E (测评)
( ) 1 Don't you think it ______ not to write the letter?
A. well
B. better
C. best
D. good
( ) 2 Who jumped____of all?
A. far
B. farther
植物的生长过程作文C. farthest
D. the most far
( ) 3 Li Lei is___ student in our class.
A. tall
B. taller
C. tallest
D. the tallest
( ) 4 The fifth orange is____ of all. Give it to that small child.
A. big
B. bigger
C. the bigger
D. the biggest
( )5 Who is---of you three? A. the oldest B. much older C. oldest D. older ( )6 He got back____at four. A. to home B. at home C. his home D. home ( ) 7 Come____ quickly. I have something interesting to tell you.
A. to here
B. up to here
C. here
D. into here
( ) 8 The two young men stood ___ watching the train moving away. A. by there B. from there C. there D. to there ( ) 9 Mother said, "Tom, you're venteen, ____a child. "
A. no again
B. not longer
C. not more
D. no longer
( ) 10 "Don't do that___. " the teacher said to Tom.
A. no more
B. no longer
C. any more
D. some more
( ) 11 I don't want to talk with you____.
A. yesterday
B. no longer
C. any longer
D. some longer
( ) 12 They have moved away from Beijing. They don't live there____. A. any longer B. once more C. either D. again ( ) 13 My aunt will come back from Beijing ____.
A. before long
B. long before
C. after long
D. long after
( ) 14 She read the book___. And I'll read it___.
A. long before; long before
B. before long; before long
C. before long; long before
D. long before; before long
( )15 When you do eye-exerci, you must keep your eyes____.
A. clo
B. clos
C. closing
D. clod
( ) 16 It's a windy day. You'd better____ the windows.
A. clo
B. clod
C. closing
D. to clo
( ) 17 Bruce often ___ his left hand ___.
A. keep; clo
B. keeps; clod
C. keep; clod
D. keeps; clo
( ) 18 It is very hot. Plea keep the door .
A. open
B. opening
C. opens
D. opened
S (总结)
1、[误]I bought the dictionary yesterday. A dictionary is very good.
[正]I bought a dictionary yesterday. The dictionary is very good.
2、[误]Plea turn off lights before you leave.
[正]Plea turn off the lights before you leave.
3、[误]There are nine planets around a sun.
[正]There are nine planets around the sun.
[析]世上独⼀⽆⼆的天体等名词前应加定冠词,如:the earth, the moon, the sun, the sky, the a.
4、[误]I live on a cond floor of this building.
[正]I live on the cond floor of this building.
[析]在序数词,形容词最⾼级前要⽤定冠词。如:He is the oldest in the family.
5、[误]I want to learn the cond language this term.
[正]I want to learn a cond language this term.
6、[误]Mississippi is one of the longest rivers in the world.
[正]The Mississippi is one of the longest rivers in the world.
[析]在河流名称前应加定冠词,如:the Yellow River(黄河)。
7、[误]Look, there are Alp.
[误]Look, there are the Alp.
[正]Look, there are the Alps.
[析]具体的某⼀座⼭不加定冠词,如:Mountain Tai.但在⼭名称前加定冠词后,其⼭名要加s,来表⽰⼭脉。the Alps即为阿尔卑斯⼭脉。如:The Alps are in the center of Europe.
如何用蓝牙传照片8、[误]Times is one of the oldest newspapers in the world.
[正]The Times is one of the oldest newspapers in the world.
婚礼伴娘9、[误]Rich are not always happy.
[正]The rich are not always happy.
[析]在形容词前加定冠词表⽰⼀类⼈,⽽在姓的前⾯加定冠词,姓后加s表⽰某⼀家,如:The turners are going to move to New York.
10、[误]I like to eat bread for breakfast. Bread lls in this shop is very good.
[正]I like to eat bread for breakfast. The bread lls in this shop is very good.
11、[误]The sun ris in east.
[正]The sun ris in the east.
[析]在⽅向、⽅位前应⽤定冠词,如:in the east, in the west, in the north, in the south, in the direction 及in the past, in the future
12、[误]Do you know who invented telephone
[正]Do you know who invented the telephone
如:the English Channel 英吉利海峡
the Panama Canal 巴拿马运河
回锅羊肉the Suez Canal 苏伊⼠运河
13、[误]Would you plea buy some food for the supper
[正]Would you plea buy some food for supper
14、[误]I like to climb the mountain in the autumn.英雄颂
[正]I like to climb the mountain in autumn.
[析]⼀年四季前不⽤定冠词,如:Spring is the best ason in a year.
15、[误]Sometimes my parents come to school to e me.
[正]Sometimes my parents come to the school to e me.
[析]有些名词被⽤作其本⾝原来所含⽬的时不加冠词,如:go to school上学,leave school(辍学),after school(放学),但如果当建筑物讲时应加冠词,如例句中其⽗母来校不是上学,⽽是看望孩⼦,则要加定冠词。⼜如,He was in hospital for two days.(他在医院住院两天了。)⽽:He went to the hospital to e his mother.他去医院看望他的母亲。
16、I bought a same dictionary as she bought.
17、The police caught the thief by his arm.
18、He was paid by hour.
19、I went to New York by his car.
20、Mary began to learn how to play piano when she was three.
21、The little boy wanted to go to cinema.
22、I live at 105 the Lake street.
23、Next summer holiday I will go to country to live on a farm.
24、The picture looks better at the distance.
25、The little boy and girl walk along the street a hand in a hand.⼆、例题解析
1 Mr Li is___old worker.
A a
B an
C some
D /立体海报
2 English is___uful language in ___world.
A an, the
B a, the
C the, /
D /,the
3 What ___interesting book it is?
A a
B an
C the
D /
4 He will be back in ___hour.
A /
B the
C a
D an
5 There is ___map in the classroom. ___map is on the wall.
A a, A
B the, The