Impressions of America
Paragraph I.
①I fear I cannot picture America as altogether an Elysium--perhaps, from the ordinary standpoint I know little about the country.
②I cannot give its latitude or longitude; I cannot compute the value of its dry goods, and I have no clo acquaintance with its politics.
③The are matters which may not interest you, and they certainly are not interesting to me.
手机的发展Paragraph II.
①The first thing that struck me on landing in America was that if the Americans are not the most well-dr
卖油翁文言文翻译esd people in the world, they are the most comfortably dresd.
②Men are en there with the dreadful chimney-pot hat, but there are very few hatless men; men wear the shocking swallowtail coat, but few are to be en with no coat at all.
③There is an air of comfort in the appearance of the people which is a marked contrast to that en in this country, where, too often, people are en in clo contact with rags.
Paragraph III.
①The next thing particularly noticeable is that everybody ems in a hurry to catch a train.
②This is a state of things which is not favorable to poetry or romance.
③Had Romeo or Juliet been in a constant state of anxiety about trains, or had their minds been agitated by the question of return-tickets, Shakespeare could not have given us tho lovely balcony scenes which are so full of poetry and pathos.
Paragraph IV.
①America is the noisiest country that ever existed.
②One is waked up in the morning, not by the singing of the nightingale, but by the steam whistle.
③It is surprising that the sound practical n of the Americans does not reduce this intolerable noi.
④All Art depends upon exquisite and delicate nsibility, and such continual turmoil must ultimately be destructive of the musical faculty.
Paragraph V.
①There is not so much beauty to be found in American cities as in Oxford, Cambridge, Salisbury or Winchester, where are lovely relics of a beautiful age; but still there is a good deal of beauty to be en in them now and then, but only where the American has not attempted to create it.
②Where the Americans have attempted to produce beauty they have signally failed.
③A remarkable characteristic of the Americans is the manner in which they have applied science to modern life.
Paragraph VI.
长的英文单词①This is apparent in the most cursory stroll through New York.生日祝福语短句
②In England an inventor is regarded almost as a crazy man, and in too many instances invention ends in disappointment and poverty.
③In America an inventor is honored, help is forthcoming, and the exerci of ingenuity, the applicatio
n of science to the work of man, is there the shortest road to wealth.
④There is no country in the world where machinery is so lovely as in America.
Paragraph VII.波萝
①It is, perhaps, worth while to note that what many people call Americanism are really old English expressions which have lingered in our colonies while they have been lost in our own country.
②Many people imagine that the term “I guess”, which is so common in America, is purely an American expression, but it was ud by John Locke in his work on The Understanding, just as we now u “I think”.
许多人认为,在美国广泛使用的词条“I guess”是一个完全的美式表达,但是约翰·洛克早在他的作品《人类理解论》中就使用过这个词,它的意思就和我们现在所使用的“I think”一样。