
更新时间:2023-07-06 04:34:41 阅读: 评论:0

Advocate  倡导,拥护P. 70
Anniversary 周年纪念日P.139
Badminton racket 羽毛球拍P.350  Shuttlecock 羽毛球Ba 基地P291
Bilateral  双边的bilateral channels 双边渠道P.166 Bungee jumping  蹦极
Catering  提供饮食服务
Chaotic  混乱的,杂乱无章的
Ceremony  仪式,典礼
Chronic 慢性的P.94  acute 急性的
Cloverleaf 立交桥P.101
Correspondence 函授P.202
Co-sponsor 共同主持P.78,84, 261  co-host  P.344 Devalue, devaluation 贬值P.166
Discrimination  歧视P. 40,67 种族歧视racial discrimination Distinguished  尊贵的,重要的
Excellency 阁下与your, his或her连用P.67
Feasible 可行的P.284
Feedback 反馈P.120
Fleeting  飞逝的,转瞬即逝的
Footwork 步法P.349
Gross Domestic Product  国内生产总值
Gross National Product  国民生产总值 P.67
Habitat  生活环境Habitat Agenda 人居议程P. 88 Habitation 居住,住所P. 88
Home economics家政学P.194
Honourable 尊敬的
Hospitality 殷勤招待;接待礼仪P.120
Intellectual property 知识产权P.258
Inter-related  相互的P. 59  mutual 双方的,相互的P. 60 Intuition  直觉
Laundry  洗衣店;要洗的衣服
Mascot 吉祥物P.343
Mass-market  批发市场,大众市场
Mathematician  数学家
Metropolitan(=metro)  大都市的(人)
Millennium 千年P.68,88, 260
Multinational 多民族的
Paradox 矛盾现象,自相矛盾的人(事),悖论P.121 Pessimistic  悲观的optimistic乐观的
Pollution fines  污染罚款P.84
Prosperous 繁荣的
Relic 文物P.138  heritage 遗产,遗迹
Segregation  隔离
Semi-automatic 半自动的P.311
Seminar  (专家)研讨会
Serving 发球P.348
Sound 稳健的,正确的P.58中药方剂
Stockbroker 股票经纪人P.159
Strategy 战略P.296
Sustainable  可持续的Sustainable development 可持续发展P.90, 293
Tailor-made 量体裁衣P.121
Terrorism 恐怖主义P.254
Three-dimensional 三维的,立体的P.343
Toast  干杯
Unsupervid 不受监管的P.311
Urban water conrvation 城市节水P.84
Violence 暴力
推进、加强、提高、增强、巩固:promote, enhance, strengthen, improve, consolidate, advance, etc. P.206, 255, 258, 74
Advance purcha  预订
A great n of humor  富有幽默感
Air raid  空袭
Artificial intelligence  人工智能
Boarding time  登机时间
(be)crazy about  特别喜欢
Claim check  托运单,取行李的凭条
Day-care center  日托中心
Get offended  生气
Hold that rervation  保留预订
Managing money  理财
Meet hate with love  以爱报恨
Part-time job  兼职工作
Round trip  双程旅行
To some extent  在某种程度上
Walk sb. to a place  陪某人走到某处
Wishful thinking  痴心妄想,一厢情愿,如意算盘
Achieve complete success  取得圆满成功
Achieve the desired result  收到了预期效果
Adapt to the new situation 顺应新的形势P.172,258
Advance peace and democracy 推进和平与民主P.255
Attach the/great importance to  对……给予(高度)重视P. 59,295
A world-wide reputation 誉满全球
Bending the rule 钻规则的空子P.353
Business benefits 经营效益P.110
Chart the way forward for  为……开辟道路P.70
Cognitive science 认知科学P.289
Combine theory with practice 理论与实践相结合P.123
Come to a conclusion 得出结论P.224
Common development 共同发展develop together
Common prosperity 共同繁荣P.170
Comprehensively administer 综合治理P.102
Comprehensive utilization of energy 能源综合利用P.289
concerted efforts  共同努力P.172, 284
consumption of water 水的耗费P.224
Continuing education 成人教育P.201
Courteous and law-abiding 文明守法P.134
Curb the trend of steep ri 控制增长势头P.90
Customs and habits 民俗风情P.124
Directly under 直属P.203
Domestic demand 国内需求P.166
Development and flourish 茁壮成长,蓬勃发展P.114, 124
Draw lessons from the past 总结经验教训P. 91
Driving force 推动力量P.289原猴
Ecological deterioration 生态恶化p. 90
Ecological crisis 生态危机P.228
Economic globalization 经济全球化P.166
Economic recession 经济萧条,经济衰退P.107  economic crisis 经济危机Emerging economies 新兴经济P.224
Ethnic minorities 少数民族P. 94
Exhaust fumes 汽车废气P.323
Extend our sincere/heartfelt congratulations/gratitude(thanks) 表示衷心祝贺/感谢P.75 Extend our warmest welcome  表示最热烈的欢迎P.76
Face vere challenges 面临严峻挑战P.90
Favourable tax policy 优惠的税收政策P.118
