1.《马克思主义与犯罪学:批评与手段》Marxism and Criminological Theory: A Critique and a Toolkit / Mark Cowling. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. 2. 《马克思主义、社会主义与印度政治》Marxism, Socialism, Indian Politics / Randhir Singh. Delhi: Aakar Books, 2008. 3. 《从马克思主义到后马克思主义》From Marxism to Post-Marxism / G?ran Therborn. London London: Verso Books, 2008. 4.《俄国的马克思主义:1879-1906年的主要文献》Marxism in Russia: Key Documents 1879-1906 / ed. Neil Harding, tr. Richard Taylor. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. 5. 《西班牙的马克思主义对苏联共产主义:西班牙内战期间的马克思主义统一工人党》Spanish Marxism versus Soviet Communism: A History of the P.O.U.M. in the Spanish Civil War / Victor Alba and Stephen Schwartz. Transaction Books, 2008. 6. 《后马克思主义与政治:巴西劳工党研究》Post-Marxism and Politics: The Ca of the Brazilian Workers’ Party / Carlos Pessoa. VDM Verlag, 2008. 7. 《马克思主义、批评、对话》Marxism, Criticism, Dialogue / Terrence Hawkes. Routledge, 2008. 8. 《马克思主义、法西斯主义与极权主义:激进主义思想史上的三个篇章》Marxism, Fascism, and Totalitarianism: Chapters in the Intellectual History of Radicalism / A. James Gregor. Stanford University Press, 2008. 9. 《苏联的马克思主义与自然科学:1917-1932年》Soviet Marxism and Natural Science: 1917-1932 / David Joravsky. Routledge, 2008. 10.《世界劳工协会与萨帕塔:关于无政府主义、马克思主义和激进历史的对话》Wobblies and Zapatistas: Conversations on Anarchism, Marxism and Radical History / Staughton Lynd and Andrej Grubacic. PM Press, 2008. 11.《马克思主义与阶级分析》Marxism and Class Analysis / Andre Beteille. Oxford University Press, USA, 2008. 12.《乌托邦主义与马克思主义》Utopianism and Marxism, Second Updated Edition / Vincent Geoghegan. Peter Lang Publishing, 2008. 13. 《霸权与教育:重访葛兰西、后马克思主义与激进民主》(Hegemony and Education: Gramsci, Post-Marxism, and Radical Democracy Revisited / Deb J. Hill. Lexington Books, 2008. 14. 《改良主义还是革命:21世纪的马克思主义和社会主义》Reformism or Revolution: Marxism and Socialism of the 21st Century / Alan Woods. Well Red Publications, 2008. 15.《马克思的观念理论》Karl Marx's Theory of Idea / John Torrance. Cambridge University Press, 2008. 16.《当代马克思主义批判指南》Critical Companion to Contemporary Marxism / Jacques Bidet and Eustache Kouve?lakis. Brill Academic Publishers, 2008. 17.《麦金太尔与马克思主义:1953-1974年文选》Alasdair MacIntyre’s Engagement with Marxism: Selected Writings 1953-1974 / ed. Paul Blackledge and Neil Davidson. Brill Academic Publishers, 2008. 18.《普郎查斯读本:马克思主义、法律与国家》The Poulantzas Reader; Marxism, Law and the State / ed. by James Martin. London: London: Verso Books, 2008. 19.《全球政治经济:马克思主义的批判》Global Political Economy: A Marxist Critique / Bill Dunn. Pluto Press, 2008. 20.《马克思主义女权主义对圣经的批判》Marxist Feminist Criticism of the Bible / Roland Boer and Jorunn ?kland. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2008. 21.《左派的国际法:再论马克思主义的遗产》International Law On the Left: Re-examining Marxist Legacies / Susan Marks. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. 22.《马克思主义辩证法问题》Problems of Marxist Dialectics / Anil Rajimwale. New Delhi: People’s Pub. Hou, 2008. 23.《政治与政策:马克思主义的视角》Politics and Policies: A Marxist Perspective / Prakash Karat. Hyderabad: Prajasakti Book Hou, 2008. 24.《社会、政治、文学理论与批评:重访英国20世纪30年代的马克思主义经典》Society, Politics, Literary Theory and Criticism: Revisiting the British Marxist Classic of the 1930s / Pi? Ena Sim?ha. Jaipur: National Pub. Hou, 2008. 25.