Ac, acet: | sour 酸、醋 | acidity, acetify |
Acu, acum, acute, acule: | sharp 尖锐 | acute, actuate, aculeate, acuminate |
Acro: | pointed, top, upper顶上、高 | acrobat, acrogen, |
Act, ag: | to do;to drive, to urge 做、驱使 | activity, react, agitate |
Alt: | high 高(度) | altitude, altimeter |
Am: | to love 爱 | amateur, amity |
Ampl: | spacious; extensive 扩大、宽阔 | amplify; radioamplifier |
Angl, angul: | Angle角 | triangle, multiangular |
Anim | life; breath生命;气息 | animality, animate |
Ann: | year 年 | annual, anniversary |
Anthrop | Man人;人类 | Anthropology; anthropotomy |
我长大后Anxi | Greatly troubled忧虑 | Anxiously; anxiety |
Arc,arch | A bow 弓形;拱 | Archwi;arcuate |
Aud,audit | To hear, listen听 | Audience;inaudility |
Aur | Ear 耳 | Aural, auriform |
Baro | Weight重量 | Barometer, baroscope |
Bio, be | Life生、生命;生物 | Biology, microbe |
Brief, brev, bridge | Short简,短 | Abbreviation, brief, abridge |
Broad, bread | Very wide宽广 | Broadcast, breadth |
Calcul | Compute计算 | Calculate, miscalculate |
Camer; chamber | A vaulted room室、窝、场 | Camera, chamber |
Ced;ceed;cess | To go走、行 | Antecedent,exceed,procession |
Cent | Hundred, a hundredth百;百分之一 | Percentage;century |
Centr | Center中心、中央 | Centralize, concentrate |
Chron | Time时间 | Chronology; chronometer |
cid; cis | To cut; to kill 切、杀、削 | Suicide; conci |
Civ | Citizen, a large town市民、公民、城市 | Civil, civilization |
Clos, clud, clus | To clo; to shut关、闭 | Enclo; exclude; conclusion |
Cord, cor, cour | Heart心 | Cordially, encourage, cordate |
Cracy | Strength; power政权、统治 | Democracy, monocracy |
Craft | Skill; a floating vesl工艺,技巧;飞行物 | Handcraft; aircraft |
Cre, creas, cresc, cret | To grow生长;增长,创造 | Increa, accrete, create |
Cred | To believe; to agree信任 | Credible, discredit |
Cur | Care关心、关怀 | Curiosity, curity |
Dict | To say; to speak说;言词 | Prediction; dication |
Diplo | Relating to the management of affairs between two countries外交;公文 | Diplomacy; diplomatist; diploma |
Duc, duct | To lead导、引导 | Introduce; conductor |
Dyn, dynam | Force; power权力、动力 | Dynasty; dynamics |
Equ | Equal; even相等;均衡 | Equality; equation |
Erg | To work工作;功能 | Ergate; energy |
Ethn | Race人种 | Ethnogeny; ethnography |
Fac; fact支导线 | To do; to make做、作 | Facilitate; factory |
Fad | To lo vigor or brightness褪色;凋落 | Unfading; fadproof |
Fer | To bear; carry; suffer; allow忍受;携带;带来;允许 | Transferable, fertilizer; suffering |
Ferv | To boil沸;热 | Fervent; fervid |
Fess; fant | To speak说 | Confess; infant |
Fiber; fibr | Fibre纤维 | Fiberglass; fibriform |
Flam | Blaze火、焰 | Aflame; inflammation |
Flect, flex | To bend弯曲 | Reflect; inflexible |
Flict | To strike打击 | Conflict; inflict |
Flu, flow | To flow流 | Fluid, fluency, flowchart |
Form | Shape形;形式;外貌 | Reform; informal |
Fract; frag; frang | Break破;折 | Fraction; fragile; frangibility |
Fus | To pour; melt灌,注,流;融化 | Confusion; diffu |
Gamy | Marriage; mate婚姻 | Monogamy; bigamy |
Gen | Race, class, species种,类,生殖 | Gene; generation |
Gno, gn | To understand clearly知晓 | Ignore; cognition |
Grace, grat, gree | Pleasing喜欢 | Disgrace, agreement, congratulation |
Graph | To write写 | Biography, graphic |
Grav | Heavy; weighty沉重 | Gravity; aggravate |
Grad; grass | A degree or step in quality, rank or dignity步;等级;阶梯 | Grade; progress; regress |
Hab, hibit | To dwell; to hold住;持;保存 | Habit; inhabitant; exhibit |
Her, hes | To stick; to cling粘,附 | Coherence, hesitate |
