
更新时间:2023-07-05 21:21:02 阅读: 评论:0

1、鉴别检查在药品质量控制中的意义及一般杂质检查的主要项目是什么? What are the purpos of drug identification and test? What are the usual items of drug tests?.
2、比色比浊操作应遵循的原则是什么? What are the standard operation procedures for the clarity test邓建英?
3、试计算葡萄糖重金属检查中标准铅溶液的取用量。How much of the lead standard solution should be taken for the limit test for heavy metals in this experiment?
4、古蔡氏试砷法中所加各试剂的作用与操作注意点是什么? What precautions should be taken for the limit test for arnic(Appendix VIII J, method 1)?  And what is the function for each of the test solutions added?
5、根据样品取用量、杂质限量及标准砷溶液的浓度,计算标准砷溶液的取用量。Figure out the amount of the arnic standard solution that should be taken for the limit test for arnic(Appendix VIII J, method 1) %) in this experiment with the specified quantity of 2.0
g of sample.
6、炽灼残渣测定的成败关键是什么?什么是恒重?What is the key step during the determination of residue on ignition? What does ignite or dry to constant weight西方基督教 mean?
7、盐酸普鲁卡因的鉴别原理是什么?What are the principles of the identification of Procaine Hydrochloride.
8、盐酸普鲁卡因注射液中为什么要检查对氨基苯甲酸?Why is the limit of 4-aminobenzoic acid tested for Procaine Hydrochloride?
9、薄层色谱法检查药物中有关物质的方法通常有哪几种类型?本实验属于哪种?与其它方法有何异同点? How many kinds of the limit tests for related compounds are there? What are the differences between them? Which one is ud for the limit test of  4-amino-benzoic acid in Procaine Hydrochloride Injection?
10、醋酸氢化可的松的鉴别原理是什么?What are the principles of the identification of hydrocortisone acetate?
11、甾体激素中“其它甾体”检查的意义和常用方法是什么?What are the commonly ud method for and the significance of the limit test for other steroids for the steroidal drugs?
12、哪类甾体激素可与四氮唑蓝产生反应,是结构中的何种基团参与了反应,反应式是什么?What kind of steroidal drugs can react with the alkaline tetrazolium blue TS?  What is the chemical reaction equation?
13、氯贝丁酯的鉴别原理是什么?What are the principles of the identification of clofibrate?
14、氯贝丁酯中为什么要检查对氯酚?其方法及原理是什么?Why is the limit of p-Chlorophenol tested for clofibrate? What kind of method is employed for the test and what is the principle?
15、气相色谱法检查杂质有哪些方法,试比较各种方法的特点?How many types of methods are there for the test of related compounds by the gas chromatography? What are the differences between them?
16、抗生素类药物的鉴别和检查有何特点?What are the characteristics for the identification and tests of antibiotics?
17、钠盐的焰色反应应注意什么?What precautions should be taken during the flame reaction of sodium salts?
18、本品吸收度检查的意义是什么?What is the purpo of the light absorption tests for benzylpenicillin sodium?
19、药物晶型测定的常用方法有哪些,各有什么特点?What are the commonly ud methods for the test of p胆红素正常值是多少olymorphism? And what are the characteristics of each of them?
20、吸收系数测定方法与要求?What are the standard operation procedures for the establishment of specific absorbance?
21、写出异烟肼与溴酸钾的滴定反应式和滴定度的计算过程。What are the chemical reaction equations and the equivalent relationship for the assay of isoniazid by the metho
d of potassium bromate  mol/L) VS titration.
消防员的作文22、当游离肼不合格时,对测定有何影响?If the test for the free hydrazine does not comply, what will happen to the results of the assay of isoniazid by the potassium bromate titration?
23、葡萄糖旋光度法测定含量时,为什么要加氨试液并放置后进行测定?Why should the ammonia TS be added to the solution which is then allowed to stand for 10 minutes in the assay of gluco by the method of optical rotation?
24、推算出旋光度法测定葡萄糖含量时的计算系数;Figure out the coefficient of 2.0852 in the calculation of the gluco content in the assay of gluco by the method of optical rotation.
25、写出剩余碘量法测定葡萄糖化学反应过程。Figure out the chemical reaction equations and the equivalent relationship for the assay of gluco by the method of iodine titration寿延.
26、哪些巴比妥药物能用银量法进行含量测定?为什么?What kind of barbitals can be assayed by the potentiometric titration with silver nitrate?
27、水溶液银量法电位滴定中采用的电极系统是什么?What type of electrode pairs should be ud for the potentiometric titration with silver nitrate?
28、写出高氯酸滴定硫酸奎尼丁的滴定反应式并计算滴定度?Figure out the chemical reaction equation of Quinidine Sulfate with perchloric acid and the equivalent relationship.
29、非水滴定法中常见酸根的影响如何消除?How to circumvent the interferences of other acid during the non-aqueous titration of basic drugs with perchloric acid?
30、非水滴定的注意事项有哪些?常用终点指示方法是什么?What precautions should be taken during the non-aqueous titration? What are the commonly ud methods for the end-point indicating during the titration?
31、写出亚硝酸钠滴定盐酸普鲁卡因的滴定反应式并计算滴定度?Figure out the chemical reaction equation of Procaine Hydrochloride关于爱国的格言辛亥革命失败的原因 with sodium nitrite and the equivalent relatio

本文发布于:2023-07-05 21:21:02,感谢您对本站的认可!



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