《弗朗西斯·克林金德——1907-1955:超越时代的马克思主义艺术史学家》Francis Klingender 1907-1955: A Marxist Art Historian Out of Time / Grant Pooke. London: Gill Vista Marx Press, 2008. 26.《重新拷问经典马克主义的革命民主话语》Reinterrogating the Classical Marxist Discours of Revolutionary Democracy / Soma Marik. Delhi: Aakar Books, 2008. 27 《一次未受谴责的罪行:马克思主义对资本主义经济危机的分析》A Crime Beyond Denunciation: A Marxist Analysis of Capitalist Economic Crisis / Sandra Bloodworth. Melbourne: Socialist Alternative, 2008. 28.《伦理的马克思主义:解放的绝对命令》Ethical Marxism: The Categorical Imperative of Liberation / Bill Martin. Chicago, Ill.: Open Court, 2008. 29.《马克思主义与环境危机》Marxism and Environmental Cris / David Layfield. Arena Books Ltd, 2008. 30.《曼海姆与匈牙利的马克思主义》Mannheim and Hungarian Marxism / Joph Gabel. Somert, N.J. : Transaction, 2008. 31.《马克思主义、政治与文化》Marxism, Politics and Culture / Gregor Benton. London: Routledge, 2008. 32.《早期萨特与马克思主义》The Early Sartre and Marxism / Sam Coombes. New York, NY. : Wien Lang, 2008. 33.《东方的马克思主义和其他论文集》Eastern Marxism and Other Essays / S. N. Nagarajan, T. G.. Jacob, and P. Bandhu. Ootacamund: Odysy, 2008. 34.《马克思主义与教育理论》Marxism and Educational Theory: Origins and Issues / Mike Cole. London: Routledge, 2008. 35.《马克思主义与科学社会主义:从恩格斯到阿尔都塞》 Marxism & Scientific Socialism: From Engels to Althusr / Paul Thomas. Milton Park: Routledge, 2008. 36.《马克思主义、社会主义、印度政治:左派的观点》Marxism, Socialism, Indian Politics: A View from the Left / Randhir Singh.Delhi: Aakar Books, 2008. 37.《当代社会科学中的阶级和政治:“马克思主义光线”及其文化盲点》Class and Politics in Contemporary Social Science: “Marxism Lite” and Its Blind Spot for Culture / Dick Houtman. New Brunswick, N.J. : Aldine Transaction, 2008. 38.《殖民地的自由主义与西方马克思主义》Colonial Liberalism and Western Marxism / Stuart Macintyre London: SAGE, 2008. 39.《马克思》Marx / Martin McIvor. London: Continuum, 2008.怎么煎鱼 40.《马克思与法律》Marx and Law / Susan Easton. Ashgate, 2008. 41.《马克思恩格斯传》Marx & Engels: A Biographical Introduction / Ernesto Guevara. Melbourne: Ocean Press, 2008. 42.《马克思的价格和利润哲学》Marx’s Philosophy of Price and Profit / ed. Sunil Chaudhary. New Delh: Global Vision Pub., 2008. 43.《卡尔·马克思》Karl Marx / Michael A. Lebowitz and A. P. Thirlwall. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. 44.《马克思与资本主义的意义:介绍与分析》Marx and the Meaning of Capitalism: Introduction and Analys / Stanley Bober. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. 45.《马克思的经济学:分析与应用》The Economics of Karl Marx: Analysis and Application / Samuel Hollander. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. 46.《论终结:马克思、福山、霍布斯鲍姆、安德森》Ends in Sight: Marx/Fukuyama/ Hobsbawm/ Anderson /Gregory Elliott, London: Pluto Press; Toronto: Between the Lines, 2008. 47.《更新马克思主义和教育的对话:开端》Renewing Dialogues in Marxism and Education: Openings / ed. Anthony Green, Glenn Rikowski and Helen Raduntz. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. 48.《鬼魂的划界:论德里达的<马克思的幽灵>》Ghostly Demarcations: A Symposium on Jacques Derrida’s Specters of Marx / Michael Sprinker. London: Verso Books, 2008. 49.《多元文化的动力学与历史的终结》Multicultural Dynamics and the Ends of History / Re?al Robert Fillion. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2008. 50.《马克思在伦敦:图片集》Marx in London: An Illustrated Guide / Asa Briggs and John Callow. London: Lawrence and Wishart, 2008. 51.《卡尔·马克思》Karl Marx / Bertell Ollman, Modern Library, 2008. 52.