Homo | Same; similar相同;相似 | Homogeneous; homonym |
Humid | Moist; damp潮湿 | Humidity; humidifier |
Hydro | Water; the prent of hydrogen水;含氢的 | Hydroelectric; hydrocarbon |
Ident, idem | Same同一,相同 | Identical,idemfactor |
Ject | To throw投,掷 | Injection, eject |
Lat(e) | To carry; to move to; to endure持,拿,带,持久 | Collate, ventilation |
Lav | To wash洗 | Lavatory, lave |
Les, lid, lis | To injure; to strike损伤;碰撞 | Lesion,collide; collision |
Liter | A written or printed message文字;书信 | Literacy; lierature |
Log | Word, speech言,说,讲话 | Apology, dialogue |
Lud, lus | To sport; to play图谋;玩弄;活动 | Delude, collustion |
Mal | Bad; evil不良;恶劣 | Malnutrition; malfunction |
Man, manu, mani | Hand; by hand; control手;手工; 控制 | Manage; manuscript; manicure |
Man; main | To stay; to rest永久;存留 | Permanent; remainder |
Medi; mid; mean | Middle; between中;中间 | Medium; mid-day; meantime |
Ment | The mind心;智;精神;意识 | Mention; mental |
Memor | Memory记忆 | Memorandum, memorialize |
Metr(y), meter | Measure测量 | Geometry, thermometer |
Mico- | Small小 | Microscope, microwave |
Mini | Small小 | Minibus, diminish |
Mitt, miss | To nd; allow to go委派;投,发,送 | Emit, transmission |
Morph | Having a given form形,形状 | Morphology, amorphous |
Mob, mot, move | To move,moved动,移动 | Mobile, motor, movement |
Nect, nex | To tie连接 | Connect, annex |
Eng, ny | Expressing refusal, disagreeing否定 | Negation, deny |
Nerv, neur | Nerve神经 | Nerval, neuritis |
Noc, nuis, nox | To hurt毒,害 | Innocent, nuisance, noxious |
Nomy | System of laws governing science of 学;术;法,治 | Astronomy; autonomy |
Nuc, nut | Core; kernel核;果仁 | Nuclear; nutty |
Number, numer | Number 数; 数字;计数 | Renumber, numerous |
Opt, ops, opi | Pertaining to the eye or vision 视,光 | Optics, hemiopia, achromatopisa |
Order, nordin | A command; a direction 命令;顺序 | Orderly, orninance |
Pain, pen, pun | A hurting or suffering somewhere in the body痛苦;惩罚 | Painful, penalty, punish |
Par, pair | To make ready or fit准备;安置 | Prepare, repair |
Pen, pens | To hang吊,悬挂 | Suspension, pendent |
Phon | Sound 声音 | Phonetics, gramophone |
Plen, pli, ply | To fill up 全,满,补充 | Plentiful, compliment, supply |
Polic, polit | A cour of action 政治 | Police, political |
Poly | Many 多 | Polygraph, polymer |
Pos | To place; to put放,置 | Compo, exposition |
Port | To carry拿、运 | Transportation, import |
Press | To press 压 | Impression, compress |
Prim | First in order; principal最初;首要的 | Primary, premier |
Psych 豆芽炒韭菜的做法 | Soul; mind精神;心灵 | Psychology, zoopsychology |
Quart, quart | Fourth; fourfold第四;四倍 | Quarter, quatrate |
Queer, quire, quest | To ek; to ask寻求;询问 | Conquer, acquire; request |
Reg, rect, rig | To control; to straighten统治;正;直 | Regulate; rectify; upright |
Roll; rot; round | To mover or be moved like a ball 轮;滚动;旋转 | Roller, rotation; roundabout |
Rupt | To break 破裂;溃败 | Bankrupt, interrupt |
Sat, satis, satur | To fulfil the desire, requirement | Satiatie, satisfactory, saturation |
Scend, scens | To clime攀,爬 | Ascend; ascension |
Scop | The range of an activity or obrvation 眼界;镜 | Helioscope; telescope |
Sens, nt | The power to feel, perceive感觉;意识 | Sensitive, subscription |
Scrib, script | To write写 | Describe, subscription |
Sist | To stand, to place立,放 | Assistant, resist |
Spect, spic | To e; to look | Inspect, suspicious |
Spir | Soul; breath精神;呼吸 | Spirit; inspiration |
St, sta | To stand, endure立,耐 | Statue; status |
