张汉熙《高级英语(2)》(第3版)学习指南(The Future of the English)【圣

更新时间:2023-07-05 12:32:48 阅读: 评论:0

Lesson 8 The Future of the English
1. cosmopolitan []adj. pertinent or common to the
whole world全世界的,国际的:a cosmopolitan city国际都市
2. Fascist [] n. an advocate or adherent of fascism法西斯主义者
3. rally [] n. a large public meeting, especially one that is held outdoors to
support a political idea, protest etc集合,集会:a political rally一次政治集会4. scuffle [] n. a short fight that is not very violent扭打,混战:Scuffle
broke out among the players during the football match.足球赛中运动员们扭
5. fanatical [] adj. possd with or motivated by excessive,
irrational zeal狂热的,过分热衷的:He is a fanatical hunter.他是个着了迷的
6. snarl [] vi. to speak angrily or threateningly怒吼,咆哮:“Shut up,” he
7. shop steward []n. a person chon by his fellow trade
unionist in an industrial establishment to speak for them to the
干虾的做法management and to watch over their interest工厂的个人代表
8. accelerate [] v. a)to cau to develop or progress more
quickly促进,增加(数量):He decided to accelerate his advertising.他
决定增加广告的数量。b)to move or act faster加速
9. alien [] adj. very different from what you are ud to, especially in
a way that is difficult to understand or accept相反的,与……格格不入的:His
way of life is totally alien to us.他的生活方式和我们格格不入。
10. brigade []n. a group of persons organized for a specific
11. razor-keen [:n] adj. as sharp as a razor; [fig.] very smart and
12. postscript [] n. a message appended at the end of a
letter after the writer's signature附言,后记
花木兰配音13. eccentric []adj. behaving in a way that is unusual and
different from most people古怪的,异常的:an eccentric person古怪的
14. impoverish [] vt. a)to reduce to poverty; make poor使贫穷,
使穷困;b)to deprive of natural richness or strength使枯竭,耗尽:
impoverish the soil by overu过度耕作而使土壤变得贫瘠
15. subsidy [] n. a grant paid by a government to an enterpri that
benefits the public津贴,补助金:Food subsidies are necessary for keeping
down the price of dairy products and bread.食品补贴对控制乳制品和面包
16. franc [] n. 法郎(法国货币单位)
17. Deutschmark n. 德国马克
18. poster [] n. a large printed notice, picture, or photograph, ud to
adverti something or as a decoration海报,宣传画
19. advocate []n. one that argues for a cau; a supporter or
defender提倡者,鼓吹者:an advocate of anarchism鼓吹无政府主义的
20. monotony [] n. the quality of being always the same, which
makes something boring, especially someone’s life or work单调,千
篇一律:She wanted to escape the monotony of her everyday life.她想
21. imbecility [] n. great stupidity or foolishness愚钝,愚蠢言行
22. horde [] n. a large group or crowd; a swarm群,大群:hordes of people 大群人
23. overdraft [] n. the amount of money you owe to a bank
when you have spent more money than you had in your account透支,
24. caper [] n. a playful leap or hop跳跃,嬉戏
25. bicker [] vi. to argue, especially about something very unimportant发
生口角,争吵:The two children ud to bicker about who should do the
26. bewilder []vt. to confu someone迷惑,使……糊涂:He was
bewildered by his daughter’s reaction.他被女儿的反应弄糊涂了。其名词
27. recoil [] vi. to fall back or retreat; to shrink back撤退,后退;畏缩:
recoil from doing sth.对做某事畏缩不前
28. anomalous [] adj. different from what you expected to find不
规则的,异常的,破格的:It is an anomalous situation to hire more
hands but having less work done.多雇人手反致完成的工作量减少是一
29. syndicalism []n. a political system in which
workers control industry, or a belief in this type of system工会组织
30. hippopotamus [] n. a large grey African animal with
a big head and mouth that lives near河马
31. blunder [] v. a)to move clumsily or blindly跌跌撞撞,慌乱地走:
Without my glass I blundered into the wrong room.我没戴眼镜,以致
闯错了房间。b)to make a stupid, usually rious error in; botch(因盲
32. fraud [] n. a deception deliberately practiced in order to cure unfair
or unlawful gain; a cheat诈骗,骗局;骗子:expo a fraud揭穿骗局
33. crusty [] adj. emingly rough and surly in manner粗鲁无礼的,脾
气暴躁的:a crusty old man一位脾气暴躁的老人
34. articulate [] adj. able to talk easily and effectively about
things表达能力强的:an articulate speaker口才好的演讲者
35. counterculture []n. the art, beliefs, behavior of
people who are against the usual or accepted behavior, art etc. of
society反主流文化(六七十年代在美国青少年中盛行的一种思潮)36. swagger [] v. a)to brag; boast吹牛,自夸:He swaggers about his
exploits.他吹嘘自己的业绩。b)to browbeat or bully吓唬,恫吓:swagger
国有企业管理sb. into concession说大话吓人让步
37. integrity [] n. a)steadfast adherence to a strict moral or
ethical code诚实,正直:a man of integrity正直的人;b)the quality or
condition of being whole or undivided; completeness完全,完整:defend
the integrity of one’s country保卫国家的完整
38. sloppy [] adj. not done carefully or thoroughly草率的,粗心大意的:
It’s sloppy job you’re doing.你这活干得太稀松了。
39. inept [] adj. not apt or fitting; inappropriate不适合的,不恰当的:Such
a poor player would be an inept choice as captain.这么差劲的运动员可不是
40. shiftless [] adj. lacking ambition or purpo; lazy无进取心的,懒
惰的:a shiftless student一个懒惰的学生
41. slovenly [] adj. untidy; negligent or slipshod不整洁的,懒散的,
草率的:Such slovenly work habits will never produce good products.
42. messy [] adj. disorderly and dirty凌乱的,脏的:I can’t find anything
on this messy desk.在这张堆放得乱七八糟的桌子上我什么也找不到。
43. slop around wander around闲荡,闲逛:You'll never have a future if all you do is
slop around all day如果你只是整天游手好闲地荡来荡去,你决不会有前途44. skimp [] v. a)to deal with hastily, carelessly, or with poor material草
率从事,马马虎虎地做;b)to be stingy or very thrifty俭省,节俭:She had to车辆英语
skimp to nd her son to college.她必须节俭来供她儿子上大学。
45. scrounge [] v. a)to ek to obtain something by begging or
borrowing with no intention of reparation乞讨:scrounge for a
cigarette讨支烟抽;b)to collect or look around for搜寻:He was
scrounging around the kitchen for a late-night snack.他在厨房里四处寻
46. booze [] vi. to drink alcoholic excessively or chronically痛饮,豪饮:He
boozed till daylight and dozed into the afternoon.他喝了个通霄,昏沉沉地一
47. vandalism [] n. the crime of deliberately damaging
things, especially public property汪达尔人的行为或作风,恶意破坏的行
48. pilfer [] vt. to steal (a small amount or item)小偷小摸:She was
sacked after being caught pilfering from the till.在被抓住从钱柜里偷钱后,
49. damnation []n. the act of damning or the condition of

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