《马克思的<大纲>:150年后政治经济学批判的基础》Karl Marx’s Grundris: Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy 150 Years Later / Marcello Musto. London and New York: Routledge, 2008. 爱人成贤娥53.《如何阅读马克思》How to Read Marx’s Capital / Stephen Shapiro. London and Ann Arbor: Pluto, 2008. 54.《重读马克思:历史考证版后的新视角》Rereading Marx: New Perspectives after the Critical Edition / R. Bellofiore and Roberto Fineschi. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. 55.《马克思与现代性:主要读物与评论》Marx and Modernity: Key Readings and Commentary / Robert Antonio and Ira J. Cohen. Blackwell Pub., 2008. 56.《斯大林主义阴影下的葛兰西和托洛茨基:反对派的政治理论和实践》Gramsci and Trotsky in the Shadow of Stalinism: The Political Theory and Practice of Opposition / Emanuele Saccarelli. New York: Routledge, 2008. 57.《葛兰西、政治经济学与国际关系理论:现代王子与裸体国王》Gramsci, Political Economy, and International Relations Theory: Modern Princes and Naked Emperors / Alison J. Ayers. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. 58.《葛兰西与全球政治:霸权与反抗》Gramsci and Global Politics: Hegemony and Resistance / Mark McNally and J. J. Schwarzmantel London: Routledge, 2008. 59.《再见,社会主义先生!》Goodbye Mr. Socialism / Antonio Negri and Raf Valvola Scelsi. New York: Seven Stories Press, 2008. 60.《历史时代的挑战和重负:21世纪的社会主义》The Challenge and Burden of Historical Time: Socialism in the Twenty-First Century / Istva?n Me?sza?ros. New York: Monthly Review Press, 2008. 61.《超越资本主义和社会主义:旧理想的新宣言》Beyond capitalism & Socialism: A New Statement of An Old Ideal: A Twenty-First Century Apologia for Social and Economic Sanity / Tobias J. Lanz. Norfolk, Va.: Light in the Darkness Publications, 2008. 62.《社会主义向何处去:寻找第三条道路》Whither Socialism: Quest for a Third Path / K. K. Sinha, Uma Sinha, and Priyam Krishna. New Delhi: Serials Publications, 2008. 63.《真实的委内瑞拉:21世纪社会主义的形成》The Real Venezuela: Making Socialism in the 21st Century / Iain Bruce. Pluto 2008. 64.《麦克弗森:自由主义和社会主义的困境》C.b. Macpherson: Dilemmas of Liberalism and Socialism / William Leiss. McGill Queens University Press, 2008. 65.《市场与社会主义:中国和越南的经验》Market and Socialism: In the Light of the Experiences of China and Vietnam / Ja?nos Kornai and Yingyi Qian. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. 66.《定额的恐怖:从列宁到斯大林的国家安全》Terror by Quota: State Security from Lenin to Stalin / Paul R Gregory. New Haven,Conn.; London: Yale University Press, 2008.贮藏 67.《列宁主义的轮廓》Contours of Leninism / Nandan Maniratnam. Chennai: Bharathi Puthakalayam, 2008. 68.《团结的辩证法:劳动、反犹主义与法兰克福学派》Dialectic of Solidarity: Labor, Antimitism, and The Frankfurt School / Mark P. Worrell Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2008. 69.《法兰克福学派视野中的全球化、民主和法律》Frankfurt School Perspectives on Globalization, Democracy, and The Law / William E. Scheuerman. New York: Routledge, 2008. 70.《停滞不前的伦理学:列维纳斯和法兰克福学派的历史和主体性》Ethics at A Standstill: History and Subjectivity in Levinas and the Frankfurt School / Asher Horowitz. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Duquesne University Press, 2008. 71.《法兰克福学派批判理论新论》New Essays on the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory New Edition / ed. Alfred J. Drake. Cambridge Scholars Pr Ltd., 2008. 72《阿多诺与海德格尔:哲学问题》Adorno and Heidegger: Philosophical Questions / Iain Macdonald and Krzysztof Ziarek. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2008. 73.