《美国国会图书馆分类法》Library of Congress Classification
美国国会图书馆根据该馆藏书编制的综合性等级列举式图书分类法。简称LC。1901 年发表分类大纲,1902 发烧原因年开始按大类陆续出版,至1985年已出版36个分册,其中较早出版的分册已修订4、5版。LC各类的细分程度取决于该馆藏书的数量和内容 ,不强调整个体系的严密性 ,类目偏重于历史、社会科学和文学。LC各分册均有索引,各大类类表可作独立的专业分类表使用。LC共分20大类:A 综合性著作;B 哲学、宗教;C历史:辅助科学;D历史:世界史 ;E-F历史:美洲史;G地理、人类学;H社会科学;J政治学;K法律;L教育;M音乐;N美术;P语言、文学;Q科学;R医学;S农业、畜牧业;T技术;U军事科学;V海军科学;Z书目及图书馆学。分类号由字母与数字组成,数字部分按整数顺序制编号。此分类法实用性强、类目详尽,不但适用于综合性图书馆,也适用于专业图书馆。LC的分类号现已载入英美等国的在版编目数据、美国国会图书馆发行的印刷卡片以及若干国家的机读目录之中。
Outline of the Library of Congress Classification Tables
A General Works (总类压抑的近义词)
AC Collections. Series. Collected works (丛书、丛刊)
AE Encyclopedias (General) (一般性百科全书)
AG Dictionaries and other general reference works (字典、参考资源)
AI Indexs (General) (索引)
AM Muums. Collectors and collecting (宁静致远博物馆、收藏)
AN Newspapers (报纸)
AP Periodicals (期刊)
AS Academies and learned societies (研究与学习会社)
AY Yearbooks. Almanacs. Directories (年鉴、名录)
AZ History of scholarship and learning. The humanities (奖学金历史、慈善团体)
B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion (哲学、心理学、宗教)
B Philosophy (General) (哲学总论)
BC Logic (逻辑)
BD Speculative philosophy (思辨哲学)
BF Psychology (心理学)
BH Aesthetics (美学)
BJ Ethics. Social usages. Etiquette (伦理学、社会习俗、礼节)
BL Religions. Mythology. Rationalism (宗教学、神话、唯理论)
BM Judaism (犹太教)
BP Islam. Bahaism. Theosophy, etc. (伊斯兰教、巴哈教)
BQ Buddhism (佛教)
BR Christianity (基督教)
BS The Bible (圣经)
BT Doctrinal Theology (教条理论)
BV Practical Theology (实证理论)
BX Christian Denominations (基督诸派)
C Auxiliary Sciences of History (历史学及相关科学)
CB History of civilization (文化史)
CC Archaeology (General) (考古学)
CD Diplomatics. Archives. Seals (外交文书、档案、印记)
CE Technical chronology. Calendar (年表、历书)
CJ Numismatics (古钱学)
CN Inscriptions. Epigraphy (题铭、金石学)
CR Heraldry (纹章学)
CS Cenealogy (系谱学)
CT Biography (传记)
D History (General) and History of Europe (历史总论与欧洲历史)
简朴反义词 D History (General) (历史总论)
Europe (欧洲历史)
DA Great Britain (英国)
DAW Central Europe (中欧)
DB Austria - Liechtenstein - Hungary - Czechoslovakia (澳洲、匈牙利、捷克斯洛伐克)
DC France - Andorra - Monaco (法国、安道耳、摩纳哥)
DD Germany (德国)
DE Greco-Roman World (罗马世界)
南仁东星 Greece. Italy - Malta (希腊、意大利)
DH Low Countries - Benelux Countries (荷比卢联盟)
DJ Netherlands (Holland) (荷兰)
DJK Eastern Europe (General) (东欧)
DK Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics - Poland (俄罗斯、前苏联)
DL Northern Europe. Scandinavia (北欧)
DP Spain - Portugal (西班牙、葡萄牙)
DQ Switzerland (瑞士)
DR Balkan Peninsula (巴尔干半岛)
爱情请按9字 DS Asia (亚洲历史)
订购合同 DT Africa (非洲历史)
DU Oceania (South Seas) (大洋洲历史)
DX Gypsies (吉普赛人历史)
E-F History: America (美洲历史)
G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation. (地理学、人类学、娱乐)
G Geography (General). Atlas. Maps (地理学总论、地图集、地图)
GA Mathematical geography. Cartography (数学地理、制图学)
GB Physical geography (自然地理)
GC Oceanography (海洋学)
GE Environmental Sciences (环境科学)
GF Human ecology. Anthropogeography (人类生态学、人文地理学)
GN Anthropology (人类学)
GR Folklore (民俗)
GT Manners and customs (General) (一般风俗与习惯)
GV Recreation. Leisure. Sports (娱乐、休闲、体育)
H Social sciences (General) (社会科学)
H Social sciences (General) (社会科学总论)
HA Statistics (统计学)
HB Economic theory. Demography (经济理论、人口统计学)
HC Economic history and conditions (经济史地)
HD Industries. Land u. Labor (工业、土地用途、劳工)
HE Transportation and communications (运输与交通)
HF Commerce (商业)
HG Finance (财政)
于东峰 HJ Public finance (公共财政)
HM Sociology (General) (社会学)
HN Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform (社会历史、社会问题、社会改革)
HQ The family. Marriage. Woman (家庭、婚姻、妇女)
HS Societies: cret, benevolent, etc. (社会团体:秘密会社、慈善机构、俱乐部)
HT Communities. Class. Races (社团、阶级、种族)
HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology (社会病理学、社会福利、犯罪学)
HX Socialism. Communism. Anarchism (社会主义、共产主义、无政府主义)
J Political Science (政治学)
J General legislative and executive papers (一般立法及行政公报)
JA Political science (General) (政治学总论)
JC Political theory (政治理论)
JF Political institutions and public administration - General (政治制度与行政)
JJ Political institutions and public administration - North America (北美制度与行政)