(总分100, 做题时间90分钟)
China Daily never los sight of the fact that each day all of us ______ a tough, challenging world.
A encounter
B acquaint
C preside
D confront
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[解析] confront意为“面对,面临”,如:We are confronting tremendous and even **plicated problems. 我们正面临巨大的甚至更为复杂的问题。而encounter意为“遭遇(困难、危险等),邂逅”,如:During the long distance journey, they encountered many unexpected difficulties. 在长途旅行中,他们遇到许多预想不到的困难。acquaint意为使……熟悉,使……认识,如:I"m not acquainted with the lady我不认识那个女人。preside意为“主持”,常与at或over搭配,如:He is presiding at a meeting他正主持会议。所以,本题选D。
A friendship may be ______, casual, situational or deep and lasting.
A identical
B original
C superficial
D critical
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[解析] superficial意为“表面的,肤浅的”,正好与后面的deep构成语义上的对比,符合本题题意,如:His wound was only superficial and soon got well. 他只伤在表皮,不久就好了。identical作“相同的,一致的”讲,如:The fingerprints of no two persons are identical般有两个人的指纹是完全相同的。original意为“原来的,最初的”,如:The original plan was better than the plan we followed. 原来的计划比我们采用的计划要好。critical则作“批判性的,紧要的”讲,如:His condition is reported as being critical. 据报告他的病情很严重。所以,本题选C。
Our readers **fortable with our clear, ______ words that inform and entertain them.
A conventional
B conci
C creative
D crucial
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[解析] conci意为“简洁的”,常与clear并列出现,指文章“清楚而又简洁”,如:This is only a conci survey of English literature. 这只是对英国文学的简要概述。conventional作
“传统的”讲,如:Modern rugs are better looking than the conventional ones. 现代的地毯比传统的地毯更好看。creative意为“有创造性的”,如:Creative imagination is needed for this job. 这项工作需要创造性的想像力。crucial则意为“决定性的,关系重大的”,如:At the crucial moment, a single mistake will destroy the whole plan. 在紧要关头,一个小错误会毁了整个计划。所以,本题选B。
Where in our brain do we ______ meanings to words?
A associate
B attach
C commit
D devote
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[解析] attach作“附属,归于,相连”讲,常与to搭配,如:Great responsibilities attach to power and position. 有权力有地位就要负重大责任。associate意为“联系,联合”,与with搭配,如:We associate the name of Marx **munism. 我们把马克思的名字与共产主义联系在一起。“”意为“将……委托或提交给”,如:Let"s commit the matter to **mittee. 我们把问题提交委员会讨论吧。“”作“奉献”讲,如:He devoted his life to revolution他终生献身革命。所以,本题选B。
While shopping in a department, I ______ left my pur lying on a counter of handbags.
A initially
B fortunately
C frustratedly
D accidentally
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[解析] accidentally意为“意外地,偶然地”,如:We accidentally found an ideal solution. 我们意外地找到了一个理想的解决办法。而initially意为“起初,开始”,如:Initially Alice oppod the plan, but she changed her mind later. 一开始爱丽丝反对这个计划,但后来她改变了主意。fortunately意为“幸运地”,如:Fortunately, nobody was killed in the accident. 幸运的是事故中没人遇难。frustratedly意为“受到挫折地,灰心丧气地”,如:He retried the method frustratedly, knowing that chances of Success were slim. 他灰心丧气地又试了一次那个方法,知道成功的可能性很小。所以,本题选D。
According to the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, **es from the ______ of maturity.
A fulfillment
B achievement
C establishment
D accomplishment
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[解析] achievement作“达到,取得”讲,指通过努力逐步达到某一阶段或取得某一成果,如:The achievement of his object inspired him to greater efforts. 他达到了目标,这件事激励他作出更大的努力。fulfillment 则作“履行,完成,实现”讲,如:The fulfillment of eve
ry task assigned by the party and the state is his greatest wish. 完成党和国家交给的各项任务是他最大的心愿。establishment意为“建立,设立,开办”,如:The establishment of **mittees marks the beginning of the great revolution. 革命委员会的建立标志着大革命的开始。accomplishment作“完成”讲,与fulfillment意思相近,如:We are fighting for the accomplishment of the Party"s tasks. 我们正为完成党的任务而奋斗。所以,本题选B。
The remarkable ______ of life on the Galapagos Islands inspired Charles Darwin to establish his theory of evolution.
A classification
孕妇鼻塞B variety
C density
D diversion
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[解析] variety意为“多种,多样,种种”,如:We demanded more variety in our food. 我们要求食物多换花样。而classification作“分类,类别,级别”讲,如:The automatic classification of mail according to places where it is to go is very popular in many countries. 在很多国家,按邮件到达的地方自动对其进行分类是很普遍的做法。density意为“稠密,密度”,如:Mercury has a much greater density than water. 水银的密度比水大得多。diversion意为“转移,消遣”,如:Chess and billiards are his favorite diversions下棋和打台球是他所喜欢的消遣。所以,本题选C。
Children are ______ to have some accidents as they grow up.
A obvious
B indispensable
C bound
D doubtless
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[解析] be bound to意为“必定,一定”,符合题意,如:It"s bound to rain soon. 不久一定会下雨。而obvious作“明显的,显而易见的”讲,如:It"s obvious that two and two make(s)four. 2加2等于4,那是明明白白的。be indispensable to意为“必不可少的,必需的”,如:Air,food and water are indispensable to life. 空气、食物和水是维持生命所必需的。doubtless意为“确定无疑的”。所以,本题选C。
Cut off by the storm, they were forced to ______ food for veral days.
A go in for
B go over
C go without
D go out
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[解析] go without意为“忍受没有……之苦”,如:The poor boy often has to go without supper. 这可怜的男孩时常没有晚饭吃。而go in for意为“参加,从事于”,如:I"ll go in for an examination tomorrow. 我明天将参加一个考试。go over意为“仔细检查”,如:The poli
ceman went over the facts again and again, but couldn"t piece them together. 警察一遍又一遍地审查事实,但却串不起来。go out意为“出去”。所以,本题选C。
The work in the office was ______ by a constant stream of visitors.
A confud
B perplexed
C reverd
D hampered
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[解析] hamper意为“妨碍”,符合题意,如:Don"t hamper me when I"m working. 在我工作的时候别妨碍我。而confu意为“使……混乱,混淆”,如:Don"t confu liberty with licen. 不要把自由同放纵混为一谈。perplex意为“困惑,使……复杂化”,如:I feel perplexed at this issue. 对这个问题我感到很困惑。rever作“颠倒,倒转”讲。如:Their positions are reverd他们的地位现在倒过来了。所以,本题选D。