as “Arrival Mechanic”. The arrival mechanics are responsible for ensuring that the parking gate for the arriving aircraft is correctly prepared at least 5 minutes prior to ATA.
Specifically, the mechanics shall:
(1) Prepare wheel chocks, forward wheel steering pin and landing gear safety pin;
(2) Ensure aerobridge in fully retracted position;
(3) Ensure guide lights on and in correct configuration (if applicable);
(4) Prepare rviceable headt;
(5) Prepare ground power (if required);
(6) Ensure parking area is clear of potential FOD debris;
(7) Ensure no vehicle or personnel pass through aircraft or mechanics in rvice when the aircraft is taxiing to the parking gate.
Once the aircraft has arrived on bay and come to a stop, the arrival mechanics shall ensure the aircraft no wheels are properly chocked and then make the following announcement:
“Ground to cockpit, chocks are in place and standing by.”
不同的航空公司情况各异,机组可能松刹车,或告知你刹车已经松开。Depending on the operator the aircrew may leave the brakes on, or inform you that the brakes were being relead.
“刹车已经松开。”AIRCREW: “Brakes relead.”
接机机械员得到机组的回应后,就可以用手势示意地面支援人员,并插好前轮转弯旁通销。Once the
arrival mechanic has received the respon from the aircrew he can then wave in the ground support people, and install the no wheel steering bypass pin.
在航空器处于安全停泊状态后,廊桥或客梯车于航空器对接完成前,除电源车和必须的设备外,其它车辆、设备不得超越红色机位安全线。After aircraft is parked safely, all vehicles/equipment except power supply truck and required equipment shall NOT exceed the red parking gate lines before aerobridge or pasnger car is properly connected to aircraft.
当确认航空器处于安全停泊状态后,接机人员应当向廊桥操作人员或客梯车驾驶员发出可以对接飞机的指,对接指令的手势参考机场《廊桥、客梯车靠接航空器指令和手势》的规定。并在距航空器发动机前端、机尾和翼尖水平投影处地面放置醒目的反光锥形标志物。After confirming the aircraft in safe parking status, the mechanics shall issue commands (Ref. airport stipulation titled “Commands and Gestures for Connecting Aerobridge and Pasnger Car to Aircraft”) to aerobridge operator or pasnger car driver for connecting aircraft, and place reflector cones at aircraft engine forward end, tail and wing tips.