柠檬可以怎么吃An Uncontrolled Pilot Study of an Integrated Family-Bad Partial Hospitalization Program for Youth With Mood Disorders如何除胶
期刊名称: Evidence-Bad Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health
精的词语作者: Leffler, Jarrod M,Junghans-Rutelonis, Ashley N,McTate, Emily A,Geske, Jennifer,Hughes, Honore M水库大坝
年份: 2017年
兔子的英文摘要:Abud and nonabud child witness to parental violence temporarily residing in a battered women's shelter were compared to children from a similar economic background on measures of lf-esteem, anxiety, depression, and behavior problems, using mothers' and lf-reports. Results indicated significantly more distress in the abud-witness children than in the comparison group,