I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement. (20鲁智深的外貌特征%)
1. Language is ud for communication in that communication is the ______ function of language. ( )
A. primary B. peripheral
C. medium D. personal
2. The word “modernization” consists of ______ morphemes. ( )
A. 2 B. 3
C. 4 D. 5
3. “______” can be ud as the euphemism for “tax increas”. ( )
A. Financial plans B. Monetary designs
C. Revenue enhancements D. Income control
4. To English speakers, a person who does not look at you in your eyes when talking to you is not ______. ( )
A. polite B. friendly
C. kind D. trustworthy
5. The English-speaking people associate owls with ______. ( )
A. misfortune B. wisdom
C. frightening cries D. pride
6. English is often referred to as a ______ language becau it us frequently connectiv
es to indicate the relation between linguistic elements. ( )
A. paratactic B. hypotactic
C. branching D. linear
7. In British English, the equivalent word for“公寓” is ______. ( )
A. department B. apartment
C. bament D. flat
做了一回最好的我作文600字8. ______ meaning is reprented by the position of a word or a similar linguistic unit in claus or ntences. ( )
A. Thematic B. Connotative
C. Social D. Reflected
9. Which of the following statements is NOT true? ( )
A. It is often said that English is a language with explicit grammar and Chine a language with implicit grammar.
B. Compared with Chine, English has more grammatical morphemes that are ud more frequently in either speech or writing.
C. The obligatory explicit grammatical markers are larger in number in Chine than in English.
D. Almost all of the English grammatical markers are obligatory items while most of their counterparts in Chine are optional.
扮字组词10. “If you don’t look out, you will come to grief”. Here “look out” refers to ______. ( )
A. to warn someone that they are in danger
B. to watch something outside
C. to learn well
D. to prepare well
11. The allusion ______ can be ud to refer to a person who submits to indignities and sufferings without any thought or act of rebelling. ( )
A. “a Cinderella” B. “an Uncle Tom”
C. “a Sherlock Holmes” D. “an Oliver Twist”
12. The English speaking people say ______ when they need to answer the phone or a door bell and even when they sneeze while they are talking with others. ( )
A. “I’m sorry” B. “I beg your pardon”
C. “Never mind” D. “Excu me”
13. Which of the following names is associated with Christianity? ( )
A. Edgar B. Joph
C. Alexander D. Iris
14. In most English letters of request, ______. ( )
A. the request precedes the supporting information
B. the request follows the supporting facts
C. the initial request has to be made paving the way for the final request
关于年兽的故事D. the request is placed at the end of letters
15. ______, with posssive pronouns, is ud in addressing or referring to a king, queen or emperor. ( )
普希金的作品A. Honourable B. Majesty
C. Excellency D. Royal
16. There is no ______ relationship between words and the objects, actions or concepts t
hey are ud to refer to. ( )
A. arbitrary B. logical
C. optional D. nsible
17. When doctors touch their patients in a physical examination we call it ______ touch. ( )
A. socio-polite B. friendship-warmth
C. functional-professional D. love-intimacy
18. “______” illustrates the metaphor that ideas are food. ( )
A. That’s a budding theory.
B. Let me put in my two cent’s worth.
C. He ran out of ideas.
路易七世D. There are too many facts here for me to digest them all.
19. In English ______ can not be advertid. ( )
A. medicines B. xual rvice
C. domestic rvice D. cigarette
20. A drink of spirits mixed with others or with various flavourings is called ______. ( )
A. red wine B. white wine
C. whisky D. cocktail
II. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which alternative can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer. (10%)
21. In English culture people often ______. ( )