二战苏联vda volume 'audit standard field failure analysis
The first step in conducting a Failure Analysis of a VDA audit is to confirm that the audited data does indeed indicate a failure. This is determined by reviewing the audit results and any related documents for evidence of a non-conformance to the VDA Standard.三角形外角定理
毛岁>皮肤皲裂Once a failure is confirmed, the analysis should move to identifying possible root caus for the failure. This may involve a review of any other relevant data (such as internal audit or customer feedback) or analys of the audit results. The root cau may range from process-related issues to personnel-related issues; it’s important to consider all potential factors that may have contributed to the failure.
早发罗邺The next step is to analyze the root caus and identify both short-term and long-term corrective actions. Short-term actions may involve addressing any immediate issues (such as personnel training or process re-design). Long-term actions may involve more significant changes, such as investing in new technology or changing the organizational structure.梅花王安石
Finally, the VDA audit failure should be tracked and monitored over time to ensure that the corrective actions are effective and that any new non-conformances are avoided. This is an esntial step in preventing future audit failures.