Section I 英汉互译
Uganda: 乌干达
the fifth largest coffee producer in the world: 世界第五大咖啡生产国
foreign exchange revenue: 外汇收入
initial cooperation: 初期合作
t up joint-ventures: 建立合资公司
coffee processing: 咖啡加工
mining: 采矿
is suitable for Uganda’s conditions: 适合乌干达的国情
agriculture machinery: 农业机械
tractor: 拖拉机Dissolve
land cultivation: 土地耕作
the mainstay of the economy: 经济支柱
gross domestic product (GDP): 国内生产总值
the arable land: 可耕地
macro-economic stability: 宏观经济稳定
low inflation: 低通胀率
stable exchange rates: 汇率稳定
the forthcoming China-Africa cooperation forum: 即将召开的中非合作论坛
新华社记者:the correspondent with Xinhua News Agency
乌中咖啡贸易:Sino-Uganda trade in coffee
双边合作:bilateral cooperation
招商引资:investment soliciting
Section II 口译课文
博鳌亚洲论坛首次年会:the First Annual Conference of Boao Forum for Asia
区域合作:regional cooperation
资源丰富;the resources are abundant
文化博大精深:the cultures are profound and magnificent
上世纪中叶:the middle of last century
谱写了辉煌的篇章:write a glorious chapter
展望新世纪:look into the new century
绚丽多彩的文明:splendid civilization
合作局面:cooperation pattern
方兴未艾:go ahead with full steam
上海合作组织:Shanghai Cooperation Organization
顺利运转:function smoothly
东盟国家:ASEAN members
中国-东盟自由贸易区:China-ASEAN free trade area
有关方面:various quarters
进行接触:make contacts
启动谈判:launch negotiations
独到的见解:insightful views
落后:is backward
谈几点看法:make a few obrvations
首要任务:the primary task
合作渠道:cooperative channel
在地理上相对独立:relatively independent geographically
加强次区域合作:reinforce sub-regional cooperation
泛亚合作:pan-Asia cooperation
排他性集团:exclusive group
东亚-拉美合作论坛:East Asia-Latin America Forum
新跨越:a new leap forward
给…带来巨大福祉:bring enormous benefits to…
Kuala Lumpur: 吉隆坡
Aan Business Summit: 东盟工商领导人峰会
the Cold War: 冷战
the dramatic advancement of science and technology: 科学技术的突飞猛进
take on a ries of new features: 出现一系列新特征
international capital movement: 西安供暖国际资本流动
magnitude: 规模
人对人打一字optimize the allocation of production factors: 优化生产要素的分配
investment liberalization: 投资自由化
be initiated by…: 由…倡导
international economic order: 干吗拼音世界经济秩序
the largest beneficiaries: 最大的受益者
advantageous position: 优势
inferior position: 劣势
negative effect: 消极影响
withstand and dissolve risks: 抵挡和消解危机
ba upon the national realities: 立足于本国实际情况
bring into full play their advantages: 充分发挥优势
take the initiative: 采取主动
reciprocity: 互惠
the interest-relationship between…: 利益关系
efforts should be dedicated to…: 应该致力于…
just and fair: 公平、公正的
space technology: 空间技术
oceanic technology: 海洋技术
knowledge acquisition: 知识获取
decisive factor: 决定性因素
give strong impetus to…: 给…提供强大动力
trade in goods: 商品贸易
trade in rvices: 服务贸易
forward-looking nature: 前瞻性
get sharper edge: 显示出更大的实力
Section V 口译操练(第四部分:篇章口译)
总统阁下:Your Excellency President
巴厘岛:the island of Bali
周到的安排:the considerate arrangements
10+3:the 10+3 cooperation
创举:a pioneering undertaking
从无到有、从虚到实:be fleshed up bit by bit
对话会议:dialogue meeting
内容丰富的合作体系:a full-fledged cooperative system
东亚合作联合声明:the Joint-Statement on East Asia Cooperation
运作机制:operating mechanism
为…增添重要内涵:provide substantive input to…
双边互利合作:bilateral mutually beneficial cooperation
认真思考:do some rious thinking on…
在新形势下:under the new circumstance
共赢:a win-win result
联合自强:unite and strive
实现持久繁荣:achieve lasting prosperity
平等互利合作:mutually beneficial cooperation on an equal footing
历史的重要启示:be reaffirmed by past experience
通向谈读书原文…的康庄大道:the right way leading to…
必然方向:the must-go road for…
外汇储备:foreign exchange rerve
市场规模:market size
可以与….相媲美:is in a position to compete with…
区内贸易:intraregional trade
区域经济一体化:regional economic integration
从头再来明确长远目标:identify long-term goals
实际合作:pragmatic cooperation
foresight: 远见卓识
leadership: 领导才能
mingle: 汇聚一堂
when reference is made to…: 当谈到…时
at each other’s throat: 互相倾轧
cement the cooperation: 结成牢固的合作关系
NGO ctors: 非政府部门
benefit the people to the optimum: 在最大范围内造福国民
preach: 讲经布道
an issue clo to my heart: 我关心的问题
Monterrey Connsus: 蒙特雷共识
be kept only on paper: 海蜇汤纸上谈兵
elaborate: 详细谈论
economic recovery: 经济复苏
exhilarating: 令人兴奋