
更新时间:2023-07-04 12:50:19 阅读: 评论:0

War and Peace
Generally, war is repugnant, but peace is welcome. While peace is theultimate goal of all of our undertaking in this world, war has been inevitablein the cour of human civilization. Does man have an innate taste for war? Oris it just an acquired scheme learned from human society? We only know thatthere hasn t been any period in the history during which the world was really atpeace. Human beings pursue peace and prosperity through the establishment offamilies, communities, and nations. Why should we let all the be destroyed bywars?
To reduce the possibility of war to the lowest extent, I have twosuggestions. First of all, education should be consolidated to eliminate thebrutality and beastliness in human nature. Knowledge derives fr
om education andis a surer road to wisdom. Wisdom enables us to distinguish right from wrong. Ialso teaches us restraint and tolerance, two effective means of preventingwayward killing and destruction. Another cure is religion. Most religions in theworld advocate philanthropism and forgiveness, which dissolve hatred andrevenge. Conquently, education and religion working side by side can transforma barbarian into a civilized person. With wisdom and love, the human race as awhole will detest war and embrace peace.
When I was very small, my grandpa liked to tell me his tough year and Iliked to listen to him. At that time, wars were everywhere, people ran away forkeeping alive. My grandpa was so hungry all the time becau
he had no food toeat. People had the very hard life before the found of new China. Today, Chineeconomy develops so fast, we live the good life, we are no longer struggle forthe hunger. Thanks to our great predecessors, they build the road for us. Weenjoy the peaceful life and I know it is not easy to achieve. My grandpaeducates me not to waste the food and I keep his words in my mind. Peace is themain theme of today’s world, we can cha our dreams and enjoy our life, but wemust remember the contribution which is from our predecessors.
In the era of bloody war, everywhere is full of the smell of blood. Theflowers were no longer blooming, the sky turned gray, and the original warm sunwas now cold. Wherever he went, it was a scary fight, and everyone was soworried. Fighting has left us too many things and lost too many relatives.Lonely children cry silently for their parents, and their parents arestruggling. Many people were displaced and homeless, always with a heart ofanxious and fearful heart.
The age of war flames of war, bloodshed and evil, and the age of peace istotally different, there have is everything beautiful and happy.      In the times of peace, people live and work, eat and wear warm, and live ahappy life. The people at ea and develop their careers, to achieve somesuccess through their own efforts; the children can wear clean, neat clothessitting in class dedicated to the bright and spacious classrooms, in the bookworld carefree travel, so people no longer afraid to live. In the times ofpeace, everyone is happy, without pain, with laughter and happiness. The worldof peace is the best world, the sun is bright, the river is clear, the trees aregreen, the people are kind, and there is a vibrant scene everywhere. Everythingin the world is the best!
We love peace, who would want to escape from the smoke of the war?
Cherishthe prent life, more tolerance, let peace live forever, let the war away fromus!
Bitterly cold winter may once come, but now it has gone。
As my bike has been stolen,I have to run from one teaching building toanother every day。
The bell declares the end of the last lesson and the beginning of a newjourney。 Tired as I am, at the sight of the bench, I go straight to it。 As soonas I get ated, a world of fresh green immediately catches my eyes。Grasssprouts burst through the soil right in the place of the withered grass and turnthe dull grey into fresh green。As I look up, I find tho tall trees have alsoput on new clothes。Green, here and there, everywhere!Spring has come, I realizesuddenly。
A breeze stirs, nding over breaths of fragrance。 I trace it,surprid tofind veral lovely small white flowers dotted on a tree。And there are evensome singing birds! I am so delighted with all the tiny lives that my fatiguevanishes all of a sudden。
输入法壁纸The sky shows its purest blue。 The sun generously gives out its heat andlight, shining evenly on the grass, on the trees,on the roofs of hous, on thepeople passing by, also on me,quietly
递的组词and tenderly。There come a couple of youngpeople,strolling leisurely。 A group of students are sitting in a circle on thegrass and discussing something heatedly。 Some are reading English but in lowvoices afraid of breaking the peace of the campus。 Others are lying on the lawn,having a nap,or just enjoying the sunshine as I am。
I feel I am free,free of thinking anything。In such a pleasingenvironment, doing anything is a great pleasure。 I am fully indulged in thistranquility。 If only time could stop!
I turn on the radio to enjoy some light music。Much to my马英语怎么写
disappointment,however, almost all the programs are about the war in Iraq。 It is hard tobelieve that under the same blue sky,some people are suffering from bleeding anddeath of war while others are enjoying a happy life。
The sun is hidden by the clouds。 After a few conds, it shines brightlyagain。
Peaceful life ems to have gone, but it will come back one day,I amsure。
婴幼儿配方羊奶粉I am both surprid and deeply humbled by the decision of the nobelcommittee. let me be clear: i do not view it as a recognition of my ownaccomplishments, but rather as an affirmation of american leadership on behalfof aspirations held by people in all nations.
To be honest, i do not feel that i derve to be in the company of so manyof the transformative figures who have been honoured by this prize –men andwomen who have inspired me and inspired the entire world through theircourageous pursuit of peace.
But i also know that this prize reflects the kind of world that tho menand women, and all americans, want to build – a world that gives life to thepromi of our founding documents. and i know that, throughout history, thenobel peace prize has not just been ud to honour specific achievement; it salso been ud as a means to give momentum to a t of caus. and that is why iwill accept this award as a call to action – a call for all nations to confrontthe common challenges of the 21st-century.
The challenges can t be met by any one leader or any one nation. andthat s why my administration has worked to establish a new era of engagement inwhich all nations must take responsibility for the world we ek…
Some of the work confronting us will not be completed during my presidency.some, like the elimination of nuclear weapons, may not be completed in mylifetime. but i know the challenges can be met so long as it s recognid thatthey will not be met by one person or one nation alone. this award is not simplyabout the efforts of my administration – it s about the courageous efforts ofpeople around the world.
And that s why this award must be shared with everyone who strives forjustice and dignity – for the young woman who marches silently in the streets onbehalf of her right to be heard even in the face of beatings and bullets; forthe leader imprisoned in her own home becau she refus to abandon hercommitment to democracy; for the soldier who sacrificed through tour after tourof duty on behalf of someone half a world away; and for all tho men and womenacross the world who sacrifice their safety and their freedom and sometimestheir lives for the cau of peace.
That has always been the cau of america. that s why the world has alwayslooked to america. and that s why i believe america will continue to lead. thankyou very much.

本文发布于:2023-07-04 12:50:19,感谢您对本站的认可!



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