
更新时间:2023-07-06 06:34:33 阅读: 评论:0

YZDS201 枫丹白露
电池的难关,运营商不再为组建一个庞大的维护团队而烦恼,同时也大大降低了该项目的运营成本;本产品的成功升级为单元指示媒体项目的推广和运营起到了关键性的作用!产品构造概述:(1)、产品规格:33cm×73cm×3.5cm (2)、产品材质:牌体采用全铝合金材料制作,经久耐用,使用期可长达15年以上,外框喷涂,美观耐用,颜色多达几十种,内置进口导光板,导光性能强。(3)、光源:3528LED节能光源,可节能60%以上。(4)、电源:4.8AH聚合物锂电池,无需外接电源(5)、单元指示视窗:(占有效视窗的1/4)(6)、广告视窗(占有效视窗的3/4)(7)、采用12V低压红外线人体感应开关,达到遇人即亮,人离灯熄的节能效果,不扰民!(8) 专利产品,全国首创;三项专利同时保护,仿冒必究!
33cm * 73cm * 3.5cm
Signs solar cell lithium battery is the original unit in the company signs on the basis of the product charge and store power upgrade, the product us a new type of solar module and the combination of high capacity lithium battery, solar weather in the conventional charging system to play a normal charge, to really achieve the effect of discharge during the day and recharge at night, breaking the original product replacement and maintenance of batteries midway storm, operators are no longer for the formation of a large maintenance team to worry about, but also greatly reduces the project operating costs; this product as a unit indicating the success of media projects to upgrade the promotion and operations played a key role! Product construction overview: (1), the product specifications: 33cm × 73cm × 3.5cm (2), Material: card making body of aluminum alloy material, durable, u period of up to 15 years, painting frame, beautiful durable, as many as dozens of color, built-in import light guide, optical performance strong. (3), source: 3528LED energy sources, energy-saving 60%. (4), Power: 4.8AH lithium-polymer battery, no external power supply (5), the instruction window unit: (accou
nting for the effective window of 1 / 4) (6), ad window (reprenting an effective window of 3 / 4) (7 ), with 12V low voltage Infrared nsor switch, to encounter one that is light, one energy-saving effect from the lights out, not disturbing! (8) patented product, the country's first; three patents while protecting, counterfeit will be sued!
一层楼电梯口对面的墙上,产品箱体具有瞬间照明功能和楼层、房号指示及公司名称、方向索引功能;是每天每层楼所有办公人员上下班必需路过和看到并记忆的一种新型媒体;该产品采用新型的设计理念,红外线人体感应开关,当电梯门一开,灯箱遇人即亮;类似楼宇广告机的外形设计,高档美观,特别是广告视窗上的广告画面通过灯箱内的LED发光照射更加逼真动人,引人注目;该媒介适合各类高端品牌投放宣传,是一种覆盖率广到达率高的新型媒体;重中之重的优势是物业最容易接受的一种楼宇媒体(可和物业协商降低或减免场地费),因为物业可以根据产品上的指示牌功能每年向该楼层各企业收取相应的公司名称及公司场地方向索引费用(在不影响楼层整体形象要求的情况下,甚至每一层楼的指示牌可独立为一家或几家公司作公司名称、位置、方向索引,由物业并对其公司收取相应的费用)。产品构造概述: (1)、高质塑料牌体,外形和材质基本与电脑显示屏和壁挂式电视机外壳相同;水晶面板加丝印效果,高档美观,产品底座和墙体采用新型环保胶张贴,安装时无需打孔,操作方便。 (2)、牌体规格为400mmX500mmX35mm。 (3)、人体感应开关,遇人即亮,人离灯熄。 (4)、聚合物锂电池,无需外接电源,蓄电池使用期限可达5年以上。 (5)、LED节能光源, 12V低电压,比普通日光灯省电60%,使用期限达10万个小时。 (6)、内置进口导光板,灯箱画面更加流畅明亮。 (7)、抽拉式更换画面功能方便快捷。
40cm * 50cm * 3.5cm
To add "residential unit signs" in the coverage area (defined as residential areas outside the coverage), the product designed for the country first and cond tier cities in high-end office design, office interior part of the media, a complete circuit of the product suspension in each office floor opposite the elevator wall, the product features and cabinet lighting with instant floor, room number and company name indicates, the direction of the index function; is all day every floor office staff required to work on passing and e and remember a new type of media; the product using the new design, Infrared nsor switch, when the elevator door opens, light box ca of people that shine; similar building advertising the exterior design, high-grade appearance, especially in advertising advertising on the screen through the window LED light exposure inside the li
