心发慌是什么原因造成的Provisions of ocean shipping documents for export of Argentina goods
股份合同阿阿根廷海关新出了一项法令(GENERAL RESOLUTION No 2396), 要求船公司提交载货单(MANIFEST)时, 必需注明: 哪些是货代的货(FREIGHT FORWARDING CONSOLIDATED CARGO), 哪些是直接客户的货物. 如果是货代的货, 那么在提单上必须注明该货代的CUIT号码和NCM号码. 每一个在阿根廷注册的公司只有这一个CUIT号, 是法定的纳税身份鉴别号码. 如果CNEE / NOTIFY PARTY 是货代(FREIGHT FORWARDER), 那么在丁舱时务必要求发货人提供收货人(该货代)的CUIT号码, 并将其CUIT号码打印在提单上. 否则, 该货代的客户, 仅凭该货代签发的子提单(HOUSE BILL OF LADING), 是无法提货的.
* Argentina Argentina customs agency notice, a new decree (GENERAL RESOLUTION No 2396), asked the company to submit the manifest (MANIFEST), which is the required note: freight forwarding of goods (FREIGHT FORWARDING CONSOLIDATED CARGO), which is the goods directly to customers. If the freight forwarding of goods, so in the bill of lading the freight forwarder must indicate the CUIT number and NCM number. Each company register
ed in Argentina only a CUIT number, is the statutory tax identification number. If the CNEE / NOTIFY PARTY (FREIGHT FORWARDER), freight forwarding is that in the fourth cabin when the request of the shipper must provide consignee (the freight) CUIT the number and the CUIT number printed on the bill of lading. Otherwi, the freight forwarding customers only by the bill of lading issued by freight forwarder sub (HOUSE BILL OF LADING), can not pick up.
(比如: NAVICON 是货代, 在中远的提单上(.), 须显示NAVICON的CUIT号码; GILERA 是直接客户, 那么就不必显示GILERA的CUIT号码.)
(for example, NAVICON is a forwarder, in the middle of the bill of lading (COSU); must show NAVICON's CUIT number; GILERA is a direct customer, then you don't have to show the GILERA number of CUIT)
另外, 在签发提单时, 在提单上加上这样一句(下列任选其一):
In addition, when the bill of lading is issued, such a clau is added to the bill of lading (the following optional one):
民事起诉书A) CARGA CONSOLIDADA (西班牙文) 或:
然后在CNEE 或 NOTIFY PARTY 后加上CUIT号就可以了, 如下:中国十大经典广告
Then add the CUIT number after CNEE or NOTIFY PARTY, as follows:
请注意, CUIT号码是11个阿拉伯数字, 中间、前后没有任何字母.
Plea note that the CUIT number is 11 Arabia digits, with no letters in the middle and back
从现在开始, 所有目的港是"阿根廷"的货代的货单, 必须按上述说明签发提单, 并注明该货代的CUIT号码, 否则, 将该票货被视为普通货物, 最终货主只能凭COSCO 签发的提单提货, 而不能使用货代签发的HOUSE BILL OF LADING来清关、提货.
From now on, all the port of destination is the "Argentina" forwarding order, must according to the instructions issued a bill of lading, and indicate the freight forwarding CUIT number, otherwi, the goods are regarded as ordinary goods, the final owner can rely on the COSCO bill of lading delivery, but can not u the goods issued by the HOUSE BILL OF LADING generation to the custom clearance and delivery.
The requirements for NCM numbers are subdivided as follows:
1、如为集拼货,目的港由FREIGHT FORWARDER统一向阿根廷海关申报品名的,就不
需要提供NCM号码,但必须在品名下加上“CONSOLIDATED CARGO”字样。
1, for the purpo of asmbling the goods, the port of destination from FREIGHT FORWARDER unified declaration to the Argentina customs declaration of goods, you do not need to provide NCM numbers, but must be in the name of "CONSOLIDATED CARGO" words.
2, as for single name FCL, must provide the NCM.
3、如一票货下有多个CARGO ITEM,那么只需要提供其中一个货值最高的CARGO ITEM的NCM号即可。
3, if one vote has multiple CARGO ITEM, then only need to provide one of the highest value of CARGO ITEM NCM number can be.
We require the above numbers to be displayed under the name of the commodity, the example is as follows:
4. If the consignee is the real consignee of the bill of lading and the consignee is a foreign citizen who does not reside in Argentina, his passport number and passport issuing place must be displayed