(The Opposition and Unify of finite and infinite)
——talking about the life and death
Wang Kang
1. 生与死是自然法则之父所生的一对的孪生兄弟。两者是一种相辅相成的共生关系,但却又是一对短暂与永恒的矛盾体。而这对矛盾体是永远无法调和的。
Life and death are (a pair of) twin brothers created by the father of natural law. They are symbiotic and complementary, but are a paradox of ephemerality and eternity (durability) which is inharmonious (incompatible) in perpetuity.
Human should learn this inextricable destiny endowed by natural law long before prehistoric times.
Still and all, people never stopped to delve into the life and death, and to explore the method of breaking through the limit.
2. 然而因受挫于严酷的现实世界,人类只有寄希望于自己富于想象的精神世界了。各种不同宗教当中所描绘的彼岸世界就是人类丰富想象力的精神文化产物。
However, becau of the frustration and harshness in the real world, human beings can only hope for their imaginative spiritual world which is regarded as the “other world” with the description of assorted religions.女娲补天的意思
But the disparate religions have their own “other shores”such as the Christians allocate the “other world” in heaven. The conversion to Christianity indicates that the convert stand a chance of getting a ticket of heaven where the joyous life is awaiting him enduringly only if he is blesd by God when the final ruling is given according to his behaviors before Armageddon.
At the same time, the “other world” in Taoism is also t in heaven, where the Jade Emperor lives with family, and administrates heaven and earth with the assistance of celestial ministers.
凡夫俗子有望像道家神话中的八仙那样成为神仙享有长寿。但是必须是在经过多年的自我艰苦的修炼之后,才有可能被神榜提名。Ordinary people are hopefully longevous when become immortal as the Eight Immortals, and can be nominated in the Spirit Tablet only after a painstaking lf-cultivation for ages
Differing from Christianism and Taoism, Buddhism…s other world is t in the “Three Phad Theory”(three generation's theory) of reincarnation cycles (Metempsychosis).
In accordance with the theory, the past life, cular life and afterlife are three phas of individual?s lifetime who know nothing about his past life and afterlife but his cular life. The other world of the dead is in the western or the Pure Land where they happy endlessly.
Wherever the other world is allocated by the religions, it might conduce to diminish and eliminate human’s fear toward death. Since ancient times, not only the theologists but also atheists were writing books, talking about the life and death and inspiring people to confront death. In the west history, massive splendid comments about life and death are left to us by the philosophers and ideologists.
Following are some lective quotes:
1). 我决不肯背义求全而屈服于任何人,我不怕死,我宁死不屈。
双警家庭I would never renounce honor and strive for existence to submit to anyone. I don?t fear death and I would rather die than submit.
——Socrates, refer to Plato: Socrates’ defend
2). 你们如顺从肉体活着必要死,若靠着圣灵治死身体的恶行必要活。
If it must die after live when it is obedient to flesh, then
the rascality which kills the flesh must live.
——Paul,Romans 8:13
3). 如果有神,那么离开人世就不再是一桩可怕的事情。
If gods exist, then passing away is not a terrible thing any
——Aurelius, Meditations
4). 如果我们知道如何恰当而平静地生的话,我们就将知道如何
If we know how should live properly and tranquilly, then we
腰肌劳损的症状有哪些would learn how should die properly and tranquilly.
Life itlf is ed of death. ——Hegal,The logic of Hegal
6). 死是最坚定的共产主义者,它使百万富翁与乞丐,皇帝与
Death is the most determined communist which equalize
millionaire and beggar; emperor and proletarian.
——Feuerbach, discuss athanasia from the point of humanism.
7). 我们无所惧于死亡,正如太阳无所畏于黑夜一样。
We don?t fear death as the sun doesn?t dread the dark. ——Schophehauer. World of Volition and Prentation
8). 每个人都欠大自然一笔账,每个人都得还清账——一句
Everyone owns the nature and needs to pay back——namely, the death is natural, deniable and inevitable.
——Freud,Views Towards the War and Death 6. 与倾向于寻求解释生与死本质的西方学者相比,我们中国人似
乎更喜欢注重生与死的意义、价值与社会效应。列举如下的是从浩瀚的中国经典中轻而易举地挑选出来的代表性警句与诗句:Compared with the western scholars who are inclined to explain t he esnce of birth and death, the Chine pay more attention to the meaning, value and social effects of birth and death. The foll owing ntences are the reprentative epigrams and vers tha t can be easily cho from the vast China classics: