Functional magnetic resonance imaging in studies of neurocognitive effects of alcohol u on汤圆像什么
adolescents and young adults
头发出油怎么回事期刊名称: International Journal of Adolescent Medicine & Health
主要事迹500字租房合同书样本作者: Sher,Leo
陈文铸年份: 2006年
衬托和对比的区别期号: 第1期
关键词: Humans;Magnetic Resonance Imaging;Cognition;Alcohol
Drinking;Adolescent;Adult;United States;Female;Male
摘要:Alcohol u disorders (defined as alcohol abu or dependence) are prevalent and rious problems among adolescents and young adults. Adolescence is a time of trying new experiences and activities that emphasize socializing with peers, and conforming to peer-group standards. The new a
ctivities may place young people at particular risk for initiating and continuing alcohol consumption. Exposing the brain to alcohol during adolescence may interrupt key process of brain development, leading to cognitive impairment as well as to further escalation of alcohol u. Alcohol-induced adolescent learning impairments could affect academic and occupational achievements. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a relatively new imaging technique that allows studying neurocognitive function. fMRI aims to determine