专利名称:Adjustable fine tuning bridge system and tremolo for stringed musical instruments 发明人:David C. Storey
摘要:An improved fulcrum tremolo is disclod, characterized by a unique mounting system and a novel adjustable bridge and fine turning asmbly. A pair of screws having a blade-like heads are connected with the body of a musical instrument. The tremolo is arranged in a recess in the body of the instrument and includes in its forward edge tapered recess to receive the screw head edges for pivotal movement thereabout. An adjustable bridge and fine turning asmbly for the instrument strings is connected with the tremolo. For each string there is provided a body portion having a pair of rollers for supporting the string, and a tubular member for receiving the string. The tubular member is arranged in a recess within the tremolo. Harmonic tuning is adjusted by sliding the body portion and tube within its recess longitudinally, esntially without altering the tuning of the string. A string curing member is connected with the tremolo to vary the tension of each string. Each string curing member includes a thumbscrew for rotating the member relative to the tremolo to individually adjust the tension of each string, the thumbscrews being vertically offt to provide a low profile tremolo.
怎么投资黄金申请人:STOREY; DAVID C.
植物科普三代全家福不能随便拍代理机构:Laubscher & Laubscher