
更新时间:2023-07-06 02:52:24 阅读: 评论:0

The blending mode menu is subdivided into eight categories bad on similarities between the results of the blending modes. The category names do not appear in the interface; the categories are simply parated by dividing lines in the menu.
r ma
N o rma l c a tego r y
Normal, Dissolve, Dancing Dissolve. The result color of a pixel is not affected by the color of the underlying pixel unless Opacity is less than 100% for the source layer. The Dissolve blending modes turn some of the pixels of the source layer transparent.
正常、溶解、动态溶解。像素的结果颜⾊不会影响下⽅的图层,除⾮源图层不透明度⼩于100%。溶解模式会使源图层的⼀些像素变透明。Subtra c tive c a tego r y
Subtr a
Darken, Multiply, Color Burn, Classic Color Burn, Linear Burn, Darker Color. The blending modes tend to darken colors,some by mixing colors in much the same way as mixing colored pigments in paint.
Additive c a tego r y
Add, Lighten, Screen, Color Dodge, Classic Color Dodge, Linear Dodge, Lighter Color. The blending modes tend to lighten colors, some by mixing colors in much the same way as mixing projected light.
Co m plex c a tego r y
mplex c
Overlay, Soft Light, Hard Light, Linear Light, Vivid Light, Pin Light, Hard Mix. The blending modes perform different
operations on the source and underlying colors depending on whether one of the colors is lighter than 50% gray.
Differenc e c a tego r y
Difference, Classic Difference, Exclusion, Subtract, Divide. The blending modes create colors bad on the differences between the values of the source color and the underlying color.
H SL c a tego r y
Hue, Saturation, Color, Luminosity. The blending modes transfer one or more of the components of the HSL reprentation of color (hue, saturation, and luminosity) from the underlying color to the result color.
Ma tte c a tego r y
Stencil Alpha, Stencil Luma, Silhouette Alpha, Silhouette Luma. The blending modes esntially convert the source layer into a matte for all underlying layers.
The stencil and silhouette blending modes u either the alpha channel or luma values of a layer to affect the alpha channel of all layers beneath the layer. Using the blending modes differs from using a track matte, which affects only one layer. Stencil modes cut through all layers, so that you can, for example, show multiple layers through the alpha channel of the stencil layer. Silhouette modes block out all layers below the layer with the blending mode applied, so you can cut a hole through veral layers at once. To keep the silhouette and stencil blending modes from cutting through or blocking all layers underneath, precompo the layers that you want to affect and nest them in your composition.
Blending mode descriptions
Normal:The result color is the source color. This mode ignores the underlying color. Normal is the default mode.
Dissolve:The result color for each pixel is either the source color or the underlying color. The probability that the result color is the source color depends on the opacity of the source. If opacity of the source is 100%, then the result color is the source color. If opacity of the source is 0%,then the result color is the underlying color. Dissolve and Dancing Dissolve do not work
on 3D layers.
Dancing Dissolve:Same as Dissolve, except that the probability function is recalculated for each frame, so the result varies over time.
Darken:Each result color channel value is the lower (darker) of the source color channel value and the corresponding underlying color channel value.
Multiply:For each color channel, multiplies source color channel value with underlying color channel value and divides by maximum value for 8-bpc, 16-bpc, or 32-bpc pixels, depending on the color depth of the project. The result color is never brighter than the original. If either input color is black, the result color is black. If either input color is white, the result color is the other input color. This blending mode simulates drawing with multiple marking pens on paper or placing multiple gels in front of a light. When blending with a color other than black or white, each layer or paintstroke with this blending mode results in a darker color.
Color Burn:The result color is a darkening of the source color to reflect the underlying layer color by increasing the contrast. Pure white in the original layer does not change the underlying color.
Classic Color Burn:The Color Burn mode from After Effects 5.0 and earlier, renamed Classic Color Burn. U it to prerve compatibility with older projects; otherwi, u Color Burn.
