My aunt Jennifer is an actress. She must be at least thirty-five years old. In spite of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl. Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon. This time, she will be a girl of venteen. In the play, she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings. Last year in another play, she had to wear short socks and a bright, orange-coloured dress. If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, 'My Dear, it must be terrible to be grown up!'
1. My aunt Jennifer is an actress.
actress n. 女演员
actor 男演员
然的组词waiter 男服务生
waitress 女服务生
-ess 表阴性
hostess 女主人
host 男主人
prince 王子
princess [‘prin s prin's] n.公主; 王妃
2. She must be at least thirty-five years old.
must be 表示有把握的判断
eg. You have worked all day. You must be tired. 你已经工作一整天,一定累了。
eg. You’ve just had lunch. You can’t be hungry now. 你刚刚吃罢午饭,你现在一定不饿。
eg. You must be Tina. I’ve en your picture. 你一定是蒂娜,我见过你的照片。
at least 至少
at most 至多
little less least
many/much more most
least adv. 最少,最小
eg. He disliked many of his teachers and Miss Smith he liked least.
at least 3 months 至少3个月
at least £8 至少8英镑
at most; at the most / not more than 至多,顶多
eg. There were at most 350 ats in the classroom. 教室里至多有350个座位。
3. In spite of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl.
1) becau 因为…
eg. I cannot come as I am busy. 我来不了,因为我很忙。
2) at the time when 当…时候
eg. As I was leaving the hou, the postman brought a letter.
3) the thing that 依照;像…一样
eg. Do as you are told. 按照告之你的那样去做。
4) in the position of 担任,作为……
函件结尾eg. He works as an engineer. 他是个工程师。
appear on the stage as a young girl 在舞台上扮演年轻姑娘
/ play the part of a young girl on the stage
/play the role of a young girl on the stage
/act the part of a young girl on the stage
/act the role of a young girl on the stage
in spite of prep. despite 不管,尽管
eg. In spite of the rain, they went out. 尽管下着雨,他们还是出去了。
eg. He failed in spite of all his efforts. 尽管他尽了一切努力,但还是失败了。
eg. In spite of her age, she appeared on the stage as a young girl.
4. Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon.
take part in →join in 参加
5. This time, she will be a girl of venteen.
a girl of venteen 介词短语后置修饰名词
a man of handsome appearance 一个外表英俊的男子
a coat of bright color 一件色彩鲜艳的外套
a va of value 一只具有价值的花瓶
6. In the play, she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings.
in 表穿着
eg. He is in black. 他穿着黑色衣服。
eg. She is in jeans. 她穿着牛仔裤。
7. Last year in another play, she had to wear short socks and a bright, orange-coloured dress. wear-----wore-----worn
vt. 穿戴,佩戴
wear a beard 留着络腮胡子
wear a coat 穿着外套
wear a hat 戴着帽子
wear a ring 戴着戒指
wear a watch 戴着手表
wear a necklace 戴着项链
wear long hair 留着长发
wear sunglass 戴着太阳镜
wear gloves 戴着手套
n. 穿戴的衣物
sports wear 运动服装
men’s wear 男装
underwear 内衣
summer-wear 夏装
eg. Don’t show your underwear in the sun. 家丑不可外扬
wear out 筋疲力尽
滕王阁赋eg. I’m worn out by the hard work. 我被繁重的工作折磨得筋疲力尽。
wear away 磨平,使…磨平
eg. The inscription has worn away. 这个碑文已经磨平了。
orange-colored adj.+ n. + ed
noble-minded 思想崇高的
good-tempered 好脾气的
adj.+ 现在分词
good-looking 好看的
fine-sounding 听起来不错的
adj.+ n.
large-scale 大规模的,大比例尺的,大范围的
high-class 高级的,一流的
8. If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, 'My Dear, it must be terrible to be grown up!'
terrible adj. 可怕的, 恐怖的; 令人震惊的, 极其令人讨厌的;剧烈的, 严酷的, 严重的fearful adj. 惧怕的, 担心的;可怕的, 吓人的;〈口〉极端的
a fearful railway accident 可怕的火车意外事故
frightful adj. 吓人的,令人惊恐的;令人不快的,可怕的
a frightful accident 令人恐怖的事故
a terrible war 一场可怕的战争
a terrible accident 可怕的事故
a terrible murder 可怕的谋杀
eg. It must be terrible to be grown up. 长大成人可真是可怕呀。
eg. What a terrible day! 天气有多糟糕啊!
eg. I’m terrible sorry. 我非常抱歉。
terrifying adj. 令人恐惧的,令人害怕的
horrible adj. 可怕的,令人恐惧的
a horrible crime 令人发指的罪行
a horrible nightmare 令人恐怖的梦魇
a horrible death 令人恐怖的死亡
dreadful adj. 使人产生极大恐惧或痛苦的,使人震惊的武汉美食攻略
a dreadful accident
a dreadful dia
a dreadful nightmare
grow v. 生长
eg. Children grow quickly. 孩子们生长得快。
eg. The grass has grown very high. 草长得很高。