Story Background
The short story “Everyday U" had 3 big events background. The American Civil War freed part of American slaves. The Civil R ight Movement encouraged the Blacks sought for equality. The Black Power Movement encouraged Blacks to admit their African heritage.
1)American Civil War
The American Civil War (1861-1865),known
as the war
between the
States and
veral other states, was a civil war in the United States of America. Eleven Southern slave states declared their Secession from the U.S and formed the Confederate States of America.
It was led by Jefferson Davis, they fought
拉布拉多是金毛吗against the U.S federal government which
supported by all the freed states and the
five border slave states. The American Civil
War was the
deadliest war in
American history,
causing 620,000 soldier’s deaths, ending
slavery in the United States, restoring the
Union, and strengthening the role of the
federal government .The social, political,
economic and racial issues of the war
decisively shaped the reconstruction era
that lasted to 1877, and continue into the
21st century.
2) Civil Rights Movement
The African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955-1968) refers to the movements in the United States aimed at outlawing racial discrimination against African Americans. In the last decade of the
century in the
United States,
racial discriminatory laws and racial violence aimed at African Americans and other minority groups. It broke the pattern of racial gregation in the South and achieved equal rights legislation for blacks.
Following the U.S Supreme Court decision
in Brown V .Board of Education of Topeka
(1954),African American and white
supporters attempted to end the
entrenched gregationist practices .Using
the nonviolent methods of Mohandas
Karamchand Gandi, forcing the简单风景速写
degregation of many public facilities.
庄河天门山3)Black Power
Not all blacks had been equally impresd
with the civil rights movement. MALCOLMX
and the Nation of lslam, for example ,felt
我最尊敬的老师>在家怎么做电商that racial lf-determination was a critical
母亲的英文and neglected element of true equality .By
the mid-1960s, dissatisfaction with the pace
of change was growing among Blacks .The
term “black power ”had been around since
the 1950s,but it was STOKELY CARMICHAEL,
变节1popularized the term in 1966.