ght box is more realistic and moving, eye-catching; the medium launch publicity for all types of high-end brand, is a broad reach high coverage of new media; most important advantage is most likely to accept the property one kind of building media (and the property can be reduced or waiver site consultation fees), becau the property can be signs on the function of each product to the floor of the companies charge a company name and corporate direction of the index space costs (without affecting the overall image of the floor required in the circumstances, even the signs of each floor independently of one or veral companies for the company name, position, orientation index, and by the property of their respective companies charge fees). Product construction overview: (1), high-quality plastic card body, shape and materials of basic computer casing wall-mounted TV screen and the same; crystal panel Holes printing effects, high-grade appearance, product ba and wall display using the new environmentally friendly plastic , no drilling installation, easy operation. (2), card body specifications for 400mmX500mmX35mm. (3), the human body nsor switch, encounter people that light, people from the lights out. (4), lithium polymer batteries, no external po
wer supply, battery lifespan of up to 5 years. (5), LED energy-saving light source, 12V low voltage, 60% energy saving than normal fluorescent lamps, the life of 100,000 hours. (6), built-in import light guide plate, light box, the picture is more smooth and bright. (7), pull-out quick and easy replacement of the screen functions.
状态,根本就不会去关注车库内的任何一种形式的广告牌);反之,地下车库指示牌却成了强制性收集所有出入和停放车辆的驾驶员目光,他们会在灯箱指示牌上清楚的看到出入方向及记忆辨别自己车辆停放的楼层区域位置,指示牌为声光控产品,当车辆在行驶的时候发出声音时,灯箱即亮,灯箱上立刻显示出车库的楼层、位置、电梯口、出入方向等内容,是一种驾驶员必需得观看的媒体;该媒体锁住的全部都是有车一族,这个群体也是这个城市最具消费能力的群体,因而指示牌上的广告视窗将会产生最大的商业价值。产品构造概述: (1)、全铝合金牌体,使用期限长达15年以上。 (2)、牌体规格为400mmX500mmX35mm。 (3)、声光控开关,遇人即亮,人离灯熄。 (4)、聚合物锂电池,无需外接电源,蓄电池使用期限可达5年以上。 (5)、LED节能光源, 12V低电压,比普通日光灯省电60%,使用期限达10万个小时。 (6)、内置进口导光板,灯箱画面更加流畅明亮。 (7)、抽拉式更换画面功能方便快捷。
40cm * 50cm * 3.5cm
The birth of the product all the underground garage to replace the conventional light box hanging on the wall at the entrance type of advertising (since advertising is a conventional underground garage disappear instantly when the vehicle out of the media, when most people in and out of the energy will be in a highly centralized state, would not have to pay attention to the garage any form of billboards); the other hand, has become mandatory signs underground garage access and parking to collect all the drivers eyes, they will clearly e on the light box signs to access the memory to identify their direction and the floor area parking location, signage for the sound and light control products, when the vehicle is in motion when the sound, the light box that is light, light box show immediately on the garage floor, location, elevator, out direction, etc., necessary to get a driver's view of the media; the media locked all the car owners, this group is the ability of the city's most consumer groups, and thus the advertising signs on the window will have a maximum business value. Product construction overview: (1), all aluminum body a licen to u the period more than 15 years. (2), card body specifications for 400mmX50
实践论读书笔记0mmX35mm. (3), sound and light control switch, encounter people that light, people from the lights out. (4), lithium polymer batteries, no external power supply, battery lifespan of up to 5 years. (5), LED energy-saving light source, 12V low voltage, 60% energy saving than normal fluorescent lamps, the life of 100,000 hours. (6), built-in import light guide plate, light box, the picture is more smooth and bright. (7), pull-out quick and easy replacement of the screen functions.

本文发布于:2023-07-06 06:34:33,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:产品   指示牌   媒体   楼层   灯箱   公司   广告   单元
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