《阿多诺》Adorno / O’Connor, Brian. Routledge 2008. 74.《阿多诺:主要概念》Theodor Adorno: Key Concepts / Deborah Cook. Stocksfield: Acumen Pub., 2008. 75.《灾难之后的荷尔德林:海德格尔、阿多诺、布莱希特》Ho?lderlin after The Catastrophe: Heidegger, Adorno, Brecht / Robert Savage. Rochester, N.Y.: Camden Hou, 2008. 76.《四位犹太人在帕纳塞斯山上的对话:本雅明、阿多诺、舒勒姆与勋伯格》Four Jews on Parnassus: A Conversation: Benjamin, Adorno, Scholem, Scho?nberg / Carl Djerassi and Gabriele Seethaler. New York: Columbia University Press, 2008. 77.《处在十字路口的阿多诺》Adorno at the Crossroads / Arne De Winde and Bart Philipn. Eekhout: Academia Press, 2008.卢兰青 78.《阿多诺:经验的复兴》 Adorno: The Recovery of Experience / Roger Foster. State University of New York Press, 2008. 卡梅拉的故事79.《萨特与阿多诺:主体性的辩证法》Sartre and Adorno: The Dialectics of Subjectivity / David Sherman. State University of New York Press, 2008. 80.《美学与艺术品:阿多诺、卡夫卡、李赫特》Aesthetics and the Work of Art: Adorno, Kafka, Richter / Peter De Bolla and Stefan H Uhlig. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. 81.《动荡时代的哲学:冈奎莱姆、萨特、福柯、阿尔都塞、德勒兹、德里达》Philosophy in Turbulent Times: Canguilhem, Sartre, Foucault, Althusr, Deleuze, Derrida / Elisabeth Roudinesco. New York: Columbia University Press, 2008. 82.《霍克海默和哈贝马斯的政治概念》The Concept of the Political in Max Horkheimer and Ju?rgen Habermas / A. Marinopoulou. Athens: Nissos Academic Pub., 2008. 83.《意见体系:从霍布斯到哈贝马斯的公共领域困境》The Opinion System: Impass of the Public Sphere from Hobbes to Habermas / Kirk Wetters. New York: Fordham University Press, 2008 84.《印度和西方视角中的意识:商羯罗、康德、黑格尔、利奥塔、德里达与哈贝马斯》Consciousness: Indian and Western Perspectives: Sankara, Kant, Hegel, Lyotard, Derrida & Habermas / Raghwendra Pratap Singh. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers & Distributors, 2008. 85.《在自然主义和宗教之间:哲学文集》 Between Naturalism and Religion: Philosophical Essays / Ju?rgen Habermas. Cambridge, UK; Malden, MA: Polity Press, 2008. 86.《分裂的西方》The Divided West / Ju?rgen Habermas and Ciaran Cronin. Cambridge: Polity, 2008. 87.《伊斯兰与西方:与德里达的对话》Islam and the West: A Conversation with Jacques Derrida / Jacques Derrida动漫壁纸女, Mustapha Cherif, Teresa Lavender Fagan,and Giovanna Borradori. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2008. 88.《我就是那种动物》The Animal That Therefore I Am / Jacques Derrida and Marie-Loui Mallet. New York: Fordham University Press, 2008. 89.《德里达著作选》Jacques Derrida: Basic Writings / ed. Barry Stocker.New York, NY: Routledge, 2008. 90.《论意识形态》On ideology / Louis Althusr. London: Verso Books, 2008. 91.《通过拉康和齐泽克看乔伊斯:探索》Joyce through Lacan and Z?iz?ek: Explorations / Shelly Brivic. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. 92.《后现代哲学中的基督:吉亚尼·瓦迪摩、勒内·吉拉尔与斯拉沃热·齐泽克》Christ in Postmodern Philosophy: Gianni Vattimo, Rene? Girard and Slavoj Z?iz?ek / Frederiek Depoortere. London: T & T Clark, 2008. 93.《齐泽克与海德格尔:技术资本主义问题》Z?iz?ek and Heidegger: The Question Concerning Techno-Capitalism / Thomas P. Brockelman London; New York: Continuum, 2008. 94.《齐泽克的存在论:超验唯物主义的主体性理论》 Z?iz?ek’s Ontology: A Transcendental Materialist Theory of Subjectivity / Adrian Johnston Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 2008. 95.《幻见的瘟疫》The Plague of Fantasies/ Slavoj Z?iz?ek. London: Verso Books, 2008. 96.《暴力:六个侧面的反思》Violence: Six Sideways Reflections / Slavoj Z?iz?ek. New York: Picador, 2008. |