Stereo | A stereophonic sound system 立体 | Stereotelevision, stereograph |
Tact, tang, tag, teg, tamin, tain | To touch 触,接触 | Contact, tangent, contagion, integrate, contaminate, attain |
Techn, tect | Method and skill ud in performing artistic work技术,技能 | Technician, technic, architecture |
Tele | Far远 | Telegraph, telcour |
Tempor | Time 时间 | Contemporary, temporal |
Tend, tens, tent | To stretch伸展;趋向 | Extend, extension, extent |
Therm(o) | Heat热 会计管理制度 | Thermometer, thermodynamics |
Tract | To draw, pull拖,拉 | Tractor, protract |
Trans | Across横过,跨 | Transaction, transition |
Turb | Disorder; confusion | Disturb, turbulence |
Ultim, ultra | Farther; further; end较远;最后;末 | Ultimate, ultraism |
Uni | One单,一 | Uniform, reunify |
Urb | City城市 | Urban, suburb |
Us, ut | To u使用;利用 | Uful, utilitze |
Vac, van | Empty空虚;空隙 | Vacuum, evanish |
Vad, vas | To go走,行 | Pervade, prevasion |
Vari | To cau to change变化 | Variable, vairform |
Ver(i) | Prove; true证实,真实 | Verify; veracity |
Vid, vis, view, vey | To e 看 | Video, visible, interview, survey |
Voc, vok, voic | To call叫、喊 | Advocate, convoke, voice |
a-, an- | 1) lacking; without无,非,不 2) to; on; at; in到;在。。。上;向 | Amoral, anarchism, abroad, ashore |
Ab-, abs- | Away from; off脱离;离去;相反 | Abduct, abstract, abnormal |
Ad-, ac-, af-, ag-, al-. ap- | At; to; towards | Adhere, acquire, aggravate; approach |
Amb-; ambi- | Both; two两;双 | Ambiguous, ambages |
Amphi- | Both; around两、两类,双;围绕 | Amphibian, amphitheater |
Ana- | Up; again; back向上;回;再;又:类似 | Anaclastic,(光)折射 anabiosis, 回生,复苏analogue |
Ante- | Ahead; before in time or place前,在前,早于 | Antecedent, |
Anti-, ant- | Against; opposite; oppod to 反对;相反;防止;防治 | Anti-war; antonym |
Apo- | Away; from; parate 远离;分开;分出 | Apogee远地点,最远点; apograph誊本 |
Auto- | Self; to, of from, caud by自;自己;自动 | Automobile, automation, autobiography |
Be- | 1) thoroughly; completely; repeatedly充分;彻底;强烈;重复;过度 2)about; around; over; all over on both or all sides遍及,各方面 3)to make使得 | Beprai; bepity; bescatter; besprinkle; belittle, belate |
Bene-, beni- | Good; well好;善;福;恩惠 | Benefit; benefaction; benignant |
Bi- | Two; twice; every two二;两;双 | Binary; bilingual; bimonthly |
中国人民银行征信中心By- | Near to; condary; local旁;侧;偏;副;非正式的 | By-product; bystreet; by-law |
Cat- | Down; downward; against低于;向下;反对 | Catacomb;地下墓 cataphonic;回声的 |
Co-, com-, con-, col-, cor- | With; together共同;互相 | Coexistence, common, concolorous, colleague; correlation |
Contr-, contre-, contro- | Opposite; against反对;相反;逆 | Contr-rotating, contradict, controvert |
Counter- | Opoosite, against; contrary反对;相反;相对;逆; | Counteract; conterrevolution; counterview |
De- | Away from; down off; off; out of离开;取消;除去;出;下 | Depart, deforest, decolonize, detrain |
Deci- | A tenth十分之一 | Decimeter; deciliter |
Demi- | Half半 | Demigod,demimi |
di- | Two; twice二,双 | Dioxide; digamy |
Dia- | Through; between; across对穿;横过;透过 | Diagonal, dialogue, diagonosis |
Dis- | 1) apart; away; opposite of分开;离散;取消;除去 2) not; loss of; abnce of不;失去;缺 | Dismiss, disarm; distract; discomfort; disrespect; disallow |
Electro- | To do with electricity与电有关的 | Electrodynamics, electromotive; electromagenet |
En-, em- | 加在名词或形容词前表示“致使,使之” | Endanger, encourage, enlarge |
Em-, en- | In; into; among使在。。。之中 | Embus, embreathe, encage |
Epi- | On; outside; over在。。。上,外,旁,中间 | Epicarp外果皮episode; epidemic |