经典颜⾊加深:After Effects 5.0 和更低版本中的“颜⾊加深”模式已重命名为“经典颜⾊加深”。使⽤它可保持与早期⼯程的兼容性;也可使⽤“颜⾊加深”。
Linear Burn:The result color is a darkening of the source color to reflect the underlying color. Pure white produces no change.
Darker Color:Each result pixel is the color of darker of the source color value and the corresponding underlying color value. Darker Color is similar to Darken, but Darker Color does not operate on individual color channels.
Add:Each result color channel value is the sum of the corresponding color channel values of the source color and underlying color. The result color is never darker than either input color.
Lighten:Each result color channel value is the higher (lighter) of the source color channel value and the corresponding underlying color channel value.
Screen:Multiplies the complements of the channel values, and then takes the complement of the result. The result color is never darker than either input color. Using the Screen mode is similar to pr
ojecting multiple photographic slides
simultaneously onto a single screen.
Color:Dodge The result color is a lightening of the source color to reflect the underlying layer color by decreasing the contrast. If the source color is pure black, the result color is the underlying color.
Classic Color Dodge:The Color Dodge mode from After Effects 5.0 and earlier, renamed Classic Color Dodge. U it to prerve compatibility with older projects; otherwi, u Color Dodge.
经典颜⾊减淡:After Effects 5.0 和更低版本中的“颜⾊减淡”模式已重命名为“经典颜⾊减淡”。使⽤它可保持与早期项⽬的兼容性;也可使⽤“颜⾊减淡”。
Linear Dodge:The result color is a lightening of the source color to reflect the underlying color by increasing the brightness. If the source color is pure black, the result color is the underlying color.
Lighter Color:Each result pixel is the color of lighter of the source color value and the corresponding underlying color value. Lighter Color is similar to Lighten, but Lighter Color does not operate on individual color channels.
Overlay:Multiplies or screens the input color channel values, depending on whether or not the underlying color is lighter than 50% gray. The result prerves highlights and shadows in the underlying layer.长胖的方法
叠加:将输⼊颜⾊通道值相乘或对其进⾏滤⾊,具体取决于基础颜⾊是否⽐ 50% 灰⾊浅。结果保留基础图层中的⾼光和阴影。
Soft Light:Darkens or lightens the color channel values of the underlying layer, depending on the source color. The result is similar to shining a diffud spotlight on the underlying layer. For each col
or channel value, if the source color is lighter than 50% gray, the result color is lighter than the underlying color, as if dodged. If the source color is darker than 50% gray, the result color is darker than the underlying color, as if burned. A layer with pure black or white becomes markedly darker or lighter, but does not become pure black or white.
柔光使基础图层的颜⾊通道值变暗或变亮,具体取决于源颜⾊。结果类似于漫射聚光灯照在基础图层上。对于每个颜⾊通道值,如果源颜⾊⽐50%灰⾊浅,则结果颜⾊⽐基础颜⾊浅,就好像减淡⼀样。如果源颜⾊⽐ 50% 灰⾊深,则结果颜⾊⽐基础颜⾊深,就好像加深⼀样。具有纯⿊⾊或⽩⾊的图层明显变暗或变亮,但是没有变成纯⿊⾊或⽩⾊。
Hard Light:Multiplies or screens the input color channel value, depending on the original source color. The result is similar to shining a harsh spotlight on the layer. For each color channel value, if the underlying color is lighter than 50% gray, the layer lightens as if it were screened. If the underlying color is darker than 50% gray, the layer darkens as if it were multiplied. This mode is uful for creating the appearance of shadows on a layer.
强光:将输⼊颜⾊通道值相乘或对其进⾏滤⾊,具体取决于原始源颜⾊。结果类似于耀眼的聚光灯照在图层上。对于每个颜⾊通道值,如果基础颜⾊⽐50% 灰⾊浅,则图层变亮,就好像被滤⾊⼀样。如果基础颜⾊⽐ 50% 灰⾊深,则图层变暗,就好像被相乘⼀样。此模式⽤于在图层上创建阴影外观。
Linear Light:Burns or dodges the colors by decreasing or increasing the brightness, depending on the underlying color. If the underlying color is lighter than 50% gray, the layer is lightened becau the brightness is incread. If the underlying color is darker than 50% gray, the layer is darkened becau the brightness is decread.
