The Friendship Indeed
∙ 朱圆——Act the leading role
∙ 张永飞——Roommate1
∙ 周 虎——Roommate2
∙ 惠杰——Roommate3
∙ 薛玉刚——Friend
网站美女∙ 代阳阳——Mother
∙ 王正义——Father
∙ 贲清伟——Voice over and the shopper of a cake room
∙ The theme:A frinend in need is a friend indeed.
The details of the story
Scence 1:
Zhu yuan is a hardworking student from a poor family.He is admitted to the CUMT through his effort.He and his mother(代阳阳)and his father(王正义)are very happy.
Zhu:Mum and dad,I have been admitted to cumt.
Mum:It’s really!I’m so proud w,I am going to make dinner to celebrate you.
Dad:en,I and your mother eventually wait the big day .we and you have taken lots of,you must value the u kown ,our family is not rich to afford you college.
综合素质评价系统Zhu:dad,I kown ,I won’t make you disappointed.I will try my best to get scholarship to red
uce you burden.
At the moment,Zhen gave his son a hug.
A big bell ring.It’s just 6 0’clock.Zhu gets up quickly like usually.But his roommates aren’t happy becau he destory their fond dreams.
日本崛起S丰胸女人o they want to paly a trick…
Zhou(周虎):what’s a fine day except the terrible bell.
Zhang(张永飞):so do I.It make me sleepy all the day.
新闻作文200字Hui(惠杰):I can’t stand it .so ,what do you want to do something to stop it.
Now a bad thing happen……
Ding …ding… ding咖啡豆种类…the mobile phone ring .it ‘s Xue——a good friend of zhu who are fro
m the same the village.they study and eat always together.
Xue:what’s the time ?why don’t you come here to read English.
Zhu looks the time .it’s 7:30.what信息安全策略’s the matter?why my clock doesn’t work today?
Others are all laugh.Zhu has known what has happened---they has made the clock slow one hour.zhu gets up angrily.