Ex-, e- | Out of; away from出,外;离开,除去 | Export, extract, effluence |
Extra- | Outside; additional此外;超过;额外 | Extraordinary;extra-curricular |
Fore- | Before or first in place, position or time前,先 | Forehead, foreword, foree |
Hemi- | Half半 | Hemisphere, hemicycle |
Hetero- | Other; different; made of different sorts of 相异的;不同的 | Heterogeneous, heteromorphic |
Hyper- | Over; excessive; more than normal以上;超过;太甚 | Hypertension, hypercritical |
Hypo- | Under; below normal以下;低,少,次 | Hypotension, hypochlorite次氯酸盐 |
In-, im-, il-, ir- | Not | |
In- | Into; in | Inrt; inject |
Inter- | Among; between | |
Intra-, intro- | Inside | Intramuscular, introvert |
Kilo- | Thousand | Kilowatt |
Kine-, kin- | Motion, moving | Kinematics energy, kinesthesia(心)动觉 |
Macro- | Large, on a large scale | Macromolecule, macrophysics |
Mega- | Very large, a million巨大;百万;兆 | Megawatt, megaphone |
Milli- | Thousand; a thousandth千,千分之一 | Millimeter; millifold |
Mis- | Mistakenly; wrong | Miscalculate; misfortune; misu |
Multi- | Many | Multicolor, multiangular |
Neo- | New | Neoimpressionism, neofascism |
Non- | Not | Non-existence; non-party |
Ob-, oc-, of-, op- | Against; toward; in front of向,面临,反 | Obstacle, occupy, offensive, opponent |
Out- | Beyond; away; outside; more than | Outvote, outport, outroot, outspend |
Over- | 1) more than, excessive 2) above, on the top of | Overweight, overwork, overas, overfly |
Para- | Ate the side of, near在旁,边侧;邻近 | Parallel, paracentral |
Pen-, pene- | Similar in form, but not the same | Peninsula, penultimate, peneplain, |
Photo- | Light | Photograph, photosynthesis |
Post- | Behind; after; later | Postgraduate; postwar |
Pre- | Before, prior to, early | Predict, premature |
Pro- | 1) for, on behalf of 2) in front of; projecting forward | Prolocator, pro-American, proceed, projection, prologue |
Proto- | First, original第一,原始的,最初的 | Protopetroleum, prototype |
Re- | Again, back | Recall, regress, reaction |
Retro- | Backward, back, behind | Retroaction, retroject向后抛,回掷 |
Se-, d- | Apart分开,分,离 | Separate, lect, dition煽动性的言论或行动 |
Self- | Onelf or itlf; done by onelf or itlf | Self-regulating, lf-reliance, lf-crtiitcism |
Semi- | One-half; partly | Semiconductor, miautomatic |
Side- | At, for, towards the side of; condary | Sideline, sideshow |
Sub-, suc-, suf-, sum-, su- | Under, below, beneath in physical position下,在下,低于,后 | Submarine, succeed, suffix, support |
Sub- | Almost, near接近 | Subequal, subcentral |
Sub- | Not quite enough, less than the critical amount, size小于, 次等级,亚,副 | Subcontinent, subatomic, subagent |
Super-, supra-, sur- | Above, beyond, more than上,超,过度 | Supermarket, superstructure, supra-class, surpass |
Sy-, syl-, sym-, syn- | Together, with共同 | Systyle, syllogism, symphony, synchronous |
Tele- | Far away | Telephone, telcommunication水果生日蛋糕图片 |
Tetre-, tetr- | Four | Tetragon, tetrode |
Tre-, tri- | three | Treble, triction |
Twi- | Two | Twiformed, twofold |
Un- | No | Undecided, uncomfortable, unconditional, unofficial |
Under- | 1) lower than; below 2) less than; insufficiently | Undercurrent, underagent, underdeveloped, underweight |
Up- | Upwards; relatively high | Uphold, upright |
Vice- | Secondary | Vice-president, vicepremier |
With- | Backward; against | Withdraw, withstand, withhold |
-able, -ible, -ile (a.) | Susceptible to the action of the verb or action named, capable of being可能,易于,能。。。的,多数含有被动含义 | Eatable, flexible, fissile | |
