民法典 civil code
In the cond version of the draft, personal information included an individual's name, birthdate, identity card number, fingerprints, home address and phone number.
Email address and information about a person's whereabouts will be considered personal information under the latest draft ction on personal rights in the civil code.
汽车查违章三审稿还明确“个人信息的处理”包括“个人信息的使用、加工、传输、提供、公开等”(u, processing, transmission, supply and disclosure of personal information)。
对于何为人格权以及隐私的定义(definitions of personality rights and privacy),草案三审稿进一步明确并完善,规定:
人格权(personality rights)是民事主体享有的生命权、身体权、健康权、姓名权、名称权、肖像权、名誉权、隐私权(椴树蜜的作用与功效rights of one's life, human body, health, name, identity, image, reputation and privacy)等权利。
将隐私的定义修改为“自然人不愿为他人知晓的私密空间、私密活动和私密信息等”(the private space, activity or information that a person does not want others to know),并增加规定:任何组织或者个人不得搜查、进入、窥视、拍摄他人的宾馆房间等私密空间(no organization or individual could arch, enter, peer into or shoot others' private space, such as hotel rooms)。
隐私政策 跆拳道比赛规则privacy policy
信息安全 information 晚上看的小说curity
信息泄露 information 无锡景点排名前十leak
社会信用体系 social credit丹尼尔英语 system
个人信用数据库 personal credit databa