古琴English之⼆(古琴⼗⼤名曲)1,《潇湘⽔云》--------Clouds Over the Rivers Xiao and Xiang
下课英语2,《⼴陵散》 ---------Guang Ling Strains/Ode on Guang Ling
3,《流⽔》 ----------Flowing Streams/Flowing Water;
Streaming Water
联想笔记本进入bios设置按哪个键4,《渔樵问答》--------- Fisherman ande Woodcutter’s Chat;
Chitchat Between the Fisherman and Woodcutter
5,《平沙落雁》 ---------Wild Gee Landing on the Sandy Shore;
Wild Gee Alighting on the Sandy Beach;抢红包软件
Gee on the Sandbank
6,《阳春⽩雪》---------White Snow in the Bright Early Spring;
Snow in the Sunny Sping
7,《胡笳⼗⼋拍----------Eighteen Stanzas of the Hujia;
Eighteen Stanzas of the Tartar Pipe;
Eingteen Blasts of the Barbarian Reedpipe
8,《阳关三叠》--------- The Three Strains of Yangguan;
Three Repetitiongs on the Yang Guan Pass;
Parting at Yang Guan
9,《梅花三弄》---------Three Variationgs on the Melody Plum Blossom;
美就在我们身边Three Repetitiongs of the‘Plum Blossom’;
Ode to the Plum Blossom
大学英语四级10,《醉渔唱晚》---------Evening Song of A Drunken Fisherman