-acious (a.) | Inclined to, tending to | Audacious, loquacious | |
-acity, -acy (n.) | State of; quality | Capacity, accuracy | |
-age (n,) | Aggregate of unit; amount of单位合计,量,数 | Voltage, mileage, tonnage | |
-age (n.) | Collective noun | Baggage, asmblage | |
-al, -ial (a.) | Formed from a verb to express “an action or state of” | Leakage, breakage | |
-al, -ial (a.) | Formed from a noun meaning “belonging to; equality, nature of” | Mathematical, elemental, loyal | |
-al, -ial (n.) | Formed from a verb to express an action or its result | Removal, refusal, proposal | |
-ance, -ence, -ancy, -ency | Quality, state or action of (often formed from a word ending in –ant or –ent) | Brilliancy, endurance, assistance | |
-ane, -an, -ean (n. or adj. ) | Having the character of or the nature of; belonging to a place | Republican, European, mundane世俗的 | |
-ant, -ent (n. or a. ) | 圣诞节介绍1) formed from a verb (often designating a function, u of quality) 2) 加在动词词干上构成形容词 | Assistant, dependent, disinfectant, buoyant | |
-ary (a.) (n.) | 1)of the kind of, belonging to 2) a place, site where something is kept | Military, depositary, library | |
-ate (a.) | In the shape of; having the character of; having | Lunate, 新月形的caudate,有尾的 private | |
-ate (a.) | Office of; one who | Graduate; doctorate | |
-ate(v.) | To make or to become; cau to be | Liberate, stimulatre | |
-cle (n.)-icle | Small (part) | Particle, homuncle, 侏儒人corpuscle微粒 | |
-cy (n.) | Quality; state (formed from an adjective) | Bankruptcy, crecy | |
-cycle(n.), -cyclic(a.) | In the form of a ring or circle | Epicycle周转圆, endocyclic桥环 | |
-dom (n.) | The state of being; condition or control | Kingdom, freedom | |
-ed (a.) | 1) (formed from a noun) having; like 2) to form the regular past, participle of verbs | Kind-hearted, gifted, unchanged | |
-en(v.) (a.) | 1) to cau to be or become 2) quality | Deepen, broaden, golden, wooden | |
-ene, -ine (n.) | A substance, often oily or liquid | Gasoline, urine | |
-er, -or | Person or thing acting or having a certain function, formed from a verb | Producer, inventor, tractor | |
-ery (n.) | Place where an employment is carried on; or things are sold | Nurry, bakery | |
-ery (n.) | An uncountable collective noun | Machinery, slavery | |
-esce (v.) | To begin, become | Acquiesce默许, coalesce联合 | |
-escence (n.) | Growth, becoming a state of | Adolescence, quiescence静止 | |
-escent (a.) | Often formed from a word ending in –escence | Adolescent, quiescent | |
-e | The people or language belonging to a country | Chine, Japane | |
-ess (n.) | Female | Hostess, poetess, tigress | |
-esque (a.) | Like, in the manner of | Picturesque, lionesque | |
-est (ad.) (a.) | To form the superlative of many short adjectives and adverbs | Greatest, fastest | |
-et, -ette | A small kind of | Packet, kitchenette | |
-fold (ad. Or a. ) | By a stated number of times | Three-fold, four-fold | |
-free (a.) | Free from, lacking | Dust-free, smoke-free, duty-free | |
-ful (a.) (n. ) | 1) full of 2) the amount of a substance, liquid etc. needed to fill the stated container | Colorful, beautiful, handful, spoonful | |
-fy (v.), -ify | To make, to become | Liquefy, beautify | |
-hood (n.) | State or condition of | Childhood, neighborhood | |