Feudal dynasty 封建王朝P.138
Follow the spirit of sportsmanship 发扬体育道德精神P.352
Fresh water available 可用清洁水P.224
Garbage disposal 垃圾处理P.231亨嘉之会
Get high on 热衷于P.142
Give the floor to …请……发言
Global warming  全球变暖P.78, 228
Great changes have taken place 突飞猛进P.91
Greeting speech  贺词
Handicraft works 手工艺品P.94, 110  Works of art 工艺品P.130
Higher than the required standard 超标P.90
High tuition 昂贵的学费P.195
Holiday resort 度假胜地P. 134
Host city 主办城市P.102
Hotel chains 连锁酒店P.120
Hot topic 热门话题,焦点问题P.163
Human centered 以人为本P.101
Idle talk 闲聊P.312
In a step by step manner 循序渐进P.166
Income generation 工薪阶层P.95
In-depth knowledge 深入了解P.95
宜家美食In general terms 一般来说P.223
In honor of 为庆祝,为纪念;为向……表示敬意P.141, 263
In light of  因为,由于P.194
Intensify our effort 加强努力P.255
International bidding 国际招标P.100
International civil rvants 国际公务员P.130
International community 国际社会P.167初中校园生活作文
International situation 国际局势P.261
International treaties 国际条约P.257
Investment cost 投资成本P.111
It is a great pleasure for me to …我很荣幸……
It’s my great pleasure to have this opportunity  我非常高兴有机会P.77
Lag behind 滞后P. 91
Leading-edge technologies  领先技术
Natural heritage  自然遗产
Natural/nature rerve 自然保护区
Management model 管理模式P.118
Market fluctuation 市场波动
Meet the challenges  迎接挑战P. 68, 101
Occur in a vacuum 发生在真空里P.312
On behalf of  代表
Open dialogues 畅所欲言
Operational mechanism 运行机制P.293
Over-supply vs. under-supply 供应过剩相对于供应不足
Part-time training 在职培训P.124
Pilot program 试点工程P.293
Play a more and more important/active role 发挥着越来越重要/积极的作用P.258, 329 Principal element 主要因素P.78
Press conference 记者招待会P.107
Pressing issues 紧迫问题P.90
Reflect on 思考;反省P.312
Reputed for hospitality 热情好客远近闻名P.76
Rich cultural blend 丰富多彩的文化交融P.134
Pave the way for  为……铺平道路P.71
Progress with each passing day 日新月异P.170
Promote bilateral understanding
Promote the work  促进工作,推动工作P.74
Retail trade 零售业P.114
Real estate development 房地产开发P.100
Remote control 遥控器P.320
Required education 义务教育P.194
Reveal its importance for the first time 初露端倪P.123
Seek the best instead of the largest 不求最大,但求最好P.100
Seize the opportunity 抓住机遇P.229
Sen of community 团队意识P.199
Shared concern  共同关心的问题
Sole venture of foreign investment 外商独资P.111
Staggering growth 强劲的增长P.108
Strengthen the awareness 提高意识P.91
Structural adjustment 结构性调整
Substantial in content  内容详实
Supervid and regulated by law 法律监管和调整P.160
Systematic market process 系统的市场体系P.159
Tax harmonization 协调税收P.163
Take effective measures 采取有效措施P.74
The bounding of planning economy 计划经济的束缚P.90
The handicapped 残疾人P.95
The overall national strength 综合国力P.293
The stage of constant adjustment and improvement 不断调整与完善的阶段P.123 The theory of relativity 相对论P.289
石榴种植The threshold of our transition into the new millennium跨越新千年的门槛P.68 The unified design between the city and the countryside 城乡一体化P.100
The World Habitat Day  世界人居日
Tight in schedule  日程紧凑
Trade bodies 业界P.108
Umbrella name 统称P.108
Violate/invade our privacy 侵犯我们的隐私P.320
Vocational school 职业学校P.194
Waste water treatment plant  废水处理厂
Weak in the foundation 基础薄弱P.123
男生如何打扮自己Welcome banquet  欢迎宴会P.81
Welcome speech  欢迎词
Well-derved reputation  良好的声誉
Without further ado  不再啰嗦地,立即
Withstand risks 抵御风险P。166
求同存异ek the common ground while putting aside difference  P.91
平等互利enjoy equality and mutual benefits
立足当前stand from the prent

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