The parties of this agreement are: 本合同双方当事人:
The Lear (Party A): 出租方(甲方):
The leae (Party B): 承租方(乙方):
According to The Contract Law of P.R.C and The Regulation On Premi Leasing of Beijing (hereinafter referred as to the Regulation), Party A and Party B, of their own volition, upon friendly negotiation, hereby agree to sign this contract for the deal that Party A lets the prem
is which is legally owned by Party A to Party B and Party B lea from Party A the said premis.
Article 1 General Condition of the premis to be let 出租或预租房屋情况
1-1 Party A will let the premis located at (hereinafter referred as to the Premis)幼师自我评价
in Beijing to Party B. The gross area of the Premis is equal to square meters. The purpo of the Premis is for residence. Annex I is the plane figure of the Premis. Party A has shown the plane figure and the Title-deed of the Premis (Number : ) to Party B.
甲方出租给乙方的房屋座落在本市 (部位) 。(以下简称该房屋)。该房屋出租建筑面积为 平方米,房屋用途为 居住 。该房屋的平面图见本合同附件(一)。甲方已向乙方出示该平面图及该房屋产权证(产证编号: ):
1-2 As the owner of the Premis, Party A establishes the lea relation with Party B. Prior to signing this contract, Party A ("has" or "has not" ) informed Party B of the mortgage on the Premis.
甲方作为该房屋的 (房地产权利人/代管人/法律规定的其他权利人)与乙方建立租赁关系。签订本合同前,甲方 已告知乙方该房屋 (已/未)设定抵押。
1-3 Range, Condition and Requirement of /for the part in common u of the Premis and the conditions of the
existing decoration and facilities are illustrated in the Annex II and III herein. Unless otherwi specified, the Annex will be regarded as an inspection list to be checked and followed when Party A hands over the Premis to Party B or Party B returns the Premis to Party A when the lea term is due.
Article 2 Occupation Purpo租赁用途
2-1 Party B guaranteed that the Premis will only be occupied for purpo, and he
will be abiden by the regulations on hou using and managing in Beijing.
2-2 During the lea term, Party B shall not alter the u of the Premis unless Party B has obtained the written approval from Party A and completed the relevant registration forms at corresponding government offices.
Article 3 Deliveries Date and Lea Terms 交付日期和租赁期限
3-1 Party A shall deliver the Premis to Party B on Date Month Year . The lea term of the
Premis is months that commence on Date Month Year and will expire on Date Month Year .
甲乙双方约定,甲方于________年________月________日前向乙方交付该房屋。【出租】房屋租赁期自________年________月 ________日起至________年________月________日止。
3-2 Upon the expiration of the lea, Party A is entitled to withdraw the rented premis, and Party B will vacate it in time. In the event Party B would like to extend the lea, he shall consult with Party A on relevant issue with a must of months' prior notice to Party A.
租赁期满,甲方有权收回该房屋,乙方应如期返还。乙方需要继续承租该房屋的,则应于租赁期届满前 个月,向甲方提出续租书面要求,经甲方同意后重新签订租赁合同。
Article 4 Rent and Terms of Payment 租金、支付方式和期限
保密工作自查报告4-1 The monthly rent is RMB (or USD) of gross area.
This rent shall be fixed for year (s)/month(s) and from the year/month, it may adjusted by both parties herein through negotiation, which is stipulated in the Supplementary Provisions.
甲、乙双方约定,该房屋每月租金为( 币)_________元。 (大写:________万________仟________佰________拾________元________角整。该房屋租金 年/月)内不变。自第 (年/月)起,双方可协商对租金进行调整。有关调整事宜由甲、乙双方在补充条款中约定。
4-2 Party B shall pay the monthly rent by the date of that month. If overdue, Party B shall be charged % of the monthly rent as a penalty to Party A.