线性光:通过减⼩或增加亮度来加深或减淡颜⾊,具体取决于基础颜⾊。如果基础颜⾊⽐ 50% 灰⾊浅,则图层变亮,因为亮度增加。如果基础颜⾊⽐50% 灰⾊深,则图层变暗,因为亮度减⼩。
Vivid Light:Burns or dodges the colors by increasing or decreasing the contrast, depending on the underlying color. If the underlying color is lighter than 50% gray, the layer is lightened becau the contrast is decread. If the underlying color is darker than 50% gray, the layer is darkened becau the contrast is incread.
亮光通过增加或减⼩对⽐度来加深或减淡颜⾊,具体取决于基础颜⾊。如果基础颜⾊⽐ 50% 灰⾊浅,则图层变亮,因为对⽐度减⼩。如果基础颜⾊⽐ 50% 灰⾊深,则图层变暗,因为对⽐度增加。
Pin Light:Replaces the colors, depending on the underlying color. If the underlying color is lighter than 50% gray, pixels
darker than the underlying color are replaced, and pixels lighter than the underlying color do not change. If the underlying
color is darker than 50% gray, pixels lighter than the underlying color are replaced, and pixels darker than the underlying color do not change.
点光根据基础颜⾊替换颜⾊。如果基础颜⾊⽐ 50% 灰⾊浅,则替换⽐基础颜⾊深的像素,⽽不改变⽐基础颜⾊浅的像素。如果基础颜⾊⽐ 50%灰⾊深,则替换⽐基础颜⾊浅的像素,⽽不改变⽐基础颜⾊深的像素。
Hard Mix:Enhances the contrast of the underlying layer that is visible beneath a mask on the source layer. The mask size determines the contrasted area; the inverted source layer determines the center of the contrasted area.
Difference:For each color channel, subtracts the darker of the input values from the lighter. Painting with white inverts the backdrop color; painting with black produces no change.If you have two layers with an identical visual element that you want
鸭血孕妇可以吃吗to align, place one layer on top of the other and t the blending mode of the top layer to Difference. Then, you can move one layer or the other until the pixels of the visual element that you want to line up are all black—meaning that the differences between the pixels are zero and therefore the elements are stacked exactly on top of one another.
Classic Difference:The Difference mode from After Effects 5.0 and earlier, renamed Classic Difference. U it to prerve compatibility with older projects; otherwi, u Difference.
经典差值:After Effects 5.0 和更低版本中的“差值”模式已重命名为“经典差值”。使⽤它可保持与早期项⽬的兼容性;也可使⽤“差值”。
Exclusion:Creates a result similar to but lower in contrast than the Difference mode. If the source color is white, the result color is the complement of the underlying color. If the source color is black, t
he result color is the underlying color.
Subtract:Subtracts the source color from the underlying color. If the source color is black, the result color is the underlying color. Result color values can be less than 0 in 32-bpc projects.
相减:从基础颜⾊中减去源颜⾊。如果源颜⾊是⿊⾊,则结果颜⾊是基础颜⾊。在 32-bpc 项⽬中,结果颜⾊值可以⼩于 0。
Divide:Divides underlying color by source color. If the source color is white, the result color is the underlying color. Result color values can be greater than 1.0 in 32-bpc projects.
相除:基础颜⾊除以源颜⾊。如果源颜⾊是⽩⾊,则结果颜⾊是基础颜⾊。在 32-bpc 项⽬中,结果颜⾊值可以⼤于 1.0。
Hue:Result color has luminosity and saturation of the underlying color, and the hue of the source color.
Saturation:Result color has luminosity and hue of the underlying color, and the saturation of the source color.
Color:Result color has luminosity of the underlying color, and hue and saturation of the source color. This blending mode prerves the gray levels in the underlying color. This blending mode is uful for coloring grayscale images and for tinting color images.

本文发布于:2023-07-06 02:52:24,感谢您对本站的认可!



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