Unit 1
1.Has the importance of technology been stresd over that of the humanities at a time when perhaps the conver should be ture?
2.Thus the art of architecture and its decoration—the post-office mural or the restored Williamsburg –are forced on millions who, left to themlves, might live in a cave or a tent.
3.On the surface, the us appear more individual than social, more lf-indulgent than altruistic.慈航胶囊
4.We may acknowledge the desirability of devoting human energies to killing virus and improving our neighbors; but it does not follow that all rewards and rearch funds should go to projects for the immediate relief of pain and sorrow .
5.There’s no end to the silly, scholarly interest that actual, living modern, scientific, respectable American citizens will take up rather than do an honest day’s work clearing slums and keeping down divorce.
6.The practical man it ems, has been too busy spinning dreams of medical and behavioral betterment to bring his opinion in line with his practice.
7.They are poor in means, becau they have not known how to make out their ca on their own grounds.
8.This filtering of the subject ,man ,through the medium of mind has the effect of keeping always in the foreground the element of novelty of uniqueness ,of astonishing unpredictability.
Unit 3
1.The reason this does not happen is not that we have become hardened to the fantastic appeals to our passions, but that we have become so groggy ,so passive , so helpless amidst the endless barrage of appeals that “we go about our business”, as we say.
2.The ad was a piece of abstract art, of unabashed symbolism, such as is reputed to outrage ordinary man when he meets it in an art gallery.
广告是一件抽象艺术 , 是不折不扣的象征主义。据说普通人在艺术画廊里看到广告时会怒不可遏。
3.So powerful is this feature of the huge artificial , pictorialized , neon-lighted environment created by advertising that people have gotten into the habit of living in that future environment.
广告创造的图文并茂五颜六色的人造环境的阵势如此强大 , 以至于人们都已习惯于生活在广告所宣传的未来世界里。
4.In fact , as handled by such commercial genius as Vollard and Duveen, modern p
ainting has itlf become a branch of advertising.
5.Spain is the last European country where conversation remains a popular art, and where the peasants, though illiterate, are as a rule so highly cultured that high society and intellectuals imitate their special accents and expressions out of snobbism.
6.Our social culture today is, even at the intellectual level, mainly an affair of advertising; and ads, in turn , reprent the main channel of intellectual and artistic effort in the modern world.
7.Advertising with its appeal to collective emotion , has t up national brands and totems for communal participation.
8.The important point about ads and fashions can be stated in a word.
9.With the arrival of the display advertising, a major revolution occurred in the modern world.
10.That is the least of the matter, for the initial investment is hitched to multimillion dollar production plants and national sales networks.
Unit 5
1. For its purpos, any social regulation of mating and reproduction is as significant as our own.
2. He is bound to avoid any weighting of one in favor of the other.
3. Traditional custom, taken the world over, is a mass of detailed behavior more astonishing than what anyone person can ever evolve in individual actions, no matter how aberrant.
4. The life history of the individual is first and foremost 情人节文案an accommodation to the pattern
s and standards traditionally handed down in his community.