乙方应于每月 日前向甲方支付租金。逾期支付的,则乙方需按月租金的 %支付违约金。
4-3 The rent shall be paid in following manners:
乙方支付租金的方式如下: 。
Article 5 Deposit and Miscellaneous Charges保证金和其他费用
5-1 It is agreed that Party B shall pay RMB (USD) , which is equal to the rent for month(s),
as a deposit to Party A before the date of . Party A shall make out a receipt in written after receiving the foresaid amount.
Upon the expiration of this lea, after deducting the fees, which shall be undertaken by Party B, from the deposit, Party A shall return the rest to Party B without any interests.
甲、乙双方约定,甲方交付该房屋时,乙方应向甲方支付房屋租赁保证金,保证金为 个月的租金,即( 币) 元。 甲方收取保证金后应向乙方开具收款凭证。
5-2 During the period of the lea, all charges for u of water, electricity, gas, telecommunication, equipments,
property management and shall be paid by Party . Party shall pay other charges except the above-mentioned charges.
租赁期间,使用该房屋所发生的水、电、煤气、通讯、设备等费用由 (甲方/乙方)承担。其他有关费用,均由 (甲方/乙方)承担。
5-3 The charges undertaken by Party shall be paid in following manners:
(甲方/乙方)承担的上述费用,计算或分摊办法、支付方式和时间: 。
Article 6 Requirement for U the Premi and Maintenance of the Premi房屋使用要求和维修责任
6-1 In the event of any damage or fault of the rented premis, Party B shall inform Party A of it in time. The maintenance, shall be carried by Party A within days after receiving the promptly notice from Party B on such damage or fault..
租赁期间,乙方发现该房屋及其附属设施有损坏或故障时,应及时通知甲方修复;甲方应在接到乙方通知后的 日内进行维修。
6-2 During the lea, Party B shall properly occupy the Premis and take good care of the facilities. Any
conquences due to Party B's improper operation or neglect shall be undertaken by Party B. If Party B refus to do it, Party A may do the maintains for it. The expens arising from such maintains shall be paid by Party B.
6-3 During the lea, Party A shall guarantee the safety in u of the Premis. In the event Party A intends to
inspect and maintain the Premis, he shall notify Party B days ahead of time. Party B sh
all cooperate and assist as best as possible while Party A is maintaining the Premis. Meanwhile, Party A shall reduce the effect on using the Premis of Party B.
租赁期间,甲方保证该房屋及其附属设施处于正常的可使用和安全的状态。甲方对该房屋进行检查、养护,应提前 日通知乙方。检查养护时,乙方应予以配合。甲方应减少对乙方使用该房屋的影响。
6-4 Except for the stipulation in Annex III, If Party B intends to redecorate the Premis or replaces the existing
facilities; a written approval shall be obtained in advance from Party A. If required by applicable bylaw or regulations, Party A shall (or: Party A shall entrust Party B to) also complete certain registration procedure at relevant government offices before the construction starts.
除本合同附件(三)外,乙方另需装修或者增设附属设施和设备的,应事先征得甲方的书面同意,按规定向有关部门审批的,则还由 (甲方/甲方委托乙方)报有关部门批准后,方可进行。乙方增设的附属设施和设备及其维修责任于甲、乙双方另行书面约定。
Article 7 Condition When the Premi Returned房屋返还时的状态
7-1 Except Party A approve the application for extending the lea from Party B, Party B shall return the
Premis within days after the expiration of this lea. Any delay of the delivery of the Premis made by Party B shall be charged RMB (USD) per day as a Hou Occupation Fee to Party A.
除甲方同意乙方续租外,乙方应在本合同的租期届满后的 _________ 日内返还该房屋,未经甲方同意逾期返还房屋的,每逾期一日,乙方应按 元/(人民/美金 币)向甲方支付该房
7-2 The condition of the Premis when Party B returns it to Party A shall accord with the one that is after normal using. The return of the Premis shall be examined and confirmed by Party A. Meanwhile, both parties shall square up the charges with each other.
