Rock-and-Roll n. first so ud (1951) by Alan Freed, Cleveland disc jockey, taken from the song "My Baby Rocks Me with a Steady Roll". The u of rock, roll, rock and roll, etc., with reference to xual intercour, is traditional in blues, a form of popular music that evolved in the 1950's from rhythm and blues, characterized by the u of electric guitars, a strong rhythm with an accent on the offbeat, and youth-oriented lyrics.
The Golden Decade - 1955 to 1964
This web page attempts to explore the roots of rock in such a way as to illuminate the natural progression of musical styles. Too often the study of rock begins with Bill Haley and His Comets and includes scant information about the blues and rhythm records that he, and others, ud as a model. A musical genre does not simply appear, it gradually evolves to a point in time when some event-performance, publication, or recording allows listeners to perceive its unique qualities and apply a label. Wyonnie Harris' 1947 recording of "Good Ro
韩国女明星名字cking Tonight" was one of many "rhythm records" made during the late 1940s, however when it was recorded by Elvis Presley in 1954 it emed like a new and different approach. What made it em new and different was its context. Without exploring the history of black popular music, country and western music, race relations, technical developments, and the music business one can be led easily to the conclusion that rock and roll was some new and different music which appeared suddenly. 福相
This page begins with the African musical traits brought here beginning in 1619 and attempts to trace their fusion with the European music brought here by the colonists. The story of this musical interaction is also the story of American popular music and includes the plantation songs of Stephen Foster, the ragtime of Scott Joplin, the blues of Bessie Smith, the jazz of Count Basie, and the jump bands of Louis Jordan. The knowledge of the stream of American popular music allows one to understand that rock and roll was a natural result of the combined forces that affected the music.
Changing the World:
Rock 'n' Roll Culture and Ideology
David N. Townnd
Chapter 1
All you really need to know about the origins of rock 'n' roll is that it started with slavery. The history books can give you the details; what's important is that rock 'n' roll can be traced in a direct line to an utterly unnatural phenomenon: the forced uprooting of tens of thousands of Africans from their native lands and cultures, and their transplantation to a new world as different from what they had known as black is different from white. Add in the fact that families were split apart, slaves from different tribes were thrown together on the same plantations, and, of cour, the reluctant visitors were chained, whipped, imprisoned, and compelled to perform excruciating hard labor for barely subsistence nour
ishment. Keep in mind that the conditions continued, on this continent, for well over a century, until less than 150 years ago.
I realize that this is hardly news, but sometimes it ems that white Americans have forgotten, or want to forget, that slavery ever existed, let alone so recently as the 1860s. There are any number of ways to put it in revealing perspective. Think of the condition that European culture had achieved by the mid-1800s: the emergence of Impressionist art; the great novels of Hugo, Flaubert, Tolstoy, and Dickens; the intellectual enlightenment of de Tocqueville and Descartes; the revolutionary ferment of Marx. Any average liberal arts student encounters most of the great cultural developments to some degree: the core of modern Western civilization was formulating overas. Meanwhile, Americans still thrashed fellow humans into pitiful rvitude, and treated them legally as no more than personal property. This unavoidable element of our nation's history is ignored over and over by ideological chauvinists who oppo Affirmative Action and civil rights legislation, who decry "rever discrimination" and claim it is "unfair" to try to force integration or to ameliorate African Americans' disadvantages at the expen of i
nnocent European (or Asian) Americans. ("Hey, my ancestors immigrated in 1912. I'm not responsible for slavery!") That anyone could find in the predominance of poverty within black communities in America anything but the continuing legacy of human bondage is unfathomable, and truly frightening. The only conceivable explanation is that some people keep forgetting about slavery:
如何购买钻石"Why the hell are you so bent over and weak?"
"Well, I was a slave for forty years. They beat me twice a week."
"Oh, that's right. I forgot."
Why the hell are so many blacks stuck in hopeless ghetto lives, resorting to drugs, crime, and violence to fill the void of their existence? Becau their great great great grandfathers were slaves; their great great grandfathers were illiterate, dinfranchid sharecroppers; their great grandfathers were dirt poor farmers or laborers who moved to Northern cities when the Depression wiped out what meager opportunities remained in th
e South; their grandfathers were equally poor children of the first ghettos, jobless and uneducated, with no hope for escape; and their fathers found scarcely better chances despite the prosperity of the post-War years, the hope of the civil rights movement, and the slowly emerging n of unity among African Americans as a race. Many of today's young blacks, of cour, cannot look back through a lineage of fathers, grandfathers, and so on, becau so many "fathers," themlves often little more than children, disappeared before or soon after their progeny were born. Such is the cycle of deprivation where hope is unknown.
Public policy and individual determination have only dented this tragic legacy; for the majority of African Americans today, slavery's evil scars remain open. Yet the white establishment forgets about slavery, forgets about blacks, really. A "Roots" comes along and poignantly revives the suppresd collective memory for a while, but amnesia soon returns. When a Jes Jackson persists in underlining the injustice between the races, white America is concerned, or bemud, or insulted, but only occasionally inspired, the way they should be, the way otherwi despairing blacks are inspired. Other countries ha
ve endured slavery and pay the price in their own way. In America, slavery was more dominant, more integral to the nation's economic and social fabric than anywhere el, and in the most wealthy and advanced country on earth, slavery's price is the highest of all -- and the bill has not been paid in full. 月相变化的原因