-ian (n.) | A person knowing or studying a subject or skill | Technician, electrician | |
-ian, -an (n.) | A person belonging to a country | Canadian, American | |
-ic, -tic | Belonging to; having the nature of quality of | Historic, theoretic, systematic | |
-ics | Study; skill knowledge | Statistics, dynamics | |
-igate, -egate (v.) | To make, to drive | Navigate, variegate | |
-il, -ile (a.) | Like, having the character of; tending to | Mobile, fragile | |
-ine (a.) (n.) | 1)having the property of; like 2) compound | 哮喘的原因Genuine, crystalline, tetracycline | |
-ish (a.) | A bit, somewhat; having the character of | Reddish, sweetish, childish | |
-ism (n.) | A doctrine or belief | Socialism, capitalism | |
-ist (n.) | 1)a person holding a doctrine or belief 2) a person having certain profession | Socialist, extremist, dentist, scientist | |
-ite (n.) | 1) inhabitant, supporter 2) substance | Israelite, laborite, dynamite, granite | |
-itious (a.) | Inclined to, having the property of | Ambitious, felicitious | |
-ity (n.0 | The quality or state of (formed from an adjective) | Regularity, maturity | |
-ive (a.) | A tendency to do or cau an action | Effective, attractive | |
-ize (v.), -i | To make or act as; to become | Industrialize, modernize, normalize | |
-ization (n.0 | A noun formed from “-ize + ation” | Modernization, industrialization | |
-less (adj.) | Lacking; without | Aimless, homeless | |
-let (n.) | A small kind of | Leaflet, booklet | |
-like (a.) | Form of the same form in many ways | Childlike, wormlike | |
-logy (n.) | A study or a science | Psychology, geology | |
-logical (a.) | An adjective formed from –ology | Geological, psychological | |
-ly (a.) | Formed from an adjective | Successfully, quickly | |
-ment (n.) | An action or a process; the result of an action or process | Amument, development, movement | |
-ness (n.) | Abstract noun formed from an adjective | Brightness, smoothness | |
-oid (n. or a.) | Like, having the form of or the properties of | Cuboid, asteroid | |
-ory (a. or n.) | 1) tending to, rving for, relating to 2) a place where something is done or kept | Introductory, compulsory, laboratory, lavatory | |
-ous (a.) | Having the property of; like | Humorous, monstrous | |
-proof (a.) | Able to resist the thing named | Waterproof, bombproof, airproof | |
-ship (n.) | The state or quality of; relationship | Friendship, leadership | |
-(a)sis, -(o)sis (n.) | Names of dias | Dermatosis,皮肤病 lithiasis结石病 | |
-sis (n.) | The state or process resulting from a process | Paralysis, symbiosis | |
-sion, -tion (n.) | (formed from a verb) an action or process; the result of an action or process | Investigation, absorption, compression | |
-some (a.) | Like, full of, tend to | Tiresome, laborsome | |
-teen (num.) | The ending of the words from 13 to 19 | Thirteen, nineteen | |
-th (num.) | Forms ordinal numbers except 1, 2 and 3 | Fourth, fifth | |
-tude (n.) | Quality, state or degree of | Aptitude, gratitude, altitude | |
-ule (n.) | A small one of the kind named | Nodule小结瘤,球粒, molecule | |
-ure (n.) | An action or process or its result | Closure, pressure | |
-ways (ad.) | In the stated way | Always, endways, sideways | |
-wards (ad.) | In the named direction of | Upwards, downwards | |
-wi (ad. / a.) | In the position or direction of | Clockwi, sunwi, sidewi | |
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