Article 8 Sublet, Lea Transfer, and Exchange转租、转让和交换
8-1 Unless otherwi stated in Supplementary Provisions, Party B may only transfer part or all of the Premis to
a third party during the lea upon the written approval of Party A. However, Party B shall not sublet part of the room of the Premis to a third party or sublet the room to two or more than two les at the same time for residential purpo.
8-2 In ca that Party B sublets the Premis, the Sublet Contract shall be concluded with the sub-le and be
registered in the Real Estate Transanction Center of the district where the Premis is located.
8-3 During the lea term, Party B may, through a legal contract on subject alteration, transfer this lea to a third
party or exchange the Premis with a third party who is the le of another premis upon the written approval of Party A.
8-4 During the lea term, where Party A intends to offer for sale the Premis, he shall inform Party B of it with
a prior notice of three months, and Party B has a priority right to purcha the Premis o
阅读的名言n equal terms.
Article 9 Dissolution 合同的解除
9-1 During the lea, this contract may be terminated under the following condition, and both parties shall be
excud from liability: 1) Force Majeure;
2) The Premis is damaged, lost and appraid to be the dangerous hou; 3) The Premis on which Party A created a mortgage is being handled
(一) 因不可抗力致使合同无法履行的;
(二) 该房屋毁损、灭失或者被鉴定为危险房屋的;
(三) 甲方已告知乙方该房屋出租前已设定抵押,现被处分的。
9-2 Under the following conditions, one party shall notify the other party to dissolve this contract in writing form.
The breaching party shall pay a penalty at ________ of the monthly rent herein to the other party. If the penalty is insufficient to cover the loss suffered by Party B, Party A shall pay the difference:
(1) Party A delays the delivery of the Premis, and after being called on to performs the obligation, fails to
do so within days by Party B;
(2) The objectives of this contract cannot be realized due to the condition of the Premis
delivered by Party A does not accord with the stipulation f this contract.
(3) The Premis is damaged becau Party B alters the u of the Premis without any written approval
from Party A;
(4) The main body structure of the Premis is damaged due to Party B;
(5) Party B sublet the Premi, transfer this lea and exchange the premis lead each without any
approval from Party A;
(6) Party B delays the rent payment for more than months;
甲、乙双方同意,有下列情形之一的,一方可书面通知另一方解除本合同。违反合同的一方,应向另一方按月租金的 倍支付违约金;给双方造成损失的,支付的违约金不足抵付一方损失的,还应赔偿造成的损失与违约金的差额部分:
(一)甲方未按时交付该房屋,经乙方催告后 日内仍未交付的;
(三)乙方未征得甲方同意改变房屋用途,致使房屋损坏的; (四)因乙方原因造成房屋主体结构损坏的;
(六)乙方逾期不支付租金累计超过 月的;
Article 10 The Responsibility of Party A and Party B for Breaching the Contract 违约责任
10-1 Where the defects exit while Party A is delivering the Premis, Party A shall repair it within days
after the delivery. If Party A fails to do it, the rent shall be reduced and the article about th
e rent shall be changed.
该房屋交付时存在缺陷的,甲方应自交付之日起的 日内进行修复、逾期不修复的,甲方同意减少租金并变更有关租金条款。
中国邮政储蓄银行电话10-2 Party A shall compensate the damage of Party B resulting from the situation that Party A does not inform
Party B of the mortgage or any limitation on the Premis or its ownership before this lea.
10-3 During the lea, if the Premis is damaged and Party B suffers a property loss or
physical injury due to
Party A's failure to carry out the repair and maintenance in time as stipulated herein, Party A shall be liable for such compensation.
10-4 During the lea, in ca Party A dissolve this contract without authorization and take back the Premis,
Party A shall pay a penalty equal to times of the rent for the days which Party A take back the
Premis ahead of time. If the penalty is insufficient to cover the loss suffered by Party B,
Party A shall pay the difference.
租赁期间,非本合同规定的情况甲方擅自解除本合同,提前收回该房屋的,甲方应按提前收回天数的租金的 倍向乙方支付违约金。若支付的违约金不足抵付乙方损失的,甲方还应负责赔偿。
10-5 If Party B decorates the Premis or replaces the facilities without the written approval or beyond the written
approval of Party A, Party B shall ("recover the Premis of the original state" or "be liable for the compensation").
乙方未征得甲方书面同意或者超出甲方书面同意的范围和要求装修房屋或者增设附属设施的,甲方可以要求乙方 (恢复房屋原状/赔偿损失)。
10-6 During the lea, where Party B quit the lea without authorization, Party B shall pay a penalty equal to______ times of the rent for the days which Party B quit the lea ahead of time. If the penalty is insufficient to cover the loss suffered by Party A, Party B shall pay the difference. Such penalty may be deducted from the deposit by Party A. If the deposit is insufficient to deduct, Party B shall pay it in addition.
租赁期间,非本合同规定的情况,乙方中途擅自退租的,乙方应按提前退租天数的租金的 倍向甲方支付违约金。若违约金不足抵付甲方损失的,乙方还应负责赔偿。甲方可从租赁保证金中抵扣。保证金不足抵扣的,不足部分则由乙方另行支付。
Article 11
Miscellaneous 其他规定
11-1 During the lea, in the event Party A would like to rai a mortgage on the Premi
s, Party A shall inform
Party B of such mortgage and guarantee that Party A shall consult with Party B on purcha of the Premis within days before the parties of the mortgage agree to ll off the Premis.
租赁期间,甲方需抵押该房屋,应当书面告知乙方,并向乙方承诺在抵押权利义务当事人各方处分该房屋前 日书面征询乙方购买该房屋的意见。
11-2 This agreement shall be taken legal effective on this execution date. Within 15 days after this agreement,
Party A shall apply for registration to Beijing Municipal/District (County) Real Estate Transaction Administration Office on behalf of both parties according to the municipal regulations. 本合同自双方签字后生效。生效后的15日内,由甲方负责按规定向房屋所在地
11-3 For the items not mentioned in the contract, Party A & B may fix supplementary clau. The supplementary
clau and attached appendix form integral parts of this contract. The handwriting or computed words in the blank spaces of this contract/supplementary clau and attached appendix will be equally enforceable.
11-4 When signing this contract. Party A and Party B are in clear ns and fully aware of the rights, duties, and
liabilities they should take and are willing to comply with the contract. If one party violates the contract, the other party shall have the power to claim compensation according to this contract.
11-5 Any disputes arising when practicing the contract shall be ttled through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, either party may do the following. (1) to apply for arbitration to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission. (2) to sue at the local judicial People's Court of Law. (The above two steps are mutually exclusive, once one step is taken, another should be excluded.)
选择下列第 种方式解决:
The contract with attached appendix are made in three originals, of which Party A & B holds one t, and Beijing Raffles Real Estate holds one t. Each t would be equally enforceable.
11-7 This agreement is written in Chine and English, both copies are of the same effect, where any difference in现代中国画
meaning occurs with the two copies, the Chine copy shall be authoritative.
Supplementary Provisions
补 充 条 款
(Paste here)
(Chop over the perforation here)
Annex I Groud Plan of the Premis
附 件 一 该房屋的平面图
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Paste here) (Chop over the perforation here)
Annex II
Range, Condition and Requirement of /for the part in common u
附件二 该房屋合用部位的使用范围、条件和要求
(Paste here)
(Chop over the perforation here)
(粘贴处) (骑缝章加盖处)
Annex III
List Concerning the Status of Existing Furnishing and Facilities
附 件 三 现有装修、附属设施及设备状况
(Paste here)
(Chop over the perforation here)
(粘贴处) (骑缝章加盖处)
Lessor (Party A)甲方: Le (Party B)乙方:
Address联系地址: Address联系地址:
Tel联系电话: Tel联系电话:
Zip Code邮政编码: Zip Code邮政编码:
Reprentative/Agent: Reprentative/Agent: 代理人 代理人
Signature/Chop: Signature/Chop: 签章:
Execution Date: Year